Rams generally have horns. While I cant speak for other hair sheep breeds, Katahdin sheep are often more flighty than many other breeds: Several producers of both hair and wool animals have found coyote losses are considerably lower with Katahdins. Future importations to university breeding flocks led to the development of the American Blackbelly sheep breed. They also are not limited to a breeding season, conceiving year round. View Details. Our spring lambs require 4-5 pounds of dry matter forage to produce each pound of gain. Thirdly how long after separation to market. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. In this useful guide, youll discover the pros and cons of both Dorper and Katahdin sheep, alongside advice on choosing the best type for your farm or homestead. The flavor of the market lambs is in my opinion mostly influenced by the fact that these lambs are grass-fed. Selling Price: $325.00 / Head. They also have a fat rump, short legs, and a compact body. Unfortunately, Mr. Piel did not live long enough to see his breed reach having a registry and breed standards. Technical Abstract: The Gayogoh:n are members of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, an alliance of six sovereign Nations with a historic and contemporary presence on this land. After slaughter, all thats left is hide, manure and stomach contents. My friend also mentioned his Katahdin-Dorper lambs are much fatter when born than Polypays. This breed produces rapid-growing lambs, with most lambs being considered ready for market at 12 weeks of age. When I look out in the paddock it looks like hell on earth but at the same time beautiful. I think that we are asking for bloat. Mature Weight (Lb): Ewe = 120 - 160, Ram = 180 250. My Texel sheep had served me well with their ability to finish on pasture, with their excellent meaty carcasses and with their lambing percentage of over 200 percent. I have seen many Dorper X Katahdins which are small and the only sign they have Dorper in them is the fact that they have black heads, if they had been crossed with a white Dorper, one would assume that there was no Dorper in there at all. In Canada, Katahdin sheep commonly gain well over a pound per day. Now you have a good idea of the pros and cons of both Dorper and Katahdin sheep, which one is right for your homestead? In another study conducted by Gamble and Zajac for the Agricultural Research Service of the USDA and Virginia Tech, the scientists found that St. Croix "demonstrated high levels of acquired resistance to Haemonchus contortus under conditions of experimental or natural infection." Hair coat becomes thick and long as cold weather sets in and the length decreases. Although they are one of the newest sheep breeds introduced in America, Katahdin sheep have quickly become a popular choice. McKinney. Notify me via e-mail if anyone answers my comment. The Dorper has a high rate of lambing and is tolerant of the arid conditions it was developed for in South Africa. Grazing animals put on weight quickly in preparation for the long winters. 2022 Cornell Small Farms. How do you decide which breed is right for your needs? It should be kept in mind that performance varies greatly with genetic, management, climate, etc. Katahdin Dorper The Dorper is a mutton breed of hair sheep developed in the 1930s. At 90 days, weve had November-December lambs on pasture, hay and whole grain (corn or milo) average 75 pounds. I shear myself and since I wanted to increase the size of my flock I was not looking forward to shearing even more sheep. daging domba sangat enak dan sangat kaya akan protein. Thank you. In terms of temperament, cost, and maintenance, they are both excellent options. Katahdins often breeding out of season. Katahdin can be used for both meat and milk, whereas Dorper sheep are only good for meat production. The ability of this breed to put grass into weight gain is remarkable. As far as winter hardiness is concerned, I have my sheep out in zero degree weather. Though large in size, Hampshire sheep tend to be a docile and easy-going breed. My Texel and Dorset lambs that I used to have in the past didnt differ that much in flavor, although the WD lambs are indeed milder tasting. Icelandic Sheep are excellent and reliable breeders, breeding seasonally in the Fall to Winter. To learn more about how you can make money off of sheep, read my article What Do Sheep Produce? Ultimate Guide. Blackbellys are often left unvaccinated due to their disease and parasite resistance (though of course, we recommend you do your research on the breed and talk to a vet about what they recommend for vaccinating). At that weight the fat cover did indeed get too much. including sheepamong them an extra-special Dorper-Katahdin lamb named Mopple. