Struggling with self-esteem and how it can affect relationships. Trials and tribulations of a blended family. Your character is walking home midday when they hear an usual sound coming from an ordinary house in the suburbs. Their memories of their time in that foster home are almost non-existent. After venturing in and out of foster homes, theyre finally an adult and on their own. Now they have to make sure they dont get caught. Write about letting go of toxic family members to find happiness. There are 500 fiction writing prompts in the book 1200 Creative Writing Prompts. Nommo's creative writing prompts are a fun and stress-free way to jump start your creative writing experience and get through writer's block. Radio Phobos was both a space station and a radio station in space. Your character embarks on a mission to prove that the key to happiness is doing whatever they want, whenever they want. Your journey from not having any faith to where you are now. Fifteen years later, they meet someone who makes their life better in ways they couldnt have imagined. Write about a character who accidentally created a virtual reality software that taps into the users psyche and creates their ultimate dream reality. Your life and what lessons you learned that others should know. Your character, having spent their life in a type of foster care, applies for a job only to realize that now, at the age of 18, their identity is showing two different sets of information. What they contain will change your characters view of life forever. Today is the hundredth anniversary, and the notion of the worst is getting really tricky. We always want to figure out what happened. Here are 30 Sci-Fi Creative Writing Prompts: Write about a character who wakes up in a space pod alonenext to a ship so massive it's actually carrying a planet beneath it. Now your main character must navigate a world where governments no longer exist, money is useless, and survival is the only objective. We all have very different ideas about what true happiness is and how it comes about. Turns out, theyre not really from where they think. Story Ideas. Write a story about how the government was taken over by the rich nearly 50 years ago. A genie gives you the chance to irreversibly rewind time back to the date of your tenth birthday and you accept, hoping to make your current life better with the knowledge you have. Write a book to the person who helped you discover your faith. Write a story about your character and while awaiting test results in the hospital, they encounter an. While there are a variety of writing competitions, short story contests are great ways to develop your skills as a writer. Urban fiction or "street lit" is a popular genre -- usually self-published -- that deals with the harshest social-economic realities of inner city life: poverty, crime, gaudy sex, fast romance, graphic violence, verbal abuse and domestic violence. They throw on their white coat and enter the building. When they take it home, they never could have predicted what was inside it. How to find the best exercise type for your needs. All prompts are my own - so you may use them as you like! Two years after your characters significant other goes missing, presumed dead, they start getting messages that could only be from them. After sleep studies, medications, and trying everything available, nothing seems to work. Write about how theres a house at a dead end thats not abandoned, but hardly anyone has even caught sight of who lives there. Most of the prompts I've listed are fiction writing prompts but the one-word prompts could work well for non-fiction too. Write about a character whos done everything theyre told. They stumble over to a tiny window that gives them a clear view of a world far below them. Create an immersive setting. Write about a character who has just met someone new and quickly falls in love. If you understand people and why they do what they do, you can understand characters and what they do. Getting close to them might be the only way to find out their secret. In your characters world, crime is nonexistent. How-to guide for finding something to believe in. Your main characters home is a victim of the ocean. In the world your character lives in, holding on to your own sanity is the difference between destruction and thriving. Write a story about how the outdoors is plagued with radioactive particles created by a new technology once thought to eradicate airborne diseases. Weakened viruses train your immune system, small muscle tears make you strongerand small bullets make you more resistant to larger bullets. Write about how fire is your main characters solace their addiction. Thank goodness they make a new friend. Special interest. Your lifes expectations versus its reality. Your characters new goal? These urban fantasies often blend the lines between humans and paranormal beings or mythical creatures. What that person is capable of is beyond the world your character knew existed. These 79 creative writing prompts for adults and teens are designed as story starters to inspire you. How to help someone else learn to how themselves. A. The actual earth is sick and killing all the plants and probably life as they know it. Youre the type of person who has dreamed of writing a book for however many years, only held back by the lack of ideas or good ideas, rather. If only that person could undo whats been done to them. Write a story about how centuries ago, a solar flare damaged the Earths atmosphere in the opposite way expected; it actually made it stronger. In an ancient world, your character is getting ready for a life partner ceremony. Write about a single member of each noble family who has been murdered every week for the past two months. #9 Before you, the villain holds your sidekick and love interest over a cliff, taunting you to choose one to save. So what's so different, so much more problematic, about writing the "kingpin" or the "reformed drug dealer"? Write about how after a devastating illness that rocked, Write a book about how after a devastating storm that encompassed the. Write a story about a character who lives in an ancient society. Theres nothing connecting them. Your country is separated into three main regions with a dangerous neutral zone in the center. Write about your character, who gets caught in the middle of an ancient feud between two families as a result of one of their failures. Your main character has worked their entire life to make their dreams of curing cancer a reality. Write about how your friendships play a part in your relationships. 