There are other men in the sea who are honest and loyal. They are slippery and gave you a hard time to catch them.. sometimes, they made a mistake but they dont meant to hurt you. To sum it up, the marriage between a Pisces Woman and Taurus Man can last a lifetime. We enjoy treating others to gifts pwith our money though, especially those who appreciate it and who have earned it. However, if one of them requires too much, the eruption will happen. In traditional astrology, he is also ruled by Jupiter the planet of expansion and luck. A Taurus man will have to be careful not to hurt the sensitive Pisces womans feelings, and she will need to thicken her skin and learn to steer clear of him when hes upset. Taurus and Pisces are both about joy. It really is true. He lacks emotional stability and is prone to mood swings. That was when I knew I need to get out. Yea, i am taurus love my piceas man. They might have differences, but the signs are compatible He is easy-going and will adapt to her routines. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2021 Ask Oracle. We live a couple of states away but have mutual friends. and its pretty well-known that Pisces men are wishy-washy. Keep my worlds they dont deserve taurus pure love whatsoever, Not all Pisces are like that There are cusps as well.. Dont forget that. Thanks. Though this is a great pair, its not always perfect. I am a Taurus woman 28 & I met my Pisces man 33 November 2019. Taurus Bull woman is likely to help keep Pisces men motivated and determined in their relationship, bringing magic and romance to their lives. The Pisces man is a gentle and spiritual soul and the Taurus woman is down to earth, sensuous, and more inclined to the physical world. Being a Taurus we are very loyal and time & time again he has broken the trust in our relationship. This is crazy how right it is!! Im Pisces and we are mysterious. 2023 Ingenio, LLC. After reading your comments if feel like quiting this relationship. !so he ended up leaving me because he felt to stressed! You know that adage grab a bull by the horns? Am a taurus and am perfectly getting along with my pisces dude.Seriously its really a great thing having people who invented google and partook in the horoscope and zodiac sign.everything is well said and is working accordingly ..I hail you guys.What a great gift indeed God has bestowed you ..Am one of the most happiest lady in a quite nice and fantastic relationship ever.. Im a Taurus woman falling for a Pisces man. okay! We do NOT get along. Married pisces man & taurus woman here. Lives in a different state, we talk on the phone for hours and now we sleep together on the phone. New customers can get a free 3 minute reading with a psychic of their choice. The Pisces man is ready in the 2023 to make some declaration or take a next step in your relationship. He is the Yang to my Yin and I am very thankful for him. A Taurus man must give himself to the Pisces woman without reservation, Ive always felt this heavy draw, like fate, with pisces men (not like with any other signs) and have always counted them among my dearest friends. Im a Taurus woman and married to a Pisces man. It makes her feel good and creates an invisible chain to connect them together. At that time, Taurus woman will be a person who takes responsibility to deal with troubles. The only issue is, I find that the subject is always on me, me me me I feel selfish- I dont open up that that much but I do so more than he does, it is so difficult to know much about a Piscean, I find them very secretive and selfless, they dont talk about thereselves that often therefore I dont get to understand him or know him properly that hurts me, a lot because Id like to ask him more about himself but I fear being blocked out and pushed away as him talking about his self isnt a regular thing. For a little over 40 million singles: //amzn. If you have not already tied the knot, this year could be the right time to do so. The Taurus woman has to also soften up from time to time to let the Pisces man shine. The Taurus woman has this homely presence that attracts the Pisces man. But I did quickly have an online fling after we filed for divorce. I was so angry that hed seem to care so much about forming a romantic connection with me when I found he was already in a committed relationship with someone else. I didnt exactly cheat on my ex. When working together, the Pisces man and Taurus woman have an ideal support system to overcome these obstacles. May be again its because of our stubborn nature or our never ending hope on others improvement. He fully appreciates the predictability and simplicity of the needs of his Taurus woman. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Complete Guide To Dressing For Your Leo Man. One of the common Pisces traits is indecisiveness, which might cause problems for this couple as they try to navigate issues such as choosing whether or not to move houses or have children. Oh My God me I am dating now with pisces man but he really tells me that he loves me most but I do too(me i love him for life not only for sex) , what I dont know untill now is if loves me for making with him good sex cause when we re making sex nothing wonderful like it but I really dont know what kind of love he loves me because me I always wish to continue our love forever but I dont know his side according to the comments below I am afraid that he will use to hurt me quietly because sometimes he can cheat on me and I cant be able to appreciate that . All of my serious committed relations were with Pisces men, they seem to be drawn to taurus women and love them unconditionally. Like the way you like to treat you. Never have I been so interested in a guy. Whether youre dating one of these zodiac signs or trying to set up someone else, you need to know about the Taurus man and Pisces woman compatibility. Its just the way they are. They both will be equally concerned about home care and this will always keep their I dont know what to do. as the woman you must build & conduct effective dialogue & be as direct as possible without pushing him