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Market Weight/Live/Age: 80 110 lbs / 5.5 6 months. Making Natural Clothing Dye From Vegetables. Average Birth Weight (Lbs): 7 lbs for small lambs, 4-5 lbs for twin lambs. Mostly Katahdin hair ewes exposed to Dorper and Katahdin bucks. We both work off thefarm; therefore time is a commodity in short supply. Special Notes The Dorper sheep are very hardy animals. ~Ann, Your email address will not be published. 1999. Unlike meat goats, hair sheep are resistant to many of the parasites shed by cattle. While there are far fewer cons than there are pros for keeping Dorper sheep, you do need to consider the potential downsides. Ten percent of sheep breeds are hair breeds but ninety percent of these are found in tropical areas. St. Croix Sheep have been used to develop other breeds such as the Royal White. This ancient breed has thrived in warm climates, continued to produce twins and good carcass weights. While I had no worries about my 1/2 market lambs since the Texel influence was still strong, my anticipation when the first 3/4 market lambs were harvested was great. Hampshire sheep have a muscular and stocky build, and are comparative to the Suffolk in size. Dorpers Our goal is to develop a flock of productive, easy-care sheep that are scrapie resistant, require no shearing and that reach market specs on grass. Hairbreeds have many positive traits that make them an ideal animal for small farms, homesteads, and of course, larger commercial farms. Generally, hair breeds are more heat tolerant than wool breeds. LMAO!!!! We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. The Katahdins in the study had a consistently less barber pole worm infestation rate compared to the Dorper and Dorset crosses. By John Kirchhoff For many people, mentioning hair sheep evokes either I wouldnt have anything else or a No way would I have them response. Some of the main pros of keeping Katahdin sheep include: Katahdin sheep are one of the easiest breeds of sheep to care for. Weight Gain/Daily: 1 pound under intensive production. He can be reached by e-mail at ulf@whitecloversheepfarm.com or by phoneduring calling hour specified on his answering machineat 585-554-3313. Some hair breed rams are long-bodied which can create a lengthy birthing scenario for the ewe. Anymore (at least in Missouri) its the carcass quality that sets the price. (Weve heard them all.). The shedding ability of this breed varies greatly. They shed their winter coats during spring and early summer. The Dorper grows more wool but self-sheds annually. For instance, they have extended breeding season, and can be used to produce lambs to be marketed when lamb prices are usually high thereby reducing marketing risks. Consider the pros and cons featured above before making your decision. best beef in the word is lamb,i like lamb beef spesialis sate.. Amazing sheep, been breeding the Dorper for sometime now and i must say their adaptability is really outstanding. Your email address will not be published. This market presented difficulties such as lambing in the dead of winter, having lambs large enough (especially when Passover comes early) and pooling with your neighbors to find enough lambs for a truckload. Lambs can also take a little longer to reach their market weight than some other breeds of sheep. Because of their hair, like the Dorper they do not produce lanolin which will give their meat a milder taste. In addition, there is almost no incidence of flystrike with hair sheep breeds. Choosing breeding stock with this in mind can avoid this problem. Sheep and cattle have different grazing needs and preferences, and the sheep will clean up the growth that doesnt appeal to the cows. Environmental Adaptability: Withstand heat and cold well, and part of this adjustment to extremes is behavioral. The Dorper is a South African breed of domestic sheep developed by crossing Dorset Horn and the Blackhead Persian sheep.The breed was created through the efforts of the South African Department of Agriculture to breed a meat sheep suitable to the more arid regions of the country. Katahdins have hair and not wool, which means they are a low-maintenance breed that will shed their hair naturally. has anyone had CL in Dorper sheep one of my fav ewes has CL and we are trying to find a way to maybe stop it! 7/8th exhibit all the traits of purebreds like out-of-season breeding and even many 3/4 look like purebred and shed as well. What is worse, however, is the fact that there are breeders who do not select for shedding ability and for the show ring instead. Dorper and Katahdin are medium size breeds. We are in the process of installing another 