If you were lucky enough to be sorted into this house, we can imagine youre the type of person who has a strong moral compass, always works hard, is the most loyal friend, knows it is the taking part that counts and always has the best snacks. Ravenclaws possess the traits of cleverness, wisdom, wit, intellectual ability and creativity. Rowena Ravenclaw What are the Zodiac Signs of a Ravenclaw?Gemini. Both Geminis and Ravenclaws are curious, clever, and witty. They adapt well to any situation and are both highly intelligent.Libra. Libras and Ravenclaws are very creative and have a thirst for knowledge and learning. Cancer. Ravenclaws and cancers are independent and self-reliant but also loyal to the ones they love. Within the house, though, they're well-known for being welcoming and encouraging of creativity, eccentricity, and individuality and being very accepting. In fact, theyve got quite the calculating side too. This was evidenced by Luna Lovegood, who held her own as a fourth year in a duel against the Death Eaters in the Department of Mysteries during Order of the Phoenix. While it is true that a One of the best Ravenclaw traits is wittiness. In fact, Professor Trelawney taught Divination. However, being brutally honest has its necessities too. We're going to get all the info on Ravenclaw." Ravenclaw came fourth for the second house cup with 45,455,773 points. Like calling her Loony Lovegood instead of her real name. House Ghost: The Grey Lady They can also be introverted sometimes, and this can inspire them to be creative and original. Unfortunately, Harry had a lot of trouble figuring out its location. The dormitories are in turrets off the main tower, where students can hear the wind whistling around the windows. Well, it could be true in the pursuit of knowledge. Unlike the other houses, who all have concealed entrances to their common rooms, we don't need one. Ravenclaw is the Hogwarts House most concerned with wit and wisdom, but they've got some serious downsides, too. There are a bunch of benefits to being independent. Because their intelligence comes with a sense of duty to prove things too. Ravenclaw has an aesthetically pleasing design for its emblem and its common room. Ravenclaw came fourth for the fourth house cup with 24,567,337 points. And it makes them pay more attention to the world around them. According to Slytherin prefect Gemma Farley, Ravenclaws were so competitive when it came to academic success that they were known to backstab each other, and likely other students, in order to get top marks. If I had a criticism, Id say Gryffindors tend to be show-offs. And in their efforts of being original and exploring new ideas. Too bad the author doesnt seem to follow up on comments. [26][27] However, during the 1994 Triwizard Tournament, most Ravenclaws supported Hufflepuff champion Cedric Diggory over Harry. Plus, since they had pretty good reasoning and intuition. In fact, its easily 1 of my favorite scenes from the film: Sure, Ravenclaws are known for being smart. In Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry that we love, there are four houses that the students will get sorted into in their first year. In fact, I'd advise you to triple-check your bag for everything you need before leaving Ravenclaw Tower. There is an idea that Hufflepuffs are the least clever of all Hogwarts students but that is not true. While Luna Lovegood says some downright outlandish things, she also has the capability of being incredibly wise. If you're friends with other Ravenclaws, you take pride in the Genius Posse you've assembled. The internet has risen to the occasion, with many different online quizzes you can take to discover your true Hogwarts House as well (including my own quiz found HERE). It had graceful arched windows, and the walls were hung with blue and bronze silks. People from Ravenclaw House have a sharp wit and quick tongue that can make them very fun to be around. You see, everyone elses Boggarts took on the form of really nasty things. The Head of Ravenclaw House. Some people think sugarcoating harsh truths is good. In a tight situation, they are likely to be the first to think their way out of it. Some people mistake Ravenclaws for being 100% uptight. This doesnt mean that all Ravenclaws are self-important, but some of them are, like Professor Lockhart. They make a quick 180 turn when anything harms their academic success. Ravenclaws are the Hogwarts intellectuals, the dreamers. So she could receive visions of the future. How do jokes even help them?. NEXT: The Best Harry Potter Students In Ravenclaw Ranked By Their Grades. House information