Keep in mind the following: Statistics are from the 2013 edition of the standard works in English. I was using the list in order to memorize the books of the New Testament, in order from shortest to longest books. middle words in the center of God's middle verses. So if Bible version A is estimated to be 780,000 words (+/- 10%) and Bible version B is estimated to be 810,000 words (also +/- 10%), in reality, Bible A might actually be 858,000 words and Bible B only 729,000 words. .) verse in the King James Bible, None Learn more about lemmas here. (Heads up: Im a Logos affiliate. In order ), Thanks. David, you can read that here: The truth is there are 31,102 verses The Jewish counting is said to be given to Moses from G-d the Holy counting! SUMMARY OF KING JAMES BIBLE STATISTICS: Total Books - 66 Total Chapters 1,189 Total Verses.31,102 Total words in the 31,102 verses - 788,258 (not including the Hebrew Alphabet in Psalm 119 or the superscriptions listed in some of the Psalms) Total words in the Hebrew Alphabet in Psalm 119 - 22 So These were not counted because These This however is mans accomplishment. Did you know, that at the Passover Seder, there are portion of the dialog that are in Aramaic (every day Hebrew not Holy Hebrew) because the Jewish teaching is that the Angels only listen when Torah Hebrew is spoken. When people were feasting, having parties, getting married and getting engaged but not putting ANY effort into learning Aba or His Word. the Bible, and it is, then how do you think we should treat it? * The subscriptions at the end of each letter. That might make for a fun tutorial video to do sometime. Once Philip, have I been with you for so long now and you still do not know that the WORD and the Aleph Bet are One I am (Word) in the Father Aba and the Father Aba is in me (the Word). words on one side of this phrase and twelve words on the other side. Welcome Concordance of SBLGNT (Greek New Testament) can show count of Greek Words in Bible Text (1,098), which matches count of Greek Lemma in Bible Text (1,098) Grouping Lemma results by sense shows some Lemma's have a variety of Bible Sense uses (e.g. 3+1+1+0+2 there were 31,175 verses the middle verse would not be Psalm 118:8. to the 1769 edition of the 1611 King James Bible: All word counts are the work there are. This opened up a new Word List, which looked like this: Then I added the words from a single book of the Bible. All Rights Reserved. These would be verses Verse 1 continues - and all that is within me. If you use the full titles as in the 1611 edition -. ), because they are scattered throughout this Psalm (Chapter. words either on the cover or the first page explaining which Bible you The global population is expected to reach 8 billion by November 2022. started off with a faulty statistic. That's The entire Hebrew alphabet outlines the chapter. It reads Is so much fun to GROW in FAITH when Abas breath breathes life into you! This is the 15,588th verse in the Verse Concepts. Our Father thy kingdom come they will be done join the two ingredient of Adam and make them ONE AGAIN. Thanks for doing the legwork and sharing it. times the word "CHAPTER" is listed - 1,034 (in God bless. So in the the spirit of Luke 14:28, I offer the below table of milestones that will hopefully give us a sense of how long it will take to get through the Old Testament. The above figures for the total number of words per book include both the "shorter ending" and "longer ending" of Mark's Gospel (16:9-20), as well as the story of the adulterous woman (John 7:53-8:11), but do not include the other verses listed in the previous note. words in Table of Contents - 94 (the Heres where it got time-consuming: I built one Logos Word List like this for every single book of the Bible. Wow, It is well known that Madras schools teach children to Memorize the Koran. Here is a list of most of the prayers in Scripture, excluding many in Psalms (may be added later) by Gods grace. There are a total of 31,102 Verses in Bible. Blessings to you dear brother but apply the thanks an glory to Whom who SENT THE WORD out of Torah to Aba! Subscribe to our Twitter Feed, Book Reviews The book, "Bible Code Statistics, 1 Chance in 463 Trillion: 2020, Election, Controversy, President, Abraham, Accord, Divided, Country, Supreme, Court, Count, Recount, Decided, Outcry, Melania, Vote, etc." from the "Bible Code Statistics Series" is D.Patrick Bickerdike's new release and attempt to enjoy another side of the Bible and maybe learn . It is the number of authority and It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Longest book of the New Testament is Luke with 24 Chapters and 1,151 verses. These Words are distributed as 602,580 (77%) in Old Testament and 180,551(23%) in New Testament Books. uses it a lot in his word. . Make or made Statistics is mentioned in the Bible 13 times and in the Quran seven times. with - and forget not all his benefits. John took the Spirit of Wisdom, the DOVE that settled upon Him as He stepped out of the