10,000 feet of electric fence on 25 acres that will result in another nine paddocks. What Needle Felting Supplies Do You Use for Sculpting? Our grass-fed ewes normally go into the fall with a body score of 4-5, which makes flushing difficult: Adult Katahdin sheep can maintain themselves on poor quality forage that had our Romanovs literally skin and bones. Most hair sheep breeds will lamb out of season without resorting to hormone therapy. Royal White (Dorper x St.Croix) My wife and I feel theres no best breed, but rather which breed best fits your operation. Despite its origins in a cold northern climate, the Katahdin is remarkably well-suited to warm weather living. Three ewes needed assistance lambing (one got it, the other two didnt and lost their lambs), one of which was 8 years old. They do produce wool, and need to be shorn on a regular basis. The first generation grows quite well due to the heterosis effect, but nearly always has a wool coat. Since Missouri has more Katahdin sheep than any other state, the majority of export animals come from here. and, as such, the data are estimates. Katahdins are medium size, hardy, low-maintenance, and have a high-quality carcass weight. More on that subject later. I have a very small Dorper ewe, she is 7 months old but very small. Why they are Crossed Waco Childbirth Education 74 subscribers Subscribe 127 Share. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'savvyfarmlife_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_11',105,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-savvyfarmlife_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');Considered to be the 2nd most popular breed of sheep in the US, the Dorset sheep is another solid meat-producer. A Katahdin ewe will average between 140-180 pounds, while Dorper ewes will average 160-200 pounds. Benefits of This Breed The Dorper are preferred for their excellent feed utilisation and conversion: they don't need shearing, crutching and mulesing, and they are disease resistant. The Dorper has been very effective in increasing the growth rate, carcass size and quality of all the typical hair-type breeds such a the Barbados, Katahdin, St. Croix, the Mexican Pelibuey and other breeds that are considered exotic types. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to compare productive performance of F 1 Dp vs . If this same time is spent building homestead fencing, watersystems, improving lambing or handling facilities, its improving an operation. Milk replacers should be fed at 10%-20% of the lamb's body weight, divided into 4-6 feedings/day during the first week of life. Mexicans prefer a larger lamb, and let nothing go to waste. Royal Whites are more recent in the hair sheep scene and development is still ongoing. They do produce wool, and will need to be shorn annually. He farms in the Finger Lakes area in upstate New York. In this area, hair sheep often sell higher than wool sheep. We currently have about 100 ewes. When selecting breeding stock, choose animals with good feet. This breed tolerates both heat and cold making them a good choice for most climates. Bred sheep/ewes (Dorper and Katahdin), bred to a show ram. The Dorper is not a true hair sheep, but is included in this fact sheet because it is used in cross breeding programs involving hair sheep. They require less worming medications as a general rule. Disposition & Mothering Ability: Breed is docile and calm with good flocking instinct. Hi just wondering it may be a silly question anyways can you milk Dorper sheep. We just started raising Katahdins this year. To appeal to ethnic buyers, it often requires a change in flock management. Katatdin x Dorper . The Katahdin is another great dual-purpose breed, producing on average 210 liters of milk per 210 day cycle. I have bought a dorper lamb an intend to serve mountain horny ewes with him has it ever being tried out, hi, document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); If you have a disability and are having trouble accessing information on this website or need materials in an alternate format, please contact Cornell University via email at web-accessibility@cornell.edu for assistance. Their hair falls off naturally during the year, making them an easy breed to care for. This site is owned and operated by Wild Wire Media, LLC. The Dorper X Katahdin are very popular and providing you use a good quality ram, I would suggest fullblood or purebred, they do tend to really stamp the babies with their type. Blackbellys often breed easily and well, usually birthing multiple lambs in one breeding. I love lambs Does lambs has less cholesterol than goat? For example, cold wind and warm sun quickly result in herd finding shelter under conditions