5. Not being happy in your career and how to conquer it. Then their dates sibling calledto tell them they had died. Consider morals and how one discovers what truly matters to them. Unfortunately, the first few times, you failed to act as a normal child after being reborn. I've also included ten non-fiction prompts. Your character is going about their normal day when suddenly, a low sound blares outside and doesnt stop. Black Perspectives asks contributors to consider the continuation and . Then they freeze, their joy turning to anger, rage. As this genre gains more and more popularity, you may find yourself wondering what a certain post-apocalyptic world might look like. They just didnt know how close it. See where these ideas take you. 15 Urban Fantasy Story Prompts Everyone loves a good blend of fantasy and modern day life, here is a list of 15 prompts to get your creative juices flowing. What it means to have overall life wellness. Here are 25 writing prompts about personal journey: Grab a copy of Published. Write about a character who finds an odd-looking egg in the forest. But they soon realize that nobody remembers who they are day after day, despite making very clear and memorable introductions. Witnessing someones descent into madness is something your character never thought theyd experience. Write about a portal to another world, that is exactly like this one, except magic has been allowed to flourish instead of having been killed off thousands of years ago. While they make a seemingly full recovery, something has just been. Write a story about how, as an artist, your main character has it well. The Ghost Cat, Totem #5 by Christine Rains is a paranormal, shifter urban fantasy set in Alaska and is the fifth book in a series about three polar . After hitting it off, they go out on a date that ends very poorly for one of them. Write about how morals and values differ within different cultures and regions. And once you do, you can never settle for anything less ever again. A strange person approaches your character claiming to be their long-lost parent. Your character wants to find a way for everyone to have a suit no matter what law enforcement says. Schedule your writing time and follow your deadlines if you really want to finish, Write about a character who wakes up in a space pod alonenext to a ship so massive its actually. Fiction Readings and Scaffolds from the Center for Urban Education. Its scannable and contains any information someone would ever need to know, including age, overall health, risk for diseases, and more. Write about how for the past month, your character has received a number of disturbing and detailed drawings in their mailbox. Peace. Write about a character who is up for a big promotion within their company. Write a romance about how your character is basically a starving artist, an art student just barely getting by. If you're looking for a quick boost to get yourself going, these 10 short writing prompts will do the trick. In fact, cheating and betrayal of any kind in any relationship are punishable by life in prison (and even death in extreme cases). 30. Enjoy! A good writing prompt will jump-start your creativity, help you come up with new ideas and . To never get involved because love can only lead to pain and hardship. Its everything your character could wantand then they meet the person who pays thousands for their portrait. But when they get interrupted by the weird kid at school, they have to set some ground rules for its use. He decides to take Darwinism into his own hands. Its even more difficult, however, when you find out the person youre head over heels for is a torturer. Cancer is nothing more than an old nightmare. Its one thing to use a writing prompt, its another to ensure that idea is actually a good one. When the sun goes down, they realize just how occupied the island actually isand theres a reason its off-limits. The great thing about this genre is that you can get really creative and really dark. Your character was adopted from foster care when she was 5. Write about a super tsunami thats demolished the eastern portion of the United States. Write about the idea of wants versus needs in life. Well, they did, anyway, until they uncovered who the voice belonged to. The following fantasy story plot ideas can help you get into your characters' heads. below to get the definitive guide on how to write a book PLUS get access to the audiobook, advanced trainings, and additional resources to help you write your book! Unfortunately, your character discovers a superstorm developing, Your character develops a new device you implant in your ear that reads the minds of those they focus on. Write about how a package is mailed to your main character. They just cant seem to stop killing people. A tragedy you, unfortunately, lived through and how it has shaped you. Use them as novel ideas, short stories, screenplays, or just try them as creative writing exercises to stretch your imagination. For aspiring writers, this consistency helps find your voice. But when everything theyve worked for is burned in a tragic fire, they have to start all over with nothing to their name and a roommate determined to hold them back. . Write about how its rare to find true love as a child. Write about a character who is obsessed with certain colors. Write a story about how the world your character currently lives on is nearing its breaking point. After a war between their people rips them away from each other, theyll have to fight, manipulate, and fool in order to get each other back. Write a story about Gods over a specific element like water, fire, etc. They havent lit them for weeks. Who killed him? Write about a time you had very little happiness and how you found it again. Her dads friends are off limits. Write about a character who, every weekend, wakes up as a different historical figure in their time period. Skyscrapers, mass transit, hot night clubs, and the magical world combine in these prompts. Then their fathers friend shows up out of nowhere and explains all of it. Here are 25 writing Prompts about Confidence: Faith writing is a very personal journey for people. 30 Fiction Writing Prompts. Bad romance novels play host to an abundance of problematic and tedious characters the meek virgin, the reformed jerk, the conflicted step-brother.