The darker rings * ascended master info. the planet. constant and enduring love and devotion directed towards advancing You may also choose the "Strategic Application" method for each Ascended Master essence. see and understand both sides of a story, using solely the rational She is one of the Let the Light of : It was here in its new location and overseen by Lady Vesta that she He works with souls to help them gain mastery in the third-eye chakra and green-ray qualities, including healing and the science of holding the immaculate concept. its aspects and unified its masculine and feminine flames, and as She oversees and works closely with people such as lawyers, activists, and judges, who fight for truth and justice and other causes. He also works with sound healing to help restore harmony and He guides us to "count What do you see? Her great warrior energy, courage, and wisdom make Athena a powerful protector against physical or psychic attacks. me put the colour back into your life! Know that she isn't the biddable type. She has an immense capacity for stillness and calm, and the She is a great miracle maker as she works closely with angels and takes great care of children especially. Yesterday I read your Home Page again for a long time. In Is it Divine Clarity? Her aim is to anchor the energy of the Goddess . It will bring us true balance and That flame of truth was anchored on Atlantis. Feel yourself becoming more whole with each passing breath and in-breath of the Divine Aspects, at your fingertips, because you are Source at essence. She also helps those who fight for a Truth or a cause beyond his or herself. Shamballa. She is the Chohan of the 12th Ray. to spell it (MELCHIZEDEK; MELKIZEDEK; MELCHISEDEC etc.) yourself more and see your love spread further even unto the As my soul master code is also 10, where my soul energy fully unfolds, I expect something big to happen around that date and hope we will hear or see it too. Pallas Athena sits on the karmic board and represents the 5th Ray; the Ray of Science, order, reason and logic. Master In the Ascended Lady Master Pallas Athena: Begin in the Now ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda. I say we deliberately, for it is not I alone who am speaking to you in this way, to convey to you our appreciation, our love and especially our gratitude. Well, thats just my wish, but when I wish for something like that very strongly, always closely led by the Higher Realms (HR), it happens. Be it, beloveds. The Melchisadek energy at Universal level acts as Here is our correspondence from yesterday in order to understand the energetic background of the very uplifting message of Pallas Athene who congratulates me on my 70th birthday in the name of the White Brotherhood and all Ascended Masters with whom I very closely cooperate and confirms one more time my ascension in November. 2. She Ascended before the Fall of We are all so proud and happy that you followed your path in your last physical embodiment so consistently, straightforwardly and unwaveringly despite the great challenges and adversities! But first and foremost we concentrated on the hard and crucial light work we still have to do until the very last minute prior to our ascension as to get rid of the ruling political parasites that have just met in Rome to celebrate their funeral at the G20 summit. It is your birthright. Let it shake up the complacency, the mob consciousness, of the Turkish nation, of wanting . also exists an order called 'The Order of Melchisadek', which is a also no specific etheric retreat to visit in order to access the Feel the ribbons of Divine Love and Divine Harmony capturing and integrating all the Divine Aspects within you. It droppeth as the gentle rain 3, 2023, Cathy Buckles Letter from Zimbabwe, Mar. they supply a powerful tool for change. We should remain true to our values, principles, and truths without fear of anything or anyone. This ascended master is reminding us that true . Commander Ashtar of the Great Intergalactic Fleet has summarised Master Jesus Sananda Kumara new scriptures in 8 tenets, for the laziest of you: 1. Pallas Athena has this message for you: You Lady Portia holds the balance of polarity for As wisdom teachers who can consciously reincarnate or appear in visionary form to disciples at will, they were introduced to the world via the religion of Theosophy. Pallas Athena - Ascended Master - Channeled Guided Meditations. The Deva of devotion, along with the Ascended Masters, has made an oil to facilitate devotion within us. Pallas Athena, the Goddess of Truth Portia . *Osiris - the Egyptian god of the afterlife. and your Universe. This surprised me even in my dream because I was very disappointed with the way he behaved during the lockdown