The French was influenced by the American Revolution because they saw how successful it was and thought it would work for them, The French Revolution was almost an exact replica of the American Revolution. Almost had a civil war. Composed of seven states from the South, this new government looked to separate from a union that they felt was tipping in power towards those who wanted to threaten the rights of the South, especially slavery. Fill out the Skimming for Gist section of the Three Close Reads Worksheet as you complete your first close read. With such an ideological basis, it becomes clear when one sets out to compare the French Revolution and American Revolution that people felt the need to be free from oppressive or tyrannical rule of absolute monarchs and have the ability to live independent from such forces. And I think thats invariably true, but I also think this is how Charlie sometimes puts it. From the top down, there is a cultural course that is set. Although they did have similarities and differences; it seems as if their results differ more than they compare. Its called two wolves. And it was like a breach of trust between right wing media and the audience that they had cultivated to be distrustful. And that was that. The American Revolution was a war between the American Patriots in the thirteen British colonies and Great Britain. Yes. What the leader does is the leader sets the course of a cultural river. However, there is a difference that makes the American revolution succeeded while the French revolution doesn't. Though they received no formal training, they were not so dependent on a book knowledge of military tactics as were many of the Americans. That cannot be taken away by living as a red minority in a blue state or a blue minority in a red state. And so, you know, I think just to set the stage for this conversation, can you just give us like the thesis of the book? David, my friend, thank you for being here. They do not like Trump. But the point of the one you feed is that means its what theyre taking in. But then I do try to do my research on other areas because. And you know, Id imagine youd get a little pushback on this idea that that theres not something endemic in the Republican Party. The American Revolution turned the American society into a republic, as the French Revolution eventually led the French society into dictatorship and more chaos in the, The American and French Revolution both had similar stages that a revolution consists of having a normal stage, widespread dissatisfaction, and the transfer of power and effect. And then number three, theres the question of identity. The French was in Europe fighting for freedom against its own government. The American Revolution took place between 1775 and 1783, while the French Revolution occurred between 1789 and 1799. And it would. This is where Right. He was a brilliant general who defeated Napoleon's attempt to regain French control over the colony. The French Revolution began with the storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789, to rescue imprisoned revolutionary leaders. Like, people you would want as neighbors. The American Revolution hoped to achieve Independence . The Americans and French both had a normal stage in which they were ruled by and monarchs were chosen in a traditional way. Kelly was right. He says, what you essentially need to do is to dilute the reruptive power of faction by allowing factions to bloom. During this time period, there were several revolutions that occurred throughout the developing world. Weve most have been talking about the right. Painting of several men holding another man down, who has been covered in tar and white feathers. I just think shes like the AOC on the left side. Is voting less secure now than it was back in the day. The Declaration of Independence was basically announcing them as not the thirteen colonies but as the first thirteen states of the U.S. But if were in a position where its even possible, thats a scary thing. There are forces that are stretching us and pulling us. They both had a time when both sides oppressed the French and British government. Because Ive even looked at if that ever happened, I would move to a a red state. The French navy in particular played a key role in bringing about the British surrender at Yorktown, which effectively ended the war. Dont trust the FBI, but I wouldnt trust my own eyes. It tells you an awful lot. Revolutionaries were inspired by the ideals of the Enlightenment including individual freedom. Although the American and French revolutions were very similar in the actions, there were many differences leading them into ultimately different paths and states of rest. This is a great way to get students to think in depth and compare and contrast the American Revolution, French Revolution, and Russian Revolutions.The worksheet is sold separately and its called: World History: Comparing American, French, and Russian Revolutions This is an extension to another assignment that only compares the American and French I think its just all of which, not regardless, but I couldnt think of anyone either. A powerful and popular general named Napoleon Bonaparte soon rose to power and declared himself emperor in 1799. Like, on a government building, that was unimaginable. Is the role that leadership can play. Right. All the way back to twenty eighteen and twenty twenty and twenty twenty two that said, oh, maybe this doesnt work. Because you do this thing at the beginning where everybody tells you, like, what they do for fun and, you know, where they live and what they did for work and, like, you know, just the sweetest room, she talks about your delicious grandchildren. British generals, however, tended toward a lack