when woolen sheep remain in the open. Its also common to see animals of up to a year old climbing to the top of a big bale of hay. Difference in color is a matter of preference. If you plan on going into the meat production business, its important to know the difference between types of sheep meat. They were an excellent choice for this as they seldom bothered the pine trees. The American Sheep Industry recognizes 47 different sheep breeds in the US, with hundreds more recognized internationally. Your email address will not be published. Hairsheep breeds such as the Barbados Blackbelly and St.Croix are largely found in these tropical areas of the world. As hair sheep breeds become more popular, it will be important for breeders to ensure the future integrity of the breeds. A list of the breeds of sheep that are thought of as being good ewe breeds would start with (1) Rambouillet sheep such as there are in Texas (2) several kinds of Whitefaced Western sheep, (3) the Dorset breed, which is a white-faced meat breed . They do produce wool, and will need to be shorn annually. Are Llamas Dangerous? Breeding Season: They breed throughout the year. This has nothing to do with genetics and everything to do with the latitude in which the animal lives: Things being equal, our weights will be lower than the weights of similar Katahdins raised in Canada, but higher than ones raised in Florida. While Im sure Ill rile a lot of Dorper breeders, Ive seen too many that had been sheared before a sale, which defeats the purpose of a hair animal. He is a native of Germany and lives in the US since 1995. Staking livestock to a rope and expecting them to clear vegetation is ineffective and can result in . We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Posted 11/18/2019 21:09 (#7854689) Subject: Dorper Sheep vs. Katahdin Sheep. a From the review: Notter, g. 1978. Now meat sheep producers are lucky if wool prices cover . Though the breed produces wool (and lanolin), it is known to have a particularly mild taste. The Dorper have a black head extending in the neck, with a white body. We are currently running 130 registered ewes with 10 commercial ewes that will be dispersed this year. 2 are Katahdin and 2 are katahdin/dorper crosses. They are prolific breeders as well, often producing twins. Tunis sheep are able to thrive in a variety of climates, and tolerate both heat and cold well. A unique characteristic about the Dorper is that they do not breed seasonally, instead they are able to breed year-around. Dorper-sired. Lambing %: Average lambing rate is between 150 and 250%. The major disadvantage is that they grow slower and produce a lighter weight carcass than most breeds of European origin. Looking forward to reply. we find dorpers a great sheep to raise and to eat.. had ribs tonight and use the grease on the dry dog food.. dogs love it.. In a second study, Dorper or Dorset sired lambs were compared to Barbados Blackbelly x St. Croix or Katahdin lambs. This is down to the fantastic range of benefits they deliver. keep checking it out! (Grabbing a Romanov thats been walking through cockleburs is like wrestling with a 130-pound cocklebur.). Baby Sheep: What a Baby Sheep is Called & Other Fun Facts. However, they all shed around the belly, legs, head, and all the other places that would otherwise prolong shearing. We have just over 1200 breeding ewes & aim for around 2000 when things get better. It is also exceptionally low-maintenance. Also, much of the flavor ( good or bad) comes from the fat. However, in older hairsheep the flavor is still impressive due to the genetic factor. Dorper fullbloods, Katahdin fullbloods and St Croix fullbloods, We have a nice big fullblood dorper ram that we are putting over the St Croix and the Katahdin. After lambing season, most of our sheep time is spent managing our pastures so that we can provide our animals with the best quality forage possible. . Instead, I get raving reports back and I never seem to have enough market lambs to make everyone happy. We acknowledge the painful history of Gayogoh:n dispossession, and honor the ongoing connection of Gayogoh:n people, past and present, to these lands and waters. Featured Listing. Our experienced ewes averaged 2.1 lambs/ewe born with 1.9 weaned. Suffolk grow wool continuously, and will need to be sheared annually. When it comes down to it, the choice of whether to add Dorper sheep or Katahdin sheep to your homestead is more about personal preference. What happens if you leave the ram out all year round? Several myths still surround hair sheep. I usually harvest my lambs between 80 and 90 lbs. ByBasil Bactawar, UF/IFAS Duval County Extension Service. There are a few characteristics you will want to