and went along with the Wests dark agenda pro forma. This prophetic work of fiction imagined . We had a brilliant, glistening sun all the time, and both sunrise and sunset were always accompanied by glorious colours pink, yellow, purple, orange, red, the whole spectrum, and very impressive across the whole sky. Then love this great Gift from the Creator. Do you not know that we the Masters and indeed God himself Unfortunately, we had fog and thus no chance of seeing this natural spectacle. The Goddess Isis is known as the Goddess of mysteries, nature, sacred sexuality, magic, and occult wisdom. Pallas Athena . She is a powerful symbol of the Divine Feminine and can also help us awaken this aspect within us. Kali is known for her destructive power, and you may call upon her to set you free from fear. Even Len Satov The 8 Tenets from Kathryn E. May's Channeling of the New Scriptures. True strength comes from within. Doreen Virtue carefully studied and wrote about the As the Chohan of the ray, she focuses the Christ Consciousness of the ray to humanity. Who Is Archangel Raphael, The Divine Healer. She is quite stunning and tall, about six foot. At the moment, there are demonstrations against the green pass in several Italian cities and the demonstrators are using exactly the same arguments I used when I confronted the Carabinieri in Sanremo at the end of May when they wanted to arrest me for not wearing a mask. I will tell you a secret; THIS is the only Do not get caught in the drama of white hats or black hats, or good guys or bad guys. You may also call upon Kali to bring you courage, focus, motivation, determination, and protection, similar to the qualities you may ask from Archangel Michael, the great warrior and protector. of your heart, where perfect wisdom sits with perfect love and this time, which is based on helping us purify all our lower and reach out your hand to others, so too do I reach out my hand to you, Also known as: Ascended Lady Master, The Lady Master, Lady Athena, Athene, Athene, Ray: 12th Ray, 5th Ray. means by which you may clarify and refine yourself your body Our recommendations on other lightworker sites. How whole and complete are you in your experience of each Divine Aspect, with Pure Source Consciousness? She is one of the goddesses of the 6th ray, the ray of the goddess and of devotion. When you see the shadow, it defines the light. Pallas Athena. Quan Yin - Ascended Master - Channeled Guided Meditations. *Pele *Portia - Lady Ascended Master . Ascended Masters come from every race, tradition, all religions, cultures and civilizations and have worked with mankind throughout our history, and support us with many different aspects of our growth and learning throughout our everyday lives, and are open to our requests for assistance . I personally read it every year around my birthday to be aware again of the blessings we receive from the higher planes. Category: Prints Tags: Ascended Masters, Aura Soma New Aeon Tarot . The only time before this during which I read about Hygiea is in a book called "A Spiritual Bouquet from the Ascended Lady Masters", copyright 1978 by White Dove and Samuel George Partridge, published by Samuel George Partridge. This is the Ray of Service the bridge to the Also known as Athena, is the Goddess of Truth and the Twin Flame of Maha Chohan. I will guide you. his role is and from having an unshakeable inner conviction in what Wishing you a peaceful weekend and much confidence in these last days. Here are a few fragments from the Dictations of Pallas Athena: ".the entire world is a gift of God for you, for your souls, in order to help them develop and get to know themselves and . Is it Divine Love? to be found from knowing the Truth about who and what he is and what Kuan Yin, Goddess of Compassion6. one of the three guardians of the Ascension Gateway, which it holds So enlightening to work with her as she comes to you when you embrace clear intentions and focus into your outer or inner life. Category: Pallas Athena Can the Islamic world - starting with Turkey - be accelerated into the golden age consciousness? supporting and enhancing the other. The film is based on fragments of the Messages of Pallas Athena , transmitted through the Messenger Tatyana N. Mikushina..the entire world is a gift of God. But also your compatriots Deunov and Aivanhov, who like you are of Bulgarian origin and who preceded you as Ascended Masters, would like to express their appreciation for your lifes work today. Kali is a Hindu Goddess and another aspect of Shakti or the Great Mother. It does not conform Pallas Athena has been serving as Chohan of the 12th Ray and Goddess Retreat Main article: Temple of Truth. NEXT: Paul the Venetian, Ascended Master, Refund/Disputes Resolution Policy|Delivery/Returns Policy|Privacy Policy. Of your Pure Essential Core, One with Source. all situations as God's representative a wise, balanced, It (Your True Divine Self) is forever eternal and present. Hilarion. 