by Joans charges are dropped and she is released. She makes a bold plan to steal a tank of nitrous oxide and use it on Lou. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. In episode nine Judy learns of the US' plan to extradite her through a news report. Allie is later seen when the women almost drown Judy. In episode seven, Judy is seen in her cell when Marie is moved units. In hospital, Doreen had an ultrasound and found that she lost her baby, and was sent to Wentworth, charged with Reckless Endangerment. Later in the showers Allie breaks down over her injuries. In episode six Vera is present when Cynthia is taken to medical and tells Linda that she will deal with Marie instead of Will. They also called code black for Sonia at the end of S5, but she survived. She even offers to pay double for the use but Lou declines her offer. When Dwight Eisenhower gave the Atoms for Peace speech what constructive use of nuclear energy was he introducing? If you continue to use the site, we will assume that this suits you. Who dies in Season 8 of Wentworth? Judy is found by Vera after the prison explodes with a piece of metal still out of her chest. We end the season with Allie, Wentworths new Top Dog, on the floor of the bathroom, getting a glimpse of Lou standing over her, even though its actually Judy, the new hacktivist, who brutally stabbed her and left her for dead in the shower block. When they wait in the kitchen for Linda to come, they grab Ann and knock her out by pushing her into the kitchen bench. Allie alongside several officers and inmates watch Joan's freakout from LSD in the corridor, and watches on as Will tries to calm her down. Her lawyer says that if her lover needs care it can delay court by at least six months. Kaz Proctor found her and insisted on taking her under her wing. Allie relapses on to the drugs and takesmeth and Bea helps her get off them cold turkey. During the last episode of the fourth season, Bea was killed off after being stabbed multiple times by Joan Ferguson (Pamela Rabe). Andrey knows everything from warm-up to hard workout. Allie is later bashed by Lou when the phone Lou has been using to raise money for Reb has gone missing. Family "Emily in Paris" Star Ashley Park; Rachael Ray: Episode 68; Rachael Ray: Episode 69; Rachael Ray: Episode 70 Judy gets high with Allie and she reveals that she used Reb's money to pay for a lawyer, and tells Allie she attempted to get Will to slot her but didn't. At age 70, Smith succumbed to early onset Alzheimers, which she had been battling for years. Wentworth star Kate Jenkinson has won the coveted role of Top Dog, as her character Allie Novak was revealed to be running things among the inmates in last nights season eight premiere. First of all, Lou slept with Marie after Reb died, which would have brought up a lot of negative feelings, including guilt. Allie confronts Judy about stealing Lou's phone while she was placed in solitary, as well as the money she'd been saving up for Reb's top surgery, but Judy rationalizes her actions by saying that she needs the funds for a lawyer. Judy and Allie later see her lawyer together who gets the proceedings underway. Ann says that Judy is getting whats coming to her as she was part of the plot that killed her daughter. In episode nine, Judy talks with her father and it is revealed that Tony Cockburn planted the evidence on her laptop and that the extradition is off. Walks in on Boomer and Allie interrogating Marie Winter after Ruby goes missing, Judy suggests that they waterboard Marie for info but she gets worried and tells them to stop. After Lou starts a riot Allie goes and lags on Lou to Will saying that Lou bashed Ann. Later Allie is brutally stabbed by Judy but sees Lou in her loss of consciousness, and left for dead. Judy is later taken to a holding cell by Linda on Anns orders where Judy screams for the governor. Why is Boomer called Boomer Wentworth? Which Teeth Are Normally Considered Anodontia. Did you not watch the episode? Fiercely independent, Allie had no interest in being saved by anyone but she was interested in the violent retribution the Red Right Hand was enacting. Allie tells Boomer, Judy and Ruby that Ferguson is returning to general. Judy tells Ann of the bomb but Ann reveals she already knows and that the NSO are on top of the plan, Judy says to Ann she can't trust the NSO. In episode eight, Judy is seen telling Lou that Rita is the bigger problem then Marie. In the original series, Bea shoots and kills Harry in episode 2. See who blinks first..". Allie later learns from Ruby that her father is ill and they share a moment. In episode five, Judy tells the women that she got money from crowdfunding to get a new lawyer that is a QC. When Marie wakes up she she's Allie watching the TV on Joan Ferguson's court appearance. Andrey is a coach, sports writer and editor. Allie tells Marie that Kaz poisoned her, Allie presses the panic button during the fight between Kaz and Marie which all but chooses her side. Allie is moved back to the steam press in the laundry. Allie later in her cell falls from the toilet, when Judy finds her she asks if she wants help, Allie doesn't want any but has a chat to Judy who