She rarely speaks to anyone outside Ravenclaw, but is a great resource for Ravenclaws who are lost or have lost something. Luna Lovegood[11]Sybill Trelawney[12]Marcus Belby[13]Cho ChangMyrtle WarrenPadma PatilTerry BootMichael CornerRoger DaviesAnthony GoldsteinMarietta EdgecombeRobert HilliardUric the OddballGilderoy Lockhart[14]Penelope ClearwaterLisa TurpinMorag MacDougalMandy BrocklehurstNanette DesfordMaria GlossopHelena RavenclawFilius FlitwickMillicent BagnoldQuirinus Quirrell[15]Garrick Ollivander[16]Sue LiS. When your friend says, "When I read, or watch a movie or TV, I like to just kind turn off and not think, so I pick fluffy crap," this legitimately blows your mind. Because Luna had a habit of losing focus mid-conversation. "Im sure youll have a good night. No, and Professor Flitwick still became a champion at magical dueling. Fancy getting sorted into your own Hogwarts house? Looking to get the most our of your relationships with others? Why be boring? Cunning and resourceful intelligence has more relation to Slytherin. Its a lifelong process that you never really stop doing until your time comes. Its all about looking into the future. Ravenclaws explore new ideas in an effort to be original. "As for our relationship with the other three houses: well, youve probably heard about the Slytherins. Have you got any idea where the diadem of Ravenclaw is?. We can imagine that you would get to sit up in Ravenclaw Tower, while surveying the excellent views, if youre the type of person who analyses everything, is an overachiever, can be described as away with the fairies, is not afraid to be an individual and has a head stuffed full of interesting facts. Even though Lord Voldemort came out of Slytherin, he would not have been able to rise again without the help of Ravenclaw alum Quirinus Quirrell. Famous Ravenclaw Ministers for Magic include Millicent Bagnold, who was in power on the night that Harry Potter survived the Dark Lord's curse, and defended the wizarding celebrations all over Britain with the words, I assert our inalienable right to party.' Getting information out of Moaning Myrtle was always an ordeal throughout the Harry Potterstory. For you, clothes are just another way to be creative and it's not an opportunity you want to miss out on. #sarcasm. "Another cool thing about Ravenclaw is that our people are the most individual some might even call them eccentrics. TM & WBEI. Rowena Ravenclaw founded Ravenclaw House. Youve got to make sure the topics were interesting. Examples of such individuals included Gilderoy Lockhart and Cho Chang, both of whom sought to use the good name and renown of their house, the inherent expectations of certain academic prowess that came with being sorted into it as well as the often somewhat natural ability of its members to gain popularity among their peers, which particularly was the case of the former, proving true the fact that a good student did not necessarily make a good witch or wizard. The knocker asks a question of anyone who knocks on it and opens the door when the question is answered correctly. Each house boasts their own traditions, values, and characteristics, modelled after one of the four founders of the school. As a result, they didnt just want to beat other houses. This independence is the more positive side of their tendency to be aloof. Amanda is a freelance writer and entertainment journalist. Harry Potter Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. You see, Ravenclaws thrived in academic success. WebAnswer (1 of 7): Honestly at surface level they dont seem similar at all but then you look closer. The Grey Lady also known as Helena Ravenclaw, is the Ravenclaw ghost. Let's be honest: iIf you are, you were probably smart enough to figure it out on your own without this list anyway. And can you guess who pieced the clues together? One of the core Ravenclaw characteristics is wit. For example, people looked down on Filius Flitwick because he was a half-goblin. And this is an amazing trait that many Ravenclaws share. A type of magic that was fierce and mostly used to cause harm. Erasmus once said, "When I have a little money I buy books; and if I have any left I buy food and clothes." This simple barrier has kept out everyone but Ravenclaws for nearly a thousand years. And can you guess what form Hermiones Boggart took? They have this unique ability to understand something. Delivering the latest news and official products from the Wizarding World and our partners. However, many other Ravenclaws, such as Cho Chang, also display their individualism. The best examples of these negative Ravenclaw traits come