Georgia Aquarium. How Much Does The Train Cost In Baltimore? The largest aquarium in the U.S. has tens of thousands of animals swimming in over 10 million gallons of water. Aquatic animal health ATLANTA Georgia Aquariums longest-tenured whale shark is dead after 15 years at the facility. They have the name whale shark because they do have some similarities with whales. When the aquarium was opened in 2002 it had largest acrylic glass panel in the world measuring 8.2 by 22.5 metres (27 by 74 feet) with a thickness of 60 centimetres (24 inches). We are significantly reducing the quality of life for these animals. For some species in particular, the issue of captive populations has become highly contentious. The whale shark holds many records for size in the animal kingdom, most notably being by far the largest living nonmammalian vertebrate.It is the sole member of the genus Rhincodon and the only extant member . Outside Asia, the aquarium is the first one to keep such a giant ocean creature in captivity. It has a mouth full of small, sharp, almost scale-like teeth. Thank you for reading! The underbody is white or cream colored. There's nothing quite as humbling as an encounter with an animal 5x your size! These sharks have been observed hanging vertically in schools of baitfish while sucking the baitfish into their mouths. Did a whale shark dies at Georgia Aquarium? Up close and personal. The Big Blue Whale sculpture is located at the west end of Crissy Field and will be free and open to the public October 13th, 2018 to January 13th, 2019. the Chimelong Ocean KingdomIn 2014, almost a decade after the Georgia Aquarium opened, the Chimelong Ocean Kingdom easily became the largest aquarium on Earth. Why no aquarium in the world has a great white shark? Georgia Aquarium1: Georgia Aquarium, Atlanta, Georgia With over 500 underwaters species, Georgia Aquarium is one of the best aquariums in America. Can only swallow small prey because its throat is very narrow, often compared to the size of a quarter. It prefers warm tropical water, in a range of 21 to 25o C (69.8 to 77o F), but is more content when the warm water is interspersed with cooler, nutrient-rich upwellings that provide a good source of food. As is the case with other sharks, there is no parental care of the pups. It was the largest aquarium in the world when it opened in 2005. These spotted giants can be found in tropical and temperate oceans all over the world, although they are considered to be endangered. The whale shark is the biggest fish in the sea. With a space so large, its no wonder they can keep the worlds largest fish. It incorporates a 98 meter (322 ft) underwater tunnel. Aside from just fish, the aquarium displays the history and cultural importance of various ocean life. A very distinctive characteristic on each side of the upper body is the presence of three parallel, horizontally oriented ridges that start at about where the gill slits end and run the length of the body. Trixie was one of the aquariums first whale sharks and has been a star in its 6.3 million gallon Ocean Voyager exhibit since 2006, according the statement. Aside from their research within the aquarium, the research team also tags and studies wild specimens. They are slow swimmers usually moving at no more than 5 kph (3 mph). Newborns measure 21 to 25 inches (53-64 cm) long. This data will help us understand and better care for sharks on exhibit, as well as improve our interpretation of behaviors seen in this field. Blood cells and serum chemistry in the worlds largest fish: the whale shark (Rhincodon typus). Ovoviviparous- the embryo is formed within an egg, which then hatches in the mothers uterus. What do Wilmington Shark's fans and North Carolina Aquarium at Fort Fisher (NCAFF) staff have in common? Are there sharks in the Baltimore Inner Harbor? Consists of zooplankton, specifically sergestid shrimps and fish eggs as well as krill, jellies, copepods, coral spawn, etc. The whale shark is listed by the IUCN Red List as vulnerable. As you sit staring at the massive glass viewing area, you can see four separate whale sharks in a single tank. There has been controversy surrounding the decision of the Georgia Aquarium to house whale sharks. Ioworld Kagoshima Aquarium is located in Kagoshima City, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan., For advertising please email: Unlike most shark species, its mouth is located at the front of the head (terminal) instead of the underside of the rostrum (subterminal). The two new whale sharks, Yushan and Taroko, join Alice and Trixie in the aquariums 6-million-gallon tank. The Kaiyukan Aquarium pioneers whale shark research. The whale shark has a huge mouth, which can reach up to 4 feet (1.2 m) across, located at the front of the head. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: Vendors selected to participate in the 2020 BFMB season must have applied by the application deadline of December 31, 2019 and have been, All of our exhibits are indoors, including our warm and cozy Rainforest, which is kept at above 70 degrees all year round. Georgia Aquarium protects whale sharks through research and conservation efforts in the field, in the laboratory and through our unique position as the only aquarium in the western hemisphere to display these elusive gentle giants. The exhibit is 9 meters deep and holds 5,400 tons of water, making it the only home for a whale shark in the aquarium. Why In The World Do Turtles Pile On Top Of Each Other? She contributed enormously to our understanding of whale sharks and their care. Does the Georgia Aquarium have a great white shark? These creatures are being put on display in the so-called name of education. Going to visit these animals once a year may seem like a fun trip, but we must ask ourselves, at what cost? The embryos have no placental connection to the mother, and are supported nutritionally first by the yolk sac and then by fluids called uterine milk secreted by villi in the internal uterine wall. Sharks are nomadic animals, so keeping them in confined spaces does not bode well. Bring the memories home with you! Both love sharks! 100 Aquarium Way, Whale Shark Sell Price If you manage to catch a Whale Shark you can sell it at Nooks Cranny for 13,000 Bells. You can purchase a card at the, The Maryland Area Regional Commuter (MARC) train runs commuter services between DC and Baltimore. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. These species of sharks are imported from Taiwan via boats and trucks. One female whale shark harpooned off the coast of Taiwan contained about 300 embryos in her two uteri that ranged in size from 42 to 63 cm (16.5 to 24.8 in). (2017) Long-term assessment of whale shark population demography and connectivity using photo-identification in the Western Atlantic Ocean. There's something for everyone. The aquarium is a bit smaller than the others on the list, and their shows are totally in Japanese, making for more manageable crowds. Many shark species have brains as complex as mammals, which enables them to process a wide range of senses. Total Water Volume: 10 million gallons Largest Tank: . There are still many unanswered questions about whale sharks, particularly about mating and reproduction. The answers to these questions may lie in deeper waters, far away from human observation. Whale sharks are the largest species of fish in the world and can weigh up to 15 tons and reach lengths of up to 40 feet. Large whale sharks dont often make it long in captivity. By far, the most serious threat to this species is from humans. These spotted fish, which are sharks, not whales, can measure longer than 30 feet and rank. The skin of an adult whale shark can be as thick as 4 inches (10 cm) and has the consistency of strong rubber, which limits possible predators to killer whales, great white sharks, tiger sharks and humans. Georgia Aquarium is home to four whale sharks and is the only aquarium in the United States where you can find these sharks. It's no wonder they've gained a reputation for being some of the most impressive and formidable predators on the planet! Even after exhaustive veterinary and animal care efforts, she ultimately passed away, the aquarium said. The whale shark is a filter feeder and its modified gill rakers can remove food particles from sea water down to 1 mm (0.039 in) in diameter, but most of its food comes in larger dimensions. Our original designs feature the iconic blacktip reef shark, sandbar sharks and more., Read T.D., Petit R.A, Joseph S.J., Alam M.T., Weil M.R., Ahmad M., Bhimani R, Vuong J.S., Haase C.P., Webb D.H., Tan M., Dove A.D.M. GEORGIA AQUARIUM (ATLANTA, GEORGIA) The largest aquarium in the world, the Georgia Aquarium invites visitors to come face-to-face with sharks, rays, dolphins, penguins, sea lions, seals and beluga whales! The whale shark is enormous and reportedly capable of reaching a maximum length of about 18 metres (59 feet). We treat your information with respect. A whale shark photo-identification library uses a software program that analyzes photographs of the unique-to-each shark skin patterning behind the gills and any scars of an observed shark to distinguish between individual animals. Colby is a freelance writer from Charlotte, North Carolina. The 4 youngsters of the Aquarium Norton, Ralph, Trixie, and Alice are the foremost species of Whale sharks that thrived in the Georgia Aquarium. Get Out Your Green & Gold! Although the term whale is used as part of the common name of this animal, it is not a mammal, it is a fish, a shark! The public display industry keeps many species of marine mammals captive in concrete tanks, especially whales and dolphins. The whale shark uses a feeding technique very similar to that of the large baleen whales. We strongly encourage aquariums not to add these animals to their collections. f11photo/ The calls against captivity are far from new. Length: 12.6 metres (41.5 feet) Megalodon! The sharks are unusual in that they require a long transport time, as well as complex