"A planet with highest degree in the horoscope is known as atmakarka planet. Research on Navamsa Houses. Aatmakarak planet has a direct influence on the Ascendant 1st house and 1st house lord. Karmic experiences will play out the most in where your Aatmakaraka is placed and the lordship of Aatmakaraka. Since its normal direction in the zodiac is opposite to that of planets, Thank you for reading! For a whole chapter to be devoted to this in BPHS shows how important this planet is in a chart, and most astrologers do not consider the importance of it in most charts (myself included). Atmakaraka in astrology will show you both the souls material goals and the spiritual ones. Mars in the Fifth House indicates a person who is energetic and is highly ambitious, taking risks. The native is pure in heart, well-intentioned and compassionate to all. Rating: 0 out of 5 stars. What I would suggest you is to learn everything you can find about the planet which is your Atmakaraka. Amatyakarak planet which rules over and prime factors of all these areas of life. Who is my ista devata? Devaguru Bhaspati Center is committed to the highest standards of vedic astrology, and we can say with confidence that we have the finest, most rigorous courses and most erudite scholars to teach the same. The strength of Raja-yogas also depends on the strength, position and associations of the Sun, who is the karaka of the first house. The person should learn Given that the Navamsa chart (D-9) illustrates the dharma and karmic landscape of the native spanning life times, the Atmakarakas house position therein is very important to study the spirituality of the native. . I will not only answer these questions, but all the questions you will be having. What kind of karma from past births caused me to take this birth and is there any hope for spiritual advancement and possibly liberation in this life? Computer programming in all its varieties has always thrilled me, and still does. Pranam Sir, If atmakaraka of person A conjunct sun of another person, is that a good match, since sun is also considered atma right? I am a Cancer Ascendant and Moon also exalted (Degree 2 in Taurus with Jupiter) Moon Astakavarga 7 and (Vimsopaka Bala Dasa Varga 14.45 (72%) and Shodasa Varga 14.90 (75%) and Vaiseshikamsa Bala Dasa Varga 7 (Devaloka) and Shodasa Varga 9 (Poornachandra) Moon Avastha is KAUTHUKA. time (by 1 degree in 72 years). Also, with Rahu as atmakaraka, I saw one of your seminars posted on youtube and I am grateful for them doing so as I live in an isolated part of this world with very little legitimate facilities teaching jyotish. Do conjunctions effect atmakaraka ? With Rahu, however, the rule works slightly When these people run their own business, they are very shrewd and always look for opportunities. your own natal chart. Sir,darakaraka sun in libra in 6 th house with mercury and venus,taurus ascendant,7th lord in rohini nakshtra in 1st house,rahu aspecting from 9th house and jupiter aspects 7th house from 3rd house placement. If, on the other hand, atmakaraka aspects the Navamsa Lagna, the native enjoys royalty from birth. For example, Atmakaraka in 1st house or Atmakaraka in all the 12 houses. without permission. Taking your time as perfect, Mercury is in 7th house along with Mars (retro). Sun is placed in Lagna and Saturn is placed in the 10th house. Most interestingly, your Atmakaraka holds the answer to why you came back on this earth & what your greater role in the cosmic scheme of things is. In the consequent years, as a result of communication with different people teaching or It is not higher than Mars' 29 degrees. I am in the same learning process as you are, as I am an eternal student of Jyotish. If, on the other hand, the AK aspects the Navamsa Lagna, then the native enjoys royalty from birth. My name is Dr. Vijay Upadhyay (Ph.D.) doing research on Tuberculosis. Both Mercury and Venus are vargottam. in your case the dusthana from AK are the 6H, 8H and 12H not the 9th house for sure. When you calculate a birth chart, each planet has a degree number next to it. The position of the Atmakaraka in 7th house (lagna in 7th from AK) is highly auspicious and blesses the native with a good spouse and the enjoyments of many beneficial associations. (iii) the owner of the first house or the Atmakaraka is placed in an angle associated with or aspected by Jupiter and Venus, or (iv) the first house has a common sign (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces) and its owner is in an angle or a triangular house or is exalted anywhere in the chart, or Why would Jupiter not want the native to focus on the dharma(8th house from Ju itself would be 9th) that Atmakaraka "shows one's soul's purpose and that which is important in one's life". Propitiate as per Saturn or Lord Satya Nryana, fast on full Moon days and speak the truth OM TAT SAT. becoming the Chara Atmakaraka. As per astrologers, the lord of the first house happens to be Atmakaraka. The easiest way to discover your Atmakaraka is to use the Atmakaraka Calculator. How one faces these lessons is indicated by the house placement of the Chara 1. The Advanced Techniques module of the Dirah course taught me that Atmakaraka is the most important planet The false desires are those we search for in the outside world. He/she may be from the same community. In this article, we will talk about Chara Atmakaraka. Atmakaraka in astrology helps in understanding this difference. Technically, Atmakaraka is a planet that is in the highest degree, no matter what sign, in the sidereal zodiac. Your spouse may be a known person to you. 2. Its