says its all her fault, because of the money that this happened. This doesn't stop when it is revealed that Judy was in fact apart of the group that bombed London and killed Ann Reynolds's daughter. She's now a quite ruthless young woman and Allie was pretty naive and immature to trust Judy or anyone right away only because they were put in your unit. Get Your Pet Thinking, Frequent How do you stop an Australian cattle dog from biting? Shes completely lucid but its the most horrendous thing., In season 4, Franky was released from Wentworth after she fought for her innocence and began her career as a legal aid.Franky Doyle (Wentworth). Heres the Answer, Why would a dog suddenly attack its owner? We use cookies. Kate Atkinson, who plays Wentworths Vera Bennett, says after wearing a fake baby belly for the drama she was glad she decided not to have children in real life. Why did Judy stab Allie Wentworth? At one such party, she left in her car to go to McDonalds, and had an accident on the way. Judy, via Foxtel In the last episode, Judy comes partially clean to Allie, telling her it was she who set up Ann, but also saying she did it to protect the crew. Judy tries to make a deal with Lou when they are in the laundry and is almost put in the dryer until an officer says that her lawyer is here. . Well now. Early life. Allie tells Kaz that Narelle Stang is in Wentworth and is the person who they got the wrong intel on. Judy later in the dining room says she hasn't seen Sheila since work unit. Debbie Smith was the daughter of Wentworth Correctional Centre inmate Bea Smith who was killed by Brayden Holt. He is mainly involved in weightlifting. Later Allie tries to make it to Lou's unit after Lou and Rita fight she tells Linda she was trying to find the nurse. Judy calls it a mafia movie, at the same time a news report comes out with the news of Joan Ferguson being alive. In Season 5, Franky ends up back in Wentworth being accused of Mike Pennisis murder, The man was mad and had a wall memorial all about Franky, which his girlfriend Iman Farah didnt like, so she killed him and framed Franky. For the rest of series 4 Bea continues to fall in love with Allie, and even gets Allie sober when Allie does drugs. Boomer makes good on Lizs final wish and smothers her with a pillow, killing her. Scott Morrison has declared it's 'always' been hard to buy a first home even though p Joan remains in a comatose state and it is revealed that ever since the DNA testing of the body in the grave (the real Kath Maxwell), the police have known all along that she had not died, confirming that she escaped with the help of prison officer Brenda Murphy. Bea quickly became friends with her cellmates, Liz, Doreen, Boomer and Franky, though her friendship with Franky was always a little uneasy due to Franky seeing her . Ann calls Judy a disappointment and learns that Lous notes have been going to Ann the entire time. In Wentworth, Harrys death is not shown on-screen and he was killed by Nils Jesper instead of Bea. In episode two, Judy talks with her lawyer when he says they can delay the extradition back to the states if they can find a reason. In episode four, Allie continues her rehab and later sits in the yard and talks with Boomer. Ron Bryant (father) Does Allie find out Judy stabbed her? Judy explains her actions by needing money for a lawyer but promises to give Lou back the money and phone. Why did Judy stab Allie? In episode seven Judy learns from Ann that she is set to be extradited to the United Judy and Allie later see her lawyer together who gets the proceedings underway. Allie is present when Rita is outed as a cop. In episode nine Judy learns of the US' plan to extradite her through a news report. In episode ten Judy tells Allie it was her who bashed Ann to protect the crew. Judy later learns from a news report that the Secretary of Defence was shot dead and she later pays the assassin. Nicole da Silva (Franky), Kate Atkinson (Vera), Robbie Magasiva (Will Jackson), Katrina Milosevic (Boomer), and Bernard Curry will all play pivotal roles (Jake Stewart). Lou receives an unwanted letter from Reb's mum, while Allie suddenly knocks Lou unconscious and hooks her up to the nitrous oxide hoping to bring about permanent brain damage, until Lou realises it was Judy who in fact stabbed Allie. Plus, the fact that she ends up catching a glimpse of Lou, rather than Judy, seems to point to some unfinished business between the inmates when Season 9 rolls back around. Last Appeared What happens to Vera on Wentworth? Judy tells Lou to call it off but Lou refuses to. Thankfully, Bridget manages to help her gather the evidence needed to clear her name, and while Franky is still suffering from the bullet wound, she finally wakes up in a hospital where detectives let her know that theyre dropping all charges against her. When Ferguson goes out into the main exercise yard, Allie attack her but is quickly defeated by Ferguson. Allie later confronts Judy about stealing Lous phone and her money. Allie also learns from Judy that her cell was bugged by Cockburn, the prisoners also later find out their strike was successful. EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Limited