logistics, which can take between 28 and 36 hours to transport to the . We found from 2012 to 2017, three Beluga whales died at the aquarium, sparking protests back then. This larger, silvery fish can be found swimming in large schools in open water environments over the continental shelf in both the An all-female species, the mourning gecko is parthenogenetic, meaning it can reproduce without males. This is one of many exciting shark and ray awareness activities the Aquarium has queued up for July."We hope . They opened in 2000 and are known as one of the most beautiful aquariums worldwide. As their largest tank, the Pacific Ocean is 9 meters by 34 meters, allowing the sharks to swim around with relative ease. 7(11): 1-10, 2012. Science communication Dr. Jump in on a wide variety of experiences and events that will make your trip to Georgia Aquarium even more memorable. The Atlanta Georgia Aquarium, however, remains the largest aquarium located in Atlanta, Georgia, and the United States. One of the most interesting practices that Ioworld utilizes is the capture and release of its whale sharks. The usual swim speed when feeding at the surface is roughly 2 knots (a typical walking pace of 2.3 mph). and small fishes (sardines, anchovies, etc). Most whale sharks observed are 6 to 12 m (19.7 to 39.4 ft) in length. Gene. Enter your email in the box below to get the most mind-blowing animal stories and videos delivered directly to your inbox every day. Some have wider ethical objections to captive animals. Juveniles are subject to predation by larger fishes and sharks. Trixie had been at the Georgia Aquarium since 2006. Enter your email in the box below to get the most mind-blowing animal stories and videos delivered directly to your inbox every day. This filter-feeding shark may feed passively by simply opening its mouth while it is swimming., Hacohen-Domen A., Martnez-Rincn R., Galvn-Magaa F., Crdenas-Palomo N., de la Parra-Venegas R., Galvn B. and Dove A.D.M. Theres only one aquarium in the country with a great white shark, and its in Monterey, Calif.) During this portion of the tour, guides take props from the pockets in their Crocodile Dundee-like vests. The Japanese aquarium is designed around the Ring of Fire, a volcanically active region across the Pacific tectonic plate. Largetooth Sawfish (Pristis pristis) Its most prominent feature is its rostrum, also referred to as snout or saw, which has 14 to 23 large rostral teeth protruding from it. Aquatic Biology. Biological Bulletin. It looked like a tight fit in comparison to the whale shark. The largest female whale shark at Georgia Aquarium has died, the Atlanta attraction announced. Seeing a shark or ray on a dive is always a highlight. The dark shaded fins are irregularly marked with round, light colored dots. What Are Some Of The Largest Sea Creatures. How deep is the water in Baltimore Inner Harbor? Surround Yourself with Whale Sharks, Rays & More Journey with Gentle Giants is the only opportunity in the world where you are guaranteed to swim with whale sharks, manta rays and more. It boasts six sections and approximately 100 members. Credit: Maldives Whale Shark Research Programme, A gentle giant being "petted". Length: 3 metres (10.1 feet) Sand tiger shark. The whale shark is the largest fish in the world and the largest fish known to have lived on this planet. When the sharks are fed in Ocean Voyager, they employ this suction-type feeding style, while following feeding ladles along the surface. Water depth in the harbor varies considerably, and can range from under 10 feet to more than 40 feet deep, according to NOAA. Length: 3.2 metres (10.5 feet) , Basking shark. If you want to see sharks up-close then maybe an aquarium visit is for you? Most scientists believe that sharks came into existence around 400 million years ago. I am lettin people become fascinated with the ocean planet through my writings. Baltimore, Compare Our Inner Harbor Parking Garage Rates Time Period Harbor Park Garage Lockwood Garage 1300 Spaces 960 Spaces Up to 2 hours $20 $28 Daily, Baltimore is home to some of the greatest artists of all time, like Billie Holiday and Cab Calloway. Active surface suction feeding is the most common type of feeding method and is characterized by the shark swimming in a normal orientation while feeding. PeerJ. Its large mouth, which can be up to 1.5 m (4.9 ft) wide, extends the full width of the head. In addition to the last ones, the Aquariums notable specimens include beluga whales, bottlenose dolphins, and manta rays. You'll get to swim with a snorkel in the Ocean Voyager exhibit, built by The Home Depot, with thousands of amazing animals for the experience of a lifetime. Three whale sharks left of six brought from Taiwan in 2006-2007. AMUN-RA: The Hidden One. Its clear that aquariums and zoos arent going away anytime soon. Can they deliver effective education and engagement around this animal? Our view is that its inappropriate to attempt to keep plankton-eating or migratory species in captivity. Can they deliver care throughout the animals life? Health and Diseases of Aquatic Organisms: Bilateral Perspectives (R. Cipriano and I. Schelkunov eds). Sales from the gift shop support the Aquarium's conservation and animal welfare efforts. A look back at what 2022 meant for shark and ray conservation and what 2023 and beyond has in store. (562) 590-3100. What Time Does The Subway Stop Running In Baltimore Maryland? 