WATER/TORAH to bring us home. Dont take stock in English, its too young to know anything when compared to Greek which was driveled from Aramaic (ancient everyday Hebrew). Twenty-eight percent believe it is the actual word of God, but with multiple interpretations possible. If you look up how many words are in Harry Potter, you will see that it has more words than the Bible, clocking in at just over a million words; 1,084,170 words to be precise. Word Count and Reading Stats for the Old Testament Well, it's that time of year again: that time when a lot of us commit to reading the entire Bible. I would love to study the Bible on the basis of its internal repetition. If we disregard words that are articles, conjunctions and prepositions such as The, And etc, then the most used top ten words are shown in this Chart. There are 783,131 words in the Bible King James version. He Books - 66 Total Chapters 1,189 Total Verses31,102, Total The best of it when you know what order the Letters came into creation you will see the Fathers glorious plan and a surprise Letter hunt too. Next, in the verse list panel that appears, click the Search information and statistics button on the toolbar. From here on out, its just doing the math. Have you done word frequency lists? Hey, Neil. Torah the house of Aba with many, many study rooms for us ALL! Use our free and easy online tool for counting characters, words, sentences, paragraphs and pages in real time, along with keyword density and reading level. I have read through the entire bible several times and I look forward to reading it again and again, etc If you and any of your commenters have read through the bible even one time, you probably may concede its virtually impossible to comprehend all the meanings and understand what is taking place on your first run through the bible. Permission Let me know where you are in your torah knowing and we can go from there. Bible has a total number of 783,131 Words. The physical size differences mean that there are a different number of words per page for almost any edition. However, another source, Bible Believers, states that the 1611 King James Bible has a word count of 788,280 words. Thus, for example, the stats for John's Gospel are 879 verses ( including 5:4 . The most Holy of WORDS in TORAH is the Aleph Bet JOINED together as ONE Father is the Son by way of His seed the WORD becoming flesh and blood to Deliver the WORLD back to TORAH. A third way to verify the word count is to use the tabs at the top of the Word doc itself by following these steps:. He got the dot for his house and the HEY which means behold. Almost 32 cents. There are some variations between versions with included/excluded text and verses, however, for the purpose of establishing the relative lengths of each book, these counts are very helpful. In the next 400 years, different Non-Jewish rulers built OR defiled the temple until the 39BC battle in which Herod took charge of the temple. of sap; the cedars of Lebanon, which he hath planted; - hey nothing very astounding there that jumps off God bless your ministry. will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness many as in the imaginary middle we discussed earlier. Thank you for your good work. Yes He crawls on His belly after the DESCENT but so does the grape vine which brings forth the grape of holy promise and which is the metaphor of the blood of our savior surely you wont die! there are two middle verses. Using the information on this site and its analysis of the NASB, there are 622,771 words in the Old Testament and 184,590 words in the New Testament, making a total of 807,361 words altogether. Im writing another article on the word counts of each book in the Bible, your material here is invaluable, but Im concerned at how you end up with your 611,224 word total. Quran in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Spanish And Urdu. Its origins and religious significance are subjects of debate. It is the number of authority and One such exception is the Harry Potter series. The Stone was fishing naked, but when the Jew John said It is the Christ, the Stone, who had denied the Christ 3X, dressed and JUMPED into the TORAH/water! Jump to specific words, verses, or chapters by number, and see all possible count statistics of phrases within the text. However The middle verse of the Bible is the 8th verse of the 118th Psalm. You can build your word count statistics with as many or few words as you like, or even use exact-phrases. The approximate number of Bibles sold, given away or distributed in the United States every day is 168,000, according to statistics from Wycliffe International, Gideons International, and the . What are some facts and stats about the Bible? Keeps of the flame cannot have a middle verse with an even number of verses. full titles as written in the 1611 edition -, (in There are twelve manner of Thank you so much for all your information.,,,,,,,,, They did, and they finally CAUGHT what they were fishing for. To perhaps restate my question, other sources suggest there are about 545,000 words in the original Greek/Hebrew/Aramaic. Torah Hebrew A Word, two our more Letters of Light gathered together, can change with Letters being added, replaced or omitted. I promise this is going someplace: Total words in the Bible (KJV): 788,280 Total words in the Old Testament (KJV): 609,269 Total words in the New Testament (KJV): 179,011 Total words in the four Gospels: 82,590 You can do this with [cue the Superman theme] Logos Bible Software! Hey but it gets even worse. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. as many words (12) on each side of it. Devarim is a retelling of all the other 4 books, and what is too come including the blessings and curses yet to happen. AND - 28364 THE - 28269 OF - 21257 THAT - 12044 TO - 11683 IN - 11285 HE - 9022 There are millions of Bibles in print. Both verses start with "Bless the LORD, And this will be My covenant with them when I take away their sins. In order Simple. One topic about the Bible that differs among its many translations is the word count. I do have logos and if you have the instruction feel free to contact me. The When Aramaic is spoken, we can sit at the holy meal and some of the conversation is private. Our;s God loves the number twelve perfection doubled. I had created a list similar to this, for the New Testament books. If you look at how many words are in the Bible, the answer varies depending on which version of the Bible you look at and who you ask. Consider that Matthew and Luke both have over 1,000 total verses.Matthew has 28 chapters, and Luke has 24. They gave up because they were so confused on what to do next after the Christ had left. The Last Dialogue| 2023 All Rights Reserved | Designed & Developed by|, ALL ANALYSIS OF BIBLE DATA IS AS PER KING JAMES VERSION, PLEASE TOUCH THE BARS TO SEE THE INFORMATION, The Graph Below Shows The Usage of English Alphabets In The Construction Of Bible. What wall? These numbers are pulled from the original languages using Logos Bible Softwareyou can see how I did it below. But I used a different method. If Then selected Spreadsheet and exported it as a CSV file. The Latter-day Saint edition of the Bible in English is the King James Version, with footnotes and study helps. The Bible Analyzer Store lists all the available Premium titles and once purchased they can be immediately downloaded. again that's twice as many words as in the imaginary center. You They old HAS to remain the SAME. We could print flash cards, see which words occur most, and more. Each Letter stands separately but when two or more are gather there the WORD is. Wisdom went home with John lives with John still today. Bea the insect of the honey comb or 6 sided cell, in Hebrew the Name is Devorah. In the end, correctly implementing MapReduce on the King James Bible will yield the following results as the top 5 words that appear: ('the', 63937) ('and', 51699) ('of', 34624) ('to', 13569) ('that', 12913 . Total numbers of Letters/Alphabets in Bible is 4,106,717 out of which 3,165,193 (77%) in OT and 941,524(23%) in NT. We need to follow to TRY so that our TRYING to make it physical will teach us the SPRITUAL and thus make Heaven and EARTH ONE. Heres a fun FYI that every Jewish child knows 153 is the NUMBER for the Story of Noah (Noack). in some of the Psalms), Total Salvation comes from the Jews and Aaron Raskin and his ministry is all about open door study with the mingling of the stranger and the Jew the righteous gentile and the Ysara El which means the Yid (man working G-ds plan) who has the POWER/El to persevere/sara. Devarim takes place the last 36 days of Moses life when he began to talk and did not stop talking until the Lord lead him to the mountain top to die. At 219 words, it's basically a long paragraph. Im looking for a word count for each chapter of each book of the bible. Other people see the Bible as just a historical text. Created by AhrefsAhrefs Once I chose my Bibles, it was time to start getting word counts. doubled-checked his counts with a manual count in 10 of the 66 Books So The Total of Unique Words in Bible Is 14,564, Message to the Muslims 3: Punishment Or Respite, Gods House At Wrong Place. Kabal means receiving and Kabal Ah is the divine power of receiving. To count the number of words in both your PowerPoint presentation's slides and its notes page, do the following: On the File tab, click Info. and twelve tribes of Israel. to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. Top 10 Words in the Bible (List starts on the left and goes down) The number 1 word is "Lord" (this includes both the upper case "Lord", which refers to God and the lower case "lord", which would refer to a someone's superior), with 7,759 occurrences, followed by God, at number 2, with 3,977 occurrences. Susan. Logos Bible Software 10 review: Do you REALLY need it? For bears with very little brains (but a fascination with numbers!) One thing that is real ironic The number of words in each Bible will be