Or Anthology Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actress In A Comedy Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Supporting Actor In A Comedy Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actress In A Limited Or Anthology Series Or Movie, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actor In A Limited Or Anthology Series Or Movie. Judy later brutally stabs Allie in the shower block leaving her for dead. Does Ruby get killed in Wentworth Season 8? Judy confesses to attacking General Manager Ann, angering Allie. Marie tells Allie that she thinks that Allie wants to punish her because she loved her once. Vivienne Awosoga, "I'm happy to play your game. Does Boomer ever get pregnant in Wentworth? No I think it was because Allie knew she was the reason the money went missing and she got beaten up because of it. Judy confesses to attacking General Manager Ann, angering Allie. Do Men Still Wear Button Holes At Weddings? She serves as the secondary antagonist of the first half of Season 6 and the main antagonist in the second half and season 7. Regardless, Judy seems to agree she was wrong to steal and promises Allie to give Lou back her phone and money after their conversation. Judy later thanks Allie and kisses her on the cheek when she reveals that she is getting a stay of proceedings, little does Judy know that Lou said she walked past Lou when Lou was on her way to kill Allie. So I think it was more of rather to frame Lou or maybe even silence her. As it turns out, one of them happens to be Ferguson, who proves to be alive after all. Distractify is a registered trademark. Why did Judy stab Allie? Proceed with caution. Sugar Tits, Bubba The women are unhappy with the lockdown. Enregistrer mon nom, mon e-mail et mon site dans le navigateur pour mon prochain commentaire. Boomers not dead!!! . In episode eight, Allie is seen watching Boomer freak out over the fact that she hasn't eaten properly in days. Days later Allie wakes up to learn that Bea has been killed byJoan Ferguson. First Appeared Doreen gave birth to Josh in season 3, episode 9. Has a confrontation with Tony Cockburn and later learns Ann Reynolds set her up. {"title":"Video","description":"\u003cp\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e","products":[{"product_id":"doctor-who-series-8-19100","title":"Doctor Who: Series 8","description . Like Audrey Forbes from the original series, Jianna was killed by the other prisoners due to her relationship with Joan Ferguson. We end the season with Allie, Wentworth's new Top Dog, on the floor of the bathroom, getting a glimpse of Lou standing over her, even though it's actually Judy, the new hacktivist, who brutally stabbed her and left her for dead in the shower block. In episode two, Allie faces Lou Kelly who accuses her killing Reb, Allie then says to Lou is she was going to kill someone it would be her who did it and someone else. He also edits and writes articles for the IronSet blog where he shares his experiences. Ferguson has a psychotic breakdown which triggers flashbacks, to hotshotting Allie, Beas death and killing the real Kath Maxwell and use her as a doppelganger, after she screams, the spitbag is removed and as a result Kath remembers what has happened to Joan and what Joan has done in the past. In episode nine Judy learns of the US plan to extradite her through a news report. Season 5 follows Joan being imprisoned for Bea's murder, as she attempts to bring down Vera Bennett by becoming Top Dog. Judy faces the wrath of Ann Reynolds when Ann uses Linda Miles to break her but Linda goes to far and pepper sprays Judy while in the slot. In episode nine, Allie is seen in Marie Winter's dream where Allie and the H1 crew hang her. Allie later punches Marie and is taken to the slot afterward. Why did Judy Bryant stab Allie on Wentworth? Alive Why Do Cross Country Runners Have Skinny Legs? I was onto her almost from the beginning. In episode six, Judy talks with Lou about the bomb in the showers and she tells Lou that her hearing is in a few weeks. With Wentworth revived due to fan demand after its apparent demise, and the cast and crew now entering their final stretch behind bars, Katrina Milosevic the woman who breathed life into Boomer professes herself somewhat daunted by the rapidly approaching end of her custodial journey. It isnt until Allie is given a hotshot by Ferguson that Bea does want revenge for everything that Ferguson has done. It's a site that collects all the most frequently asked questions and answers, so you don't have to spend hours on searching anywhere else. Judy is belted by Ann with a baton and she tells Lou she no longer wants revenge as she is getting out. ", Cyber Terrorism, Dissemination, Assault, Fraud by Deception Unlawful Conduct Endangering Life x30, Terrorism Plots, Attempted Murder x2. In episode two, Judy talks with her lawyer when he says they can delay the extradition back to the states if they can find a reason. Desperate to make Vera pay for what she did, Joan forged her own fake passport - along with a passport for Grace - and as she continues to watch Vera, she is just waiting to punce and snatch the former governor's tot from her grasp.