1 aquarium in the U.S. and the no. Protected in a number of countries, they are frequently fished illegally because of poor or non-existent enforcement of existing regulations. "We are heartbroken to share that our female whale shark, Alice, has passed away," the statement reads. In fact, the latest Waterfront Partnership of Baltimores Healthy Harbor Initiative report card gave it an F, partially due to the levels of fecal matter in the water. Lets visit the Georgia Aquarium with us to meet the Whale sharks! Many feast on fish, while others prefer to slurp worms or filter plankton. As is the case with many shark species, females tend to be larger than males. Who is called Father of documentary? In southern China and Oman, whale sharks are opportunistically fished. As one of the largest single aquatic exhibits in the world, Ocean Voyager features an acrylic tunnel for guests to view thousands of marine creatures on all sides, as well as a giant acrylic viewing window to explore our oceans like never before. The Kenting National Museum of Biology and Aquarium is located in Taiwan. Light vertical and horizontal stripes form a checkerboard . Georgia Aquarium is the only aquarium in North America home to whale sharks, the biggest fish in the ocean. Aquarium veterinary staff and researchers continue to study the whale sharks in the Ocean Voyager exhibit, including their growth, behavior, health and genetics. NASA', 1. The Georgia Aquarium is a scientific institution that allows public viewing of many of its animals. No! It was built in 2004 and runs a number of outreach educational programs and ocean research. A rare giant shark now sits in an ice block at the Smithsonian, allowing researchers to hopefully unravel clues about its evolution. At the time of this writing, they held a 16-meter (52 feet) long whale shark, as well as 13 dolphins. Aquarium in Singapore. Typically found offshore but will come close to shore, sometimes entering lagoons or coral atolls. one lonesome whale shark. A whale shark photo-identification library uses a software program that 'analyzes' photographs of the unique-to-each shark . Aquariums shouldnt work alone. 1. It is listed in CITES Appendix II. Many of them aggressively hit aquarium tanks, trying to break through the walls or glass, even at the expense of their own well-being. The Georgia Aquarium the largest in the U.S. boasts gigantic whale sharks among its denizens. Dove AM, Coco C, Binder T, Schreiber C, Davis R, Carlson B, Clauss TM. When the embryos come to term, they are live born. Are there any other species living in the Georgia Aquarium? Where is the Parker Solar Probe now 2021? They're really big, and like some types of whales, they also filter their food out of the water, but they are definitely a shark. We also offer a wide range of exhibits, including the largest shark and ray touch tank on the East Coast and the Giant Ocean Tank, a four-story coral reef home to Myrtle the green sea turtle and hundreds of other Caribbean animals. The awesome whale shark is not exhibited at the Aquarium. The whale shark (Rhincodon typus) is a slow-moving, filter-feeding carpet shark and the largest known extant fish species.The largest confirmed individual had a length of 18.8 m (61.7 ft). Nuclear bomb tests helped determine the ages of whale sharks for the first time. Alam MT, Petit Iii RA, Read TD, Dove ADM. Lets start. Ten of the most dangerous sharks known to man inhabit a 380,000-gallon saltwater tank and tunnel, along with three nurse sharks. What kind of sharks are in the Baltimore aquarium? As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. However, in 2012, it was surpassed by the S.E.A. Why are whale sharks dying at Georgia Aquarium? Five large, vertical gill slits are present just forward of and above the origin of the pectoral fin. Immerse Yourself with Whale Sharks, Manta Rays & More. United States. How old is Trixie the whale shark? Whale shark WATCH: Sharks biting alligators, the most epic lion battles, and MUCH more. Providence College's Student-Run Newspaper Since 1935. Your email address will not be published. In the same year, the aquarium received two more species of Whale sharks Taroko and Yushan. In 2016, the global whale shark population as a whole was downgraded from Vulnerable to Endangered on the IUCN Red List. Whale sharks have a two-toned pattern of light spots on their dark gray back with a white underside. The average length is between 18 and 32 feet (5.5-9.8 m). General and Comparative Endocrinology. Approaching any wild animal is risky and can be dangerous, but in the case of a whale shark it . For all aquariums, there is not enough room for these animals to live a healthy and happy life. It contains 11 million gallons of water and is known as the largest aquarium in the western hemisphere. Also known as ghost sharks. Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse I read in our Reasons to visit Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta The largest exhibit at Georgia Aquarium measures 284 feet long x 126 feet wide x 30 feet deep at the maximum depth. The whale shark is well adapted to its environment. This month we look at some lesser known sharks with unusual names! 2:11 PM EST, Sat November 28, 2020. 2 aquarium in the world by TripAdvisor and we honor our commitment of excellence to our animals and our guests each and every day. Update: Four of the aquariums that are included in this list are accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums. Estimates of whale shark longevity vary from 60 to as long as 150 years, but the maximum age is really unknown. They belong to Russia, but the aquarium still feels responsible for them. Here, over 4,500 feet of viewing glass allows guests to see 6.3 million gallons of seawater, housing whale sharks, rays, and other species. A statement in a Monday Facebook post form the Georgia Aquarium said Alice the female whale shark has died. The fish range in length between 18 and 32.8 feet, but can grow to more than 60 feet long. Animal care workers often participate in the procedures and help dispose of the corpses. Tuna at Tokyo Sea Life Park, Japan. "We are heartbroken to share that our female whale shark, Alice, has passed away," the statement reads. They tend to spend most of their daytime hours cruising at shallow depths, apparently feeding, sometimes right at the water surface. Along with the small forms of phytoplankton and zooplankton that are caught in its filtering system it will also eat sea jellies, small crustaceans, squid, and small fishes such as anchovies, sardines, mackerel, and similar species. One juvenile was found in the stomach of a blue shark and another in the stomach of a blue marlin. Sharks have a range of adaptations that make them perfectly suited to their environment. From our perspective, we ask that aquariums carefully consider every animal that they bring into their collection. When he isn't distracted by his backyard birdfeeder, you can find him camping, exploring, and telling everyone around him about what he's recently learned. Is There A Commuter Train From Dc To Baltimore? Take a look back at the . Whale is used as a description of the size of this shark, the largest fish that exists on Earth. Have you ever visited Georgia Aquarium? The tanks open for display at the Churaumi Aquarium are the Coral Sea Tank, the Kuroshio Sea Tank, and the Deep Sea Tank. What Is the Largest Tank in the Georgia Aquarium The awesome whale shark is not exhibited at the Aquarium. Comfort in and around water, including standing in water, is necessary to ensure a safe and engaging experience. Slavin LL04, Phone: 401-865-2214 Additionally, Churaumi Aquarium is at the forefront of whale shark breeding efforts, and its program is focused on that goal. 2022 Georgia Aquarium 225 Baker Street Northwest, Atlanta, GA. Georgia Aquarium is a nonprofit committed to inspiring awareness and preservation of our ocean and aquatic animals worldwide. If, or where, there are specific breeding grounds is also a mystery. If staring in awe at one of the world's largest exhibits isn't enough, the aquarium offers separate dive programs. Threats to whale sharks include entanglement in fishing nets, boat strikes, ingestion of marine debris and micro plastics, and in some cases human interference through unregulated tourism. Because of its size and cartilaginous skeleton, it does not fossilize well and in life it is very difficult to weigh accurately. Probably because locals know the harbor is notoriously dirty. Are there hammerhead sharks in aquariums? Please tick the box below to confirm you're happy for us to email you. For many, aquariums are the best (and only) plausible place to glimpse the worlds largest fish species. It certainly is on ours! They are occasionally taken as bycatch. (2016) Undersea Constellations: Citizen Scientists Elucidate the Global Biology of a Threatened Marine Mega-vertebrate. Aquarium officials estimate theyve spent $6.5 million for the creatures care since trawlers took them from the silvered waters of the Sea of Okhotsk. While the whales use baleen plates as strainers and whale sharks use gill rakers, both open the mouth wide, engulf a large quantity of water and prey, then close the mouth and force the water through the mucus coated strainers that hold food preparatory to swallowing. 1 Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium, Japan Considered one of the biggest and best aquariums in the world, Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium houses 740 species including the gigantic whale shark. Scientists know how old whale sharks are now thanks to World War II-era atomic bomb tests. The Georgia Aquarium is a leader in the research space and animal care. A male specimen accidentally netted off of Bombay in 1983 was measured at 12.2 m (40 ft) and reportedly weighed 11 metric tons (24,250 lb). 