significantly different. That's the number of completeness and spiritual At the bottom of the rightmost pane, click Show All Properties. Center of the Bible Bible Statistics This study includes referenced and independent research work to answer the question: "What is the center of the Bible?" by Fran Corpier VALID DATA: I have included, below, the web version of my excel workbook. Torah Hebrew know the Word. I have heard it on tapes. Those debates are exacerbated by the fact that there are more than a hundred translations of the Bible from its original Hebrew, even translations of translations. =). That's seven Did you know that the serpent in the bible is not a snake? Out of 1189 total chapters 929(78%) chapters are in Old Testament Books and 260(22%) chapters in New Testament Books. you see now why there are so many word counts floating around? So Shamyim is not heaven UP in the sky Shamyim is the divided waters of the Word of G-d. Run! Trends in reading habits over four years . But please follow no mans translations as your foundation, use their tools to carve out your own path. Links I went with the following three Bibles: The NA27 Greek New Testament The Lexham Hebrew Bible The New American Standard 1995 Update(for the little slivers of Aramaic) 153 FISH the days of Noah. That is around 1/8th of the word count in the King James Bible, New International Version or New American Standard Version. When a dot is missing, lets say the one that is is the B or Bet Letter, it means the house or dwelling place has no heart. Then I just enter in a book of the Bible. That should probably count as another step. They ate on the sand because Torah is not yet firmed up. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The Hebrew name for the book is taken from the first meaningful WORD to be written. One fascinating aspect of Bible study is looking at word counts. It makes me laugh just to think about it. The longest chapter in the Bible is Psalm 119. Curious about the percentage of words. Hebrew Letters are the Father, the Word the Son and you a Yid working the Fathers perfect plan. The word "and" occurs 46,277 times; the word "Lord" 1,855 times. What a cool idea! COUNT, n. 1. seven plus seven. *Note on Num 25: The NAB follows the Hebrew Bible in numbering a 19th verse, although it prints the three words of v. 19 at the beginning of Num 26; most other ancient and modern Bibles (LXX, Vulg, KJV, RSV, NRSV, etc.) Now let's count the words in these That is a 28% increase from the word count in the King James Bible. The following statistics apply Salvation comes from the Jew Holy Hebrew is all they have that the world doesnt have. If it is alright, I will pass on this information to our homeschool co-op. Avram (Abraham) was missing the dot which makes the Bet Letter say sharp V sound. These Verses are distributed as 23,145 (74.42%) in Old Testament Books and 7,957 (25.58%) in New Testament Books respectively. funny how people copy from one another. As it shows, it will return 57 verses. Book Titles, the Testament dividers plus the phrase Table of Contents) received e-mails informing me of this information. power. Also, if you have data on your ESV analysis, could you share that either via a published article here or by sending direct to me? First, type justify in the main search box, and then choose the option to find the various word forms, which includes justifieth, justifying, etc. the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. (B) Type a reference in the box, such as 1 John. Good luck. This article is Copyrighted If you dont use Logos, youre about to see why I do. Allows instant real-time searches, with an autocompleter droplist to assist with words which come next. You will find that is wonderful and care about the other nations and the stranger in their land. Isnt wonderful how so many of us find each other. Why? [Ed. again that's twice as many words as in the imaginary center. Whatever you have heard or think you know about Kabalah its probably been twisted and corrupted knowing. Click the column header Count (A) to arrange the words according to the number of times they are used in the passage. I did carefully read your other page on this fascinating topic, but didnt completely understand it, hence my question. These books have spurned a 8-season television show, Game of Thrones. Wait There Were How Many Herods?! I also hope to memorize a multitude of passages because some are repeated. Aleph Letters means Hidden power and strength of G-d and the Tav means Owner/Authority! I went with the following three Bibles: Obviously, you could do this using just one Bible. Here The 5th book is called by Moses Devarim which means WORDS. Here's an example. The Bible is the holy scripture of the Christian religion, purporting to tell the history of the Earth from its earliest creation to the spread of Christianity in the first century A.D. Click Add (A) on the Word List. Book Titles, the Testament dividers plus the phrase Table of Contents) 6 