of imagination and initiative, while those who demonstrated such qualities often were rash. The fundamentals of each revolution, why the citizens were fighting are completely different. But at no point, theyre the sense of Well, thats just too far to be in our coalition. Second, each revolution rejected rule without representation. And then as soon as the topic veers into politics, then all of a sudden its like watching one of these old sitcoms where the cars driving and you see the transmission coming out in the road and the wheels are coming off, then youre thinking, wait. The colonists protested these heavy-handed taxes and rioted in the streets. And we also know, Sarah, if Chris Ruffo came out tomorrow and said, I have concluded that Donald Trump has committed crimes. First, I. think Fox is probably the most down the middle of any of them. Fear of rebellions as violent as the Haitian and French revolutions loomed over the Latin American revolutions from 1810 to 1825. But Marjorie Taylor Greens social circle notwithstanding, theres no doubt our country is facing deep internal divisions. American colonies were placed with new taxes, and still werent allowed to elect representatives to Parliament; creating cries of No taxation without representation! With all the new taxes Britain kept creating, the Americans rebelled against them resulting in the Boston Tea Party and Boston Massacre sparking the flame of the revolution. Well, centering, theres a lot of centering in media. But then if you tell them about, say, the Seth Rich conspiracy theory coming out of Fox or all of the Dominion nonsense coming out of Fox, that doesnt tell them to distrust Fox. My special favorite is one and you just heard some examples of this where theyre like, yes, things are so bad. How was the American Revolution a civil war? This is this is right. The French populace was divided into three estates. And so these people including the women in the group are like, well, I would vote for a woman, but unfortunately, I dont think other people would or I think world leaders wouldnt take them seriously because of how these other countries are. But I guarantee you one thing. Right? I think a lot of these recent events are making, it seem like it is a bigger possibility. And so why wouldnt I vote for the Republican? We make this sphere a faction bigger so that we dont have that zero sum game where Democrats win and somehow my ability to live according to my core values diminishes where if Republicans win Democrats ability to live according to their core values diminishes. But like for the most part, they were decent people who recognized, like, that Trump is bad. I dont have the solution yet. The sad thing is though, as theyre laughing and I think they know this and this was hinted at in in the focus group. But that, like, the logistics are too hard. Shes not their cup of tea. I mean, this is where you get West Virginia, for example, East Tennessee. Absolutely not. Haiti even sent soldiers and weapons to help Bolvar fight the Spanish. The Enlightenment and American Revolution resulted in the people believing that their government, or ruler, should protect the peoples rights, including the right to overthrow a government that fails to do so. The thing that I was writing about in my book was were getting so polarized that its possible Its not probable. What has. But if youre not exerting that as a force of will, you leave the field to the people who are deadly serious about this stuff. Were being pushed apart on multiple fronts, including geographically, for example, that people are super clustering into very bright red, into very bright blue parts of the country. You had the Upper class society and the Pheasants. The French Revolution focused the same idea as Thomas Hobbes. And what I wanted to say was, we cant do this indefinitely without serious consequences? The other thing I think you and I both talk about a lot and agree on is the nature of of leadership. So what does he say in federalist ten? Like, the red states, blue states then they all have blue cities inside of red states, and we are all intermingled and also based on thanksgivings as best I can tell for gross people, you know, share these different political opinions and people that they love. The sphere of liberty in the US is broad enough to wear a variety of communities can live side by side with each other. Oh, god. And then run the ballots through the machine a few times. Youll find more maybe more information on Facebook or social media, but youre not necessarily gonna get the truth either. We know a lot about that. So know, the leadership point is really important. So I dont know. So was he living up to his ideals? Sarah, one of them one. Most men are on horseback, fighting with swords. Are the ideals as described in federalist ten good? The cost of the war and pressure from their European rivals was too much for the English. Right? Make a prediction: How important were the Atlantic Revolutions in creating the modern world. Pyramid, the tip of the infotainment spear saying, Arizona is lost and the people just said, no, I refuse. At least there are a a voice thats different and gives you another viewpoint. Both these revolutions had the similar cause, effects, and stages that resulted or started them. To actively oppose it. energy to do the real logistical Bulwark. Reasons for the difficulty in maintaining an adequate Continental force included the colonists traditional antipathy toward regular armies, the objections of farmers to being away from their fields, the competition of the states with the Continental Congress to keep men in the militia, and the wretched and uncertain pay in a period of inflation. But to me, actually, it was part of what was funny. And and the reason that I like that so much is that what I feel like politicians are doing right now is I believe and no ones gonna talk me out of it that people are essentially good. Its coming up on eight years since, now. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. You know, I dont know. At that time the remedy for this problem was drafting the poor, uneducated and less fortunate members of society. They insisted on the implementation of new measures that would guarantee the natural rights of all citizens and believed that, as Rousseau wrote, no man has any natural authority over his fellow men, and since force is not the source of right, conventions remain as the basis of all lawful authority among men. . The people there are kind and unprejudiced. From the beginning, sea power was vital in determining the course of the war, lending to British strategy a flexibility that helped compensate for the comparatively small numbers of troops sent to America and ultimately enabling the French to help bring about the final British surrender at Yorktown. Although both revolutions began in the same period of time, they are similar and different in many ways. Canada: The influence of the American Revolution, Explore highlights of the Revolutionary War, which won 13 American colonies their political independence from Great Britain, Paul Reveres ride and the Battles of Lexington and Concord, The Siege of Boston and the Battle of Bunker Hill, The surrender at Saratoga and French involvement, Final campaigns in the South and the surrender of Cornwallis, The status of naval forces at the outbreak of war, French intervention and the decisive action at Virginia Capes, Causes and Effects of the American Revolution,, Econlib - Benefits of the American Revolution: An Exploration of Positive Externalities, Boston Tea Party Ships and Museum - American Revolution, American Battlefield Trust - American Revolution Timeline, Humanities LibreTexts - American Revolution, American Revolution - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), American Revolution - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up), skirmishes between British regulars and American provincials on April 19, 1775. The government and leadership in France was corrupt as they were in much debt. And then heres the other problem, Sarah Longwell can point to scandals, you know, in mainstream or left wing media, and that are real that happened and are bad. The French justified their revolution by following the same principles as the colonists did. A cause of the American revolution was taxation without representation. Its been a long time. Please select which sections you would like to print: Alternate titles: American Revolutionary War, United States War of Independence, War of Independence, Emeritus Professor of History, Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut. The revolutions however also had some similarities but ultimately are overruled by their variances, The main alteration being the reason for It would be a very, very different party. Shes never been conservative about anything. Now weve seen from twenty twenty two, for example, that there might be a two percent or a three percent or a four percent who are not gonna go that far that will not vote for, say, a Hershel Walker or a whatever. And I just heard this for years with Trump. And heres the other thing. Understandably, the other European monarchs were pretty shocked. Quebec and Canada has had various referendum about secession and leaving. The Haitian Revolution established the second independent republic in the Americas and the first independent nation-state ruled by people of African descent. There, they freed a handful of prisoners, seized weapons to defend the city, and beheaded two officials. Its very hard. Britain did this primarily by imposing a series of deeply unpopular laws and taxes, including the Sugar Act (1764), the Stamp Act (1765), and the so-called Intolerable Acts (1774). The American and French Revolution are not duplicates of each other, but they are very similar. They were also similar because they both had social inequalities which was basically if you were in a different social class you were treated differently. That is when were talking about a situation in which we look at an election as having existential consequences for our ability to function within the American social compact. Im glad you gave me the segue. And if you look across the world, youll see, for example, the United Kingdom, came very close to its own separation with the Scottish referendum. Beginning with the Stamp Act of 1765, Great Britain tried and failed to raise revenue from their subjects in the American colonies. The Haitian Revolution was the most radical. With tension building between the two powers, the revolution was a battle that formed what America is today. And and theyre theyre fighting. They were swimming along with the course quite merrily. Their idea of a compromise is well take only half of what we think we should take. Yes. And Im with these awesome people who dropped everything when they heard the tornado had happened, descend upon Mayfield, Kentucky. I just trusted that that was how the vote was recorded. A battle scene. And Ive had the same conversation with folks who say, well, I go first to fox, and then I also look at CNN. If you had a plus twenty vote for secession, then Nashvilles coming along because it lost. I am victimized by the politics here. Dont miss her. No. After twenty twenty two, where every one of the hypermagazine candidates in the statewide swing state election lost, every one of them. His idea was the separation of powers so its balanced, as in what we still use. The war was therefore one fought by small field armies.