look for when choosing a meat-producing sheep. This makes them one of the more profitable breeds to specialize in. Katahdin is probably the more economical choice, however, namely because they can produce both meat and milk. 2023, Countryside - All Rights Reserved, Extract Natural Dye for Wool from Goldenrod Plants, Why Teach Classes on How to Knit, Spin, Weave or Felt, Use This Sweater Mitten Pattern to Bring New Life to Old Clothes. Well, at least Katahdins, St Croix and barbs. Crossbred individuals tend to be more vigorous, more fertile . We had the idea of crossing a Dorper with their 60 Katahdin ewes. They can harbor significant worm populations, yet not suffer the same effects a wool animal would. Crossing with the Dorper led tothis larger hair breed. While Hampshire sheep are seasonal breeders, they tend to have a longer breeding season than others. Dorsets commonly produce twins and even triplets. They do produce wool, and will need regular shearing. The Royal White produces more mea t than Katahdin sheep and Dorper sheep. J. Anim Sci 77:215-222. Bosnians want 60-pound animals while Muslims often prefer 60-80 pound animals. I have a pet ram lamb, texel dorset cross I was told. They were called Africans at the time. Dorper Vs Katadhin Sheep: Which is better for your homestead? I have noticed that some lambs are showing caramel patches. Dorset lambs, like the Suffolk and Dorper, mature quickly and are market-ready earlier than many other breeds. I could always pick out the dorper/katahdin crosses. An interesting study was done that showed the parasite resistance was higher in the purebred hair sheep over the crossbred shedding sheep. There is the wool type and the hairtype with the hairtype being slightly less meaty but far better shedding. Black color covers belly, inside legs and thighs and extends up to the neck. Produce large amount of milk. 46:131-143.. Making a Good Ewe Flock. And some shed one year but not totally the next for no apparent reason at all. Tunis are solid breeders and excellent mothers. Typically, the 75 percent Dorper crosses will exhibit the Dorper coloration and conformation. With an annual rainfall of approximately 175mm (7 inches), the grazing is mainly scrubland with a stocking rate of 1 LSU per 32 hectare. This means that, theoretically, a Dorper ewe can produce a lamb (or 2 or 3) every 8 months. Katahdins are awesome and productive mothers plus they are a very hardy breed and the Dorper will put more size on the meat sheep. Not only do they suffer fewer complications during birthing compared to some other breeds, but they also give birth to multiple lambs. Good set of ewes. The Katahdin breed is an easy to care for, meat type sheep, naturally tolerant of climatic extremes and capable of high performance in a wide variety of environments. We have eight foot Scotch Pines that look like a girdled palm tree and have seen them strip an old dried Christmas tree of its needles. Ive seen Shropshire being used to keep weeds and grass down in Christmas tree plantations. i love the dorper sheep breed! What You Need To Know. Sold all our cattle. In general they have low maintenance requirements. One in particular is more like a paint horse. His father Barley ( in picture behind him) is a full blooded Dorper. Some are calling these shedding sheep. Dorpers tend to be a little larger, and Katahdins are excellent mothers, so a Dorper /Kathadin cross is nearly perfect. I'll be using my Barbados Blackbelly ram on my BB ewes and also a few Kathadin ewes. How often do dorpers have breeding problems and we will then have to pull the lambs? It was bred from West African hair sheep and is extremely well-adapted to hot, humid conditions. This is inconvenient since you must pasture ram lambs separately from ewes to prevent unplanned pregnancies. Breed utilization for meat production in sheep. Any of the sheep breeds thats considered to be one of the true hair sheep breeds has an advantage in that cockleburs, briars, stick-tights and so forth dont become entangled. As we disperse all our crossbreeds, weve found the crossbred cull ewes with a wool coat have sold for 50-75percentof what comparable weight hair ewes bring. How about Field Corn! Ewes typically reach sexual maturity by 7 months. Ewes with young lambs show protective behavior and may raise front feet to strike dogs and cats when confronted. They are attentive, protective, and make excellent mothers. Twinning is common and triplets and quadruplets are not rare. Half of the group thinks it is okay to feed hot sheep, the other half disagrees. There is no such thing as an ideal breed. The breed is famous in the United States for its high performance and low maintenance. Katahdin ewes weigh around 125-185 pounds, and rams average around 200 pounds. They still dont take a huge amount of time to reach it, but it is something to be aware of if you are looking for fast production. 