The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. LESS the LORD, O my soul: and Apocrypha: 152,185 words. Out of respect I do use the word Rabbi just as Peter was allowed to eat anything when he ate at the gentiles house when Cefus (Peter) was asked to join him. verses in the King James Bible, Total Theres more. I will post your website and name on the top of each page, so they can explore the source as well. Psalms 12:6 Book in the King James Bible, None Same prayer shawl, only shortened so we can READ in first in English (left to right) then go fishing and toss the net to read right to left. Modern Hebrew is NOT Torah Hebrew. The many translations of the text all have different word counts. Hit the button below to get a copy of the file for yourself. The longest book in the Bible is the Psalms (which also has the longest chapter - Psalm 119) while the shortest is 2 John. So I used one of Logos Bible Softwares not-so-famousfeatures: Word Lists. Especially, the New Testament. of computer programmer Dave Whitinger. Do one of the following: On the Review tab, in the Proofing group, click the Word Count button: Press Ctrl+Shift+G. There are 66 books in the Bible. verse in the King James Bible, Shortest I do see, however, that you didnt distinguish between Hebrew and Greek, which makes comparing OT and NT books rather difficult if you want to compare length, given how on the one hand Hebrew is an agglutinating language, while Greek likes to multiply its articles for example. Anyway, I hope to someday perhaps put the bible in an MS Access database. . such as me, can you sort of simply explain (without words like lemma!). There are fourteen. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. right in the center of the two middle verses! O my soul". Please don't tell us "my book is 150 pages long.". Weve collated a number of word counts on this page,, (Yours is at the bottom, not as a sign of its importance, just due to the chronology of adding it today!). According to our table of data above, there are 609,269 words in the Old Testament and 179,011 words in the New Testament, making a total of 788,280 words. It turns out 14 Greek words are translated free in the New Testament, and sometimes theyre used elsewhere and translated differently. The King James Bible is the oldest version of the text, and as changes occurred in subsequent editions it is no wonder that sources report . There are twelve The answer will be the approximate page count of a printed book. The book name in the Christian bible is not Torah Hebrew and was created thousands of years after Torah was given. Unfortunately I lost the list. Another 28% say the Bible is the inspired word of God but should . Sentences. Get in touch with us now. I have the data on handIll tackle this next month. *Question:* Are you using Matthew 18:20 when you say: A Word, two our more Letters of Light gathered together I know that the name Matthew in Hebrew is a abbreviated form of the Tetragrammaton, YHWH or Gift Of Yah. Total number of Chapters in Bible is 1189. There are 2 Psalm 103:1 & Psalm 103:2, Longest We are here, ask and we will share what we have. A lemma is a words dictionary form. for Psalm 118:8 (the 15,968, verses words in subscriptions (concluding remarks) in the epistles of Paul - 186, Total So many stories in the Word of the Christ that are NOT NEW every Jew knows them and teachings their meanings as if they speak of them rather than of OUR Christ. For example, run, ran, and running are all different words, but if you were to look up their meanings in a dictionary, youd look up run. Run is the lemma. holy name.) ), * The He will expel ungodliness from Jacob. Step 1: pick a Bible I needed word counts for every book of the Bible, so the first thing I had to do was choose the text I'd be drawing from. Then, the Character Count function will indicate the number of characters in the document. Next to the number seven, it is his favorite number. two middle verses. There are twelve My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: John 10:27. Middle chapter of the Old Testament is Job 29 and of New Testamentis Romans 13. 2021 Scripture Access Statistics. These are powerful words Zerubbabel was the leader of the tribe of Judah and part of the first Jewish captives. Bible Word Counter Software Primitive Word Counter v.1.09 With Primitive Word Counter, you will easily find out not only the density of the most important keywords, but also the number of key phrases in any text. The 117th is also the midpoint of the Bible [by word count]. I dont see the link to the Letter of Light videos??? Longest Book Of Bible Longest Book of OT and of Bible is Psalms with 150 chapters 2,461 verses. This means that in the end, each word will be a (word, int) value, where int is the number of times that word was seen in the map phase. Amount of land a yoke of oxen could plow in 1 day. The values were hand entered into the Excel spreadsheet, while a macro in the spreadsheet
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