from Moaning Myrtle, Ollivander, and Helena Ravenclaw. Ravenclaws would resort to some of the worst tactics. They may not be as egotistical as Slytherins or as cocky as Gryffindors, but they are judgmental in their own ways. For instance, we have to mention Luna Lovegood again. Ravenclaws are well-known for their wit, wisdom, cleverness, intellectual ability and creativity. They are very competitive academically, and they are also diligent and Ravenclaw house crest. Or we've at least been meaning to get on (sometimes we have a bit of that nutty professor thing going on and we can be scatterbrained). In translated editions, "Ravenclaw" remains the same and is used for the Catalan, Croatian, Danish, Faroese, German, Icelandic, Polish, Portuguese (Portugal), Spanish, Swedish, and Vietnamese editions. Luna Lovegood, for example, was one such student: eccentric to put it at its mildest, she was a Ravenclaw student who initially was bullied for her open defiance of conventionality, but ultimately became a celebrated wizarding naturalist and renowned for her participation in the legendary Battle of Hogwarts and past membership in Dumbledore's Army. A thirteenth-century witch and celebrated inventor of Floo powder. Ghost The House was founded by Rowena Ravenclaw. Because it taught a lot of fans to be confident about themselves. Ravenclaws can be a bit fussy and nitpicky. The emblematic animal was a badger, and yellow and And thats why theyre 1 of, if not the most hard-working and intelligent wizards in the world. Join the Fan Club and bring your traits with you. [7][9] It is unknown when he became head of house, but it is known that he was teaching Charms in 1971. The house colours for Slytherin are silver and emerald green and the emblem is a serpent. It's not unusual to find twenty people standing outside the common room door, all trying to work out the answer to the day's question together. Because a few giggles could be all you need to get rid of stress. Those who belong to Ravenclaw house are thought to be the brainiest students at Hogwarts. A climactic fight against Voldemort and his Dark wizards. The arched windows set into the walls of our circular common room look down at the school grounds: the lake, the Forbidden Forest, the Quidditch pitch and the Herbology gardens. When you rap on the door, this knocker will ask you a question, and if you can answer it correctly, you are allowed in. But most Harry Potter fans tend to forget her line of work. She was a natural-born Seer. Ignatia Wildsmith Others, like Luna, are less arrogant because they simply do not care how they compare to others. Sign Up to receive new posts right in your inbox. They adapt well to any situation and are both highly intelligent. For example, we need to go back to The Battle of Hogwarts. An exceptionally talented Ravenclaw wizard, Ollivander is widely regarded as the finest wandmaker the world has ever seen. A fellow Ravenclaw instructor at Hogwarts. They can have phenomenal leaps of creative thought, and put things together more quickly than others, because of how flexible their thinking is. According to J.K. Rowling, Ravenclaw corresponds to the element of air. No, they didnt. However, despite her intelligence, her values weren't necessarily always aligned with Ravenclaw's. On top of that, we also have Gilderoy Lockhart. Relative to Gryffindor, Slytherin, or even Hufflepuff, not much is known about Ravenclaw, the Hogwarts house known for producing some of the brightest, quirkiest, Hufflepuffs are known for being trustworthy, loyal and hardworking. And Luna Lovegood was the only witch not afraid to point it out. Since it all boils back down to expanding their knowledge. So even if they can think outside the box to learn new stuff. For example, Ravenclaws are proud of Bridget Wenlock. "As for the Hufflepuffs, well, nobody could say theyre not nice people. FawcettIgnatia WildsmithChester DaviesTulip KarasuBadeea AliTalbott WingerAndre Egwu Eagle[3] A couple mentions here, an observation from Hermione there, and aside from a really cool snatch of backstory about Ravenclaw founder Rowena and her daughter Helena in Deathly Hallows that's it. You can be creative rather than academic and be a Ravenclaw. They can often expect others to have the same high standards that they do. In fact, theyre some of the nicest people in the school. And she didnt consider the bigger picture of what it would mean for the D.A. The most obvious example of this is in the best traits of Luna Lovegood as she tends to be very individualistic in how she looks and expresses herself.
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