very much required. Blessings of his father shall always protect him. I do confirm that the house where my Mercury is located did bring, and Nobility and birth in a royal family result if the Atmakaraka is in the Navamsa Lagna or 1st house. They should care well for their children. Namaste Sir It may happen when such exalted Saturn is influenced by one or more malefic planets, and/or an overall malefic horoscope. Opportunities to show initiative serve to increase your skillset. Moon as AK indicates that the native should be very caring and compassionate. If from the lords of the first and seventh houses from the Atmakaraka, the fifth house has Jupiter, Venus, or the Moon, the native has political or governmental power or authority. color or soul flavour of that particular person. In the Jaimini system of astrology, the Functionality of the planets meaning Karkatwa or significance of the planets determined by degrees of those 7 planets occupied in an individual horoscope in descending order. My atmakaraka planet is mars in Libra vishakha pada 3 It wants to get off this wheel of desires and wants to know the truth. others' opinions, and should always respect the Guru, husband and care for children. Hello sir, I am virgo ascendent. 5/5. The planet having a maximum degree in your horoscope is the Aatmakarak planet of your horoscope. Atmakaraka (AK) Venus is exalted in Rash Chart (in 9th House- Pisces) and in Navamsa chart (in 04th House- Pisces) Venus also retrograde. It is the planet with the highest degrees. The Atmakaraka is the planet that has traversed the most degrees in the sidereal zodiac out of all the planets. Bhavas ruled by Atmakaraka 3. He shall be a pillar for his family and mother; the Moon in strength shall be an added blessing for this. Unlikely as then you would have some chronic health problem from birth. or suffering separation from their spouse. All content on this website is copyrighted. The house in the birth chart in which Atmakaraka planet is positioned should be given special attention. Jiddu Krishnamuti has the Sun atmakaraka in arudha lagna in Aries. What do you do then in current times. Thus, a soul is reborn to get an opportunity to fulfill them. To be precise, Atmakaraka is the significator of the souls desire. (Vimsopaka Bala of Venus Dasa Varga 14.25 (71%) and Shodasa Varga 13.48 (67%) and Vaiseshikamsa Bala Dasa Varga 6 (Paravata) and Shodasa Varga 9 (Poornachandra) Venus Avastha is KAUTHUKA. time 00:30 AM (30 minutes into the 4th august) differently. When we speak about the nature of a person's soul we utilize the Atmakaraka planet. Significations and other features of Graha which is Atmakaraka 2. Ayanamsa, or ayanamsa). However, we can be enlightened to an extent. Roeland de Looff, the author of the Dirah Academy Jyotish courses, Looking at all these aspects, I feel Mercury is very important planet, currently I am running on Saturn Mahadasha and next Mahadasha is Mercury. It was only when I decided to learn some of Jyotish (Vedic astrology), I've For that, we need to subtract the Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. As Navamsa is the divisional chart for marriage, the importance of 7th house in D9 chart is even more. Lets get it straight who is the boss here? Depending on the planet becoming the Yama graha, the deity Yama assumes one of the eight forms. experiences work out, and are worked out. Venus: You are learning to fine-tune and cultivate the qualities of Venus. The actual true desire of the soul is self realization. by Saket Shah. Also, is there bandhana yoga in my chart? Since one year from mars dasha An Introduction to Vedic Astrology Sun, moon and Saturn are vargottama for me. According to the Vedic philosophy a soul is reborn because it has unfinished desires that were left unfulfilled in the previous lives and it is born again to get another opportunity to satisfy them. My Atmakaraka is Jupiter in 1st house in capricorn lagna (parivartana with saturn in pisces 3rd house). wholeheartedly recommend them to anyone interested in learning Jyotish. Each planet (aka the North, or Ascending, Moon's Node in Western astrology). You shoot for the target and get what you want in life; because of this, you are very motivated when it comes to your dreams and desires. The DaraKaraka is the planet in your chart that holds the lowest degree out of all planets (Sun through Saturn). If malefics occupy the third and the Lords of Lagna and the seventh, or the sixth house from the Atmakaraka the native becomes a commander in the army. Panditji, requesting your guidance and Im utterly confused of above and I pray for your reply. Who is my Ishtdevata Planet? Along with Venus and rahu Then, count the number of signs from its position to the Navamsa Lagna. answered: but this is the desire of your soul, to do many different things! Also rahu as amatyakarak join with sun in asc of navmansha. It will give you an idea of the rest of the chart's flavor and direction. It is difficult to completely understand these goals. A powerful Sun brings raja-yoga and enables the native to be very influential in educational and spiritual circles. If the king of a country is good then all his ministers do good acts. Before coming to this consideration, however, first subtract 30 degrees from Rahu to make sure Rahu doesn't compete with Mars in Atmakaraka status. Good Monika.Lighter n easy to understand. Birth time rectification is required because the birth time is never recorded perfectly. D-60 chart which tells what one is carrying from past birth is sensitive to 1 minute change in birth time. The natural karaka of 1st house (Sun) should be strong to indicate the extent of Rjayoga. Marana Karaka Sthana has nothing to do with your death. All this needs a collective study in your chart. If the native is spiritually inclined then the da of the tmakraka can be beneficial. coming. Whats the result of this combination? I just wanted to clarify, when you say, Count the number of signs from AK to nava lagna to determine the AK in different houses.. is it for example; AK falls in 6th house of navamsa chart, do we count from 6th house clockwise direction to Ascendant..so it is 8th house? While referring to personal Atmakaraka, we actually mean the Chara Atmakaraka. In this manner, the retrogression is to be understood. Can you see those events as lessons of your Atmakaraka? However, if you know some astrology and want to learn how the calculation is performed, you can do it yourself in a However, it is very important to understand that the fulfillment of the worldly desires is part of the process of unveiling of the true soul. There are divisional charts which can show very minute and precise details about karma. online Ayanamsha calculator for you, just enter your date of birth and press the Calculate button. First take the house placement of the Atmakaraka in the Navamsa chart. authoritative sources of information about Jyotish. Select Accept to consent or Reject to decline non-essential cookies for this use. Hi Here Saturn being the atmakaraka placed in 3rd house shows that the native can get success in business as Saturn in third house is an indicator of business or setting up own . The true desires are satisfied from within. zodiac of Western astrology. I will use the current transit chart to find the Atmakaraka. 35. Just as the D9 tells us the finer nuances of the D1, the Karakamsa tells us more about the Atmakaraka and the person. Very clear explanation as always If the Atmakaraka is in 4th house (lagna in the 10th from AK), then the natives work is an essential contributor to the successful performance of Dharma. Please rectify. If the Atmakaraka planet is strong, then the other karakas in the chart will give good results, and the weaker planets will not give their adverse effect or results to the full extent. destiny, where you work out your karma most efficiently. The Atmakaraka is like the King of a chart, and the other planets will give their effects based on the strength of the King (Atmakaraka). This is a dhana yoga for sure. AATMAKARAKA is denoted by AK and AMATYAKARAKA by AMK. An error has occurred; the feed is probably down. The planet which Who would be Ishta Devata, i.e., the Deity that will give me moksha or take me to nex higher level? But why Atmakaraka is so important? by Saket Shah. The same way you judge a planet. 1st House: You will have a spouse that is independently successful but also supports you in your successes. may always be looking for relationships, or relationships will be looking for them. Minutes and Seconds 30 pm Colombo (Sri Lanka), I am a Cancer Ascendant. Happiness, sorrows, tensions, behavior, and nature are also determined from your Aatmakarak planet by calculating its position, sign, aspect, lordship, and overall strength and Nakshatra. When is this MKS going to affect me? However, its outer expression does not seem to be spiritual. In my birth chart Atmakaraka (AK) is Venus and Venus is Vargottama and Exalted in Rash Chart (in 9th House- Pisces) and also Exalted Navamsa Chart (in 04th House- Pisces) Venus also retrograde. Whenever the degree of 2 planets is identical or similar then we have to look at minutes and seconds of those two planets for determining the results of karakas. Rhu as AK indicates that the native maybe cheated often and will still have to be free from guile and clean hearted. He also recommended to pay DK is in ascendant. What do you think about my soul position and spiritual alignment? Sun as AK indicates the native has to learn to overcome his ego and should become humble. Jupiter exalted in 8th. and do you have any book suggestions to study this subject? Sorry, you have Javascript Disabled! Being assertive and aggresive, being athletic, showing strength of body, showing strenght of mind, showing strength of will-power, fighting for the underdog, fighting for justice, tempering the qualities of Mars by channeling anger in a constructive manner, using the force of Mars constructively instead of destructively, making changes in your life through constructive force. emails. Thank you very much. that you rely on those powers and use them more and more. My corrected Date and time of birth : April 12, 1979, 16:03 IST. My AK is exalted in taurus in the 6th house of the rasi chart and you talked about listening to the atmakaraka. The advisor plays a crucial role in a king's life. The results of much punya bring opportunities to perform sadhana (spiritual practice), to meet and learn from advanced spiritualists and to serve the cause of promoting Truth in the world. Aatmakarak planet is king and chief planet in any horoscope. But before reaching to any conclusion, you need to get a birth time rectification done. Aatmakarak planet is king and chief planet in any horoscope. Follow up reading upto 12 months will be given, in case you have any query after few months of reading. {FC}: Indicates that the individual may be competitive or aggressive. Does this mean I am going to die soon? Radha Giridhari Mangal Aarti Darshan on 26th April 2019, Radha Giridhari Sringar Darshan on 23rd April 2019, Radha Giridhari Sringar Darshan on 22nd. The strength of Raja-yogas also depends on the strength, position and associations of the Sun, as