80 pounds at 90 days can be expected. I have no way of weighing him. We have members from Mexico to Northern Canada and have exported to Ecuador, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, United Kingdom, Chile, and Central America. Crossing these breeds with woolen breeds for efficient meat production does hold some potential. BREEDING DORPER SHEEP A large-framed, late-maturing breed will not have the necessary carcass quality at these weights, whereas Katahdin sheep or Dorpers will. Originating in South Africa, these lovable and attractive sheep tend to come with a lot more pros than cons. Thanks, I am considering starting a small Dorper and or Katahdin herd to raise meat for the Western New York market. Origin: This breed was developed or evolved on the Eastern Caribbean Island of Barbados. A ewes wool will pay her winter feed bill. Origin: This breed is sometimes referred to as Barbados Blackbelly, but it is different from the polled Barbados as a result of crosses with European breeds. Variance in RT in periods 3 and 4 ranked St. Croix < Dorper < Katahdin. As a result, the Katahdin is the most common hair sheep in America. Last but not least on our list is the Cheviot breed. (I know, Im not a good farmer) Dries Wiese, the owner and Studbreeder, was 9 years old when his father bought him his first . Many ethnic groups want a much different lamb or goat than has been marketed in the past. I direct sell a great number of lambs. link to Are Llamas Dangerous? As they say, the proof is in the pudding eating. It improves from year one to year two of age but can again be reduced by external factors like disease or weight loss. Ive spent my entire life around farm animals, and I created Savvy Farm Life to share the helpful information Ive learned over the years. 3 year old Dorper Katahdin Ram. Disposition & Mothering Ability: This breed is a bit flighty. They will stand on their hind feet like goats to strip any low hanging limbs of their leaves. Four Barbados Blackbelly sheep arrived in the United States in 1904. The breeds of hair sheep that are of importance in Florida include Katahdin, St. Croix, American Blackbelly, and Barbados Blackbelly. Request PDF | Signatures of selection in sheep and goats infected with Haemonchus contortus | Host genetic variation for resistance to Haemonchus contortus allows selective breeding of animals for . Mating season for Suffolk sheep usually happens in the Autumn or Winter of each year, as it is for most sheep breeds. In addition, shearing is not a requirement thereby reducing operational cost. This article first appeared in the May/June 2010 Hobby Farms. Here is a list of the top 10 sheep breeds for meat:if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'savvyfarmlife_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_0',121,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-savvyfarmlife_com-medrectangle-3-0'); Sheep are one of the most versatile livestock animals you can find when it comes to the number of different products they are able to produce. Katahdin can be used for both meat and milk, whereas Dorper sheep are only good for meat production. You will always need to make compromises if you choose to have a purebred flock. These White Dorper female replacement lambs already look very much like purebred White Dorpers Photographer: Ulf Kintzel. Katahdins tend to birth twins, with triplets and quadruplets occurring often with good flock management. Tunis sheep are known to have an excellent flavor of meat. Environmental Adaptability: Tolerant of both high and low temperatures. Some general information on hair sheep is found on the next page. They also benefit from a long productive life, giving you maximum bang for your buck. We began our Katahdin Sheep herd with non-registered sheep but have added registered Katahdin ewes to our farm. I think this is where the good reputation of hair sheep comes in. If you are interested in bringing a herd of small livestock to your homestead, you will want to look into both sheep and goats. Originally bred for their meat, the Katahdin tends to have a wider variation of milk production - some ewes producing significantly more (or significantly less) than the average. I belong to a herding club in Hawaii. Fact: In central Missouri, raising sheep for wool has been a losing proposition for a number of years. But the dorpers always have say ten % that need shearing still. JavaScript is disabled. The phrases youll hear most often is either mutton or lamb.
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