away. I forgot to mention, his birthday is on the 16th March and my fathers was on the 15th March, I say was because my father passed away a few years ago, for this reason I think I always wanted to come accross a Piscean so that I could really see what sort of a guy my father would have been, to see some of the traits that my father would have also carried- because I adored him, very much! Pisces Man & Pisces Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? I dont know whats next but I hope hes this awesome when we finally meet! We can handle them because of our magnetic and alluring approach to them. Taurus and Pisces are both about joy. I just began to date a Pisces man. A Taurus guy can show a Pisces woman how to temper her emotions with logic and see situations from a practical point of view, which can help ground her. He is extremely averse to taking any risks at all. They are a pair that can stand the test of time in marriage. What will make her fall for him fast is how validated she feels when she talks to him. We're in this together! I dont know what to do. So he promised me that he will not do it again but I want to test him few days if he cant be honest to me I must leave immidiate cause i cant stay in a shit like that.. Maybe has something to do with rising signs or some other aspect of their chart? This makes the Pisces man imaginative and is inclined to see the bigger picture and is adaptable wherever he goes. The more they talk and spend time together, the more they will both recognize that the other has the qualities they lack and desire in a friend. Movies might be a good way to bond. Taurus addresses the craft of affection-making, delicacy, and exotic Ive been with Pisces men my daughters dads is oneIm a sucker for them. We gel SO WELL. Nothing scares and annoys me about their mood swings I hate it. I wish I read this while we was still dating, even according to this, the failure was on his part, im a pisces male. I am fully in love with him over the phone! I want him but I want him to grow up. Dear Uwase Esther I agree with Susan.. if he cheats on you then he really doesnt love you. They tend to be sweet and gentle to one another. Ive dated 2 Taurus women, both for 3 years +. A Taurus man is laid-back and easy-going, but he also tends to be dominant and likes to take the lead. But I could be wrong..I think that was the case for me at least. Funny, my first fianc was a Pisces but not at all like this one. I know thats not ideal but our paths rarely cross in person. They usually response shorter, cos they avoiding confrontaion like taurus. Reach out to him. Use these secrets to make your Taurus man love you (they work like magic). Thanks for your insight. But abandoning reality is something that the Taurus woman absolutely will not do. But then, since everything else is harmonious, it is dangerous spice; it could bring some excitement in this calm and balanced relationship or The sexual union of Taurus woman and Pisces man is very satisfying. WebThe compatibility between the Pisces woman and the Virgo man is good in many respects. I enjoyed speaking to him all the time, of course but I knew that talking too much too honest would leave us with nothing to discuss eventually. Carrying all traits, the good and bad! He is sneaky, rude, secretive Has no drive. All rights reserved. Hes a little vulnerable because hes been hurt by a girl hes dated for quite sometime, but I try to assure him that Im not here to hurt him, I just want to love him, but hes making it difficult by not opening up. This can be a wonderfully tender pairing but it can also go disastrously wrong for both partners. In your opinion, what sign(s) have that ability? The sexual tension between them can be the talk of the town. We both have boundaries and we respect them, if either of us get carried away it will usually be him. Pisces needs the freedom to be themselves. Based on my observation, They cherish beautiful face and body. The Taurus woman and Pisces man make a playfully erotic and romantic couple, they will enjoy great sex, unforgettable moments, and get through the difficult times while they are building their life together. I prefer to take care of his needs because he makes loving him so satisfying and easy. Rich woman looking for older man & younger woman. Taurus is an earth sign and Pisces is a water sign. WebThe Pisces man and Taurus woman have a powerful connection that comes very naturally. But the, Need advice about your love life? Once she has become committed to her lover, she puts a superhuman amount of faith into him and can be utterly crushed when she is let down. I always knew I was going to marry a pisces and that is just what is happening. But we are a taureans and our sign is a bull. Pisces men gives me the emotional satisfaction that taurus crave, theyre very loyal to the people they love and care for. They might be open to pretend play, theres this vulnerability when theyre physically intimate. Im with a Pisces man he is the kindest person Ive ever met, Im Taurus and can be stubborn but we get in so well even though its a long distance relationship Im a very emotional loving person but I struggle to know how he feels as he isnt good with emotions, I tell him I love him but have never heard it back I know he cares very much about me and probably does love me Id just like to hear the words even once would be enough, I really want us to work we have so much in common and laugh continuously but I do find the lack of emotion on his side breaks my heart. I truly admire your honesty here. Being with him for several years I think the reason the relationship with this sign is tend to last for a long period of time is not because its a great match but mostly is due to nature of pisces needy character towards us and secondly our patient nature. He seemed as if he was into me but I wasnt at that point I basically made a point of saying that we were never going to be an item and thats because I was the only one aware of my current circumstances/situations and knew that I wasnt yet ready for any relationships other than the one with myself.