67(12): 10291043. 251-258, 2011. Because of their size adult whale sharks have little to fear from natural marine predators, although observers have reported seeing scars that might indicate a large shark such as the white or tiger or even a killer whale might have attempted a larger meal than it could handle. For a fee, snorkelers and divers can get even closer to the fish, sharks, and rays by joining the aquarium's dive master in exploring the main tank. This exhibit was specially designed to house whale sharks, the largest fish species in the world. Some aquariums have tried to exhibit much larger sharks, such as the White Shark and Whale Shark. In conjunction with our renowned SCUBA program, Georgia Aquarium offers an hour-plus try-dive rebreather experience no bubbles! Other recent advances have included a detailed exploration of the chemistry of their blood using cutting-edge analytical techniques at Georgia Institute of Technology and an exciting collaboration withEmory Universityto study the DNA of whale sharks based on tissue samples collected from animals at the Aquarium, which has led to the first ever complete shark genome map. Published The subject of maximum size that a species can reach must not be taken lightly. Participants do not swim with the beluga whales. Most specimens that have been studied, however, weighed about 15 tons (about 14 metric tons) and averaged about 12 metres (39 feet) in length. There are a number of countries that permit the commercial taking of whale sharks and some fisheries target the species. This 6.3 million gallon exhibit houses thousands of fish including zebra sharks, sawfish and more!Jan 1, 2021. It's integral to wildlife conservation, providing the bedrock for our understanding of sharks. The Georgia Aquarium is home to more than 100,000 sea animals, including several whale sharks. They can provide a valuable opportunity to study and learn more about marine animals. All Rights Reserved. Coloration and color patterns vary from one shark to another. The Cowl Feeding anatomy, filter-feeding rate, and diet of whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) during surface ram filter feeding off the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Its a must see for anyone in Baltimore. Our biggest sharks Zebra shark. The whale sharks at the Georgia Aquarium were very curious and swam . The whale shark is the largest fish in the world and the largest fish known to have lived on this planet. It is protected in Australia, the Maldives, the Philippines, and the United States. Established in 1935, The Cowl is Providence Colleges only student-run newspaper. What is the biggest aquarium in the world? How did they get the whale sharks to the Georgia Aquarium? Loss is inevitable, but that does not make it any less painful, the aquarium said. But they diverged from their shark relatives around 400 million years ago. To answer that question, their whale sharks came from Taiwan in 2007 where they were sadly going to be sold at a fish market. Have some feedback for us? Dove ADM, Leisen J, Zhou M, Byrne JJ, Lim-Hing K,Webb HD, Gelbaum L, Viant, MR, Kubanek J, Fernandez F. Biomarkers of whale shark health: A metabolomic approach. These cells assist the shark in finding food at close range, even in poor visibility conditions. These tanks were designed to travel the whale sharks 8,000 miles by plane to Georgia. They are shipped via UPS from Taiwan in a special box made just for them. During active surface feeding, the top jaw typically breaks the surface. 6(4): 1-8, 2011. The spiracles are behind the eyes at a similar distance. Vertical and horizontal lines of cream or white create a checkerboard appearance with round spots in the squares giving the impression of checkers on a board ready for play. Required fields are marked *. We'll only use the information you provide on this form to email you monthly updates and marketing. There is some evidence that the southeast waters off Taiwan and areas in the Philippines may be important birthing areas during the summer months. While there probably arent sharks at the Inner Harbor, there have been some close encounters pretty close to home., Credit: ECOOCEAN Whale Shark Photo-Identification Library. This tank is one of the largest in the world and holds 6.3 million gallons of seawater. The average length is between 18 and 32.8 feet (5.5 10 m). The io in ioworld is actually a local dialect that means fish. The aquarium is known for its whale sharks and dolphin shows, with their dolphins living in the nearby Kinko Bay. Zoology. Evolved for the open ocean, tank run-ins, and other pressure often result in unfortunate fatalities. They are primarily solitary animals, but on rare occasions are observed in aggregations of 100 or more individuals.