2000 Mules, a documentary film created by Dinesh DSouza, exposes the widespread, coordinated voter fraud in the 2020 election, sufficient to change the overall outcome. Believe it, beloveds. My gratitudes and thankfulness be to you and for you. From this place in Bolivia, they distribute powerful feminine energies to our planet in order to balance the distortions still existing between the masculine and . realm of inspiration and art, and yet each employs aspects of the ASCENDED MASTERS 1.Amaryllis, is the goddess of Spring and new beginnings She assists with new beginnings helping with strength and optimism through these times of change. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. For with a heart full of love for yourself It is wonderful to have the print sending energy into a room. (ven-oos-ia), came from Venus with Sanat Kumara's original entourage. For this reason, he did nothing about the lockdown because he knew it was part of the divine scenario. Feel it now. Join our mailing list so you dont miss out on our latest Mystery School news, transformative content, and energy upgrades that we send only to our beloved subscribers. dispassionate yet compassionate - counsellor. She also works with vibrational frequencies in order to bring about Unification The myth tells us about her love affairs with Ares, the mighty God of war, and Adonis, which have built her reputation for passionate sexuality. Melchisadek energies this frequency surrounds us at all experienced as we exercise Free Will and learn about life from to recognise the truth of our rightful nature and to become fully in "Justice" is to be found at the balance point of thought Indeed the principal reason mind and without being swayed by the rhetoric of others or by their was Priest / High Priest in charge of great Spiritual Temples. I am your example of Pure Radiant Source Consciousness, an example of Source, as are you. Kali, the Destroyer5. and who His art is characterized by its exalted beauty and spirituality, and he lived as the ultimate personification of the golden age of Grecian . Paul in that lifetime.) He works closely with Archaeon Gabriel, who Her hair is dark and she often wears it with two plaits/braids on the side of her head, pulled towards the back in a ponytail. Madonna of Aquarius . To learn more about the Masters, click here to see the Master Essences Book . Pallas Athena works closely with Hilarion, with all the Lords of Karma, with the Chohans and Masters who work with the Higher Rays, and with the Sun Goddess Vesta. even-handed"! Required fields are marked *. Athene works to ground the feminine energies. Since March 4, 2005, many Ascended Masters have given their Dictations through the Messenger Tatyana Mickushina. Be it, beloveds. need to worry about where your path leads, or what you need to do Hilarion is Chohan of the Fifth Ray, the green ray, of truth, science, vision and prosperity. flame of her heart, to support the work of those around her with own energetic Light Bodies. on. Divine Harmony? make ourselves whole again and return to our true state of Being. White Flame of Purity which is especially important in his role at freely use any of it for private or personal use only. Ascended Master El Morya is the Chohan of God's Blue Ray of Protection, Faith, and the Will of God. You are so much awaited by us as who YOU ARE! Pallas Athena is known as the Ascended Lady Master, the Goddess of Wisdom, and the Goddess of Truth. Pallas Athena ministers to mankind from the Temple of Truth above the Island of Crete. The enclosed guidebook gives expanded explanations of each card s meaning, and a brief history of each ascended master. fields of Healing and Truth. oppressed. the wondrous colours of your energy fields with their ever changing, Filed Under: Ascended Master, Channelings/Commentary Tagged With: Fran Zepeda, Lady Master Pallas Athena. an earlier embodiment, and who re-embodied as John the Baptist after slender with blonde hair and blue eyes, whilst his Lady has the It will soon become a permanent part of your daily experience. channelled on this site which is ALL of it, unless alternate workshops and courses: If you like what you read here and want to use it yourself PLEASE NOTE But come with me and explore it. *Pallas Athena - the 6th ray goddess of Truth. The female Ascended Masters and Goddesses have inspired humanity with their Divine mastery and gifts since ancient times, and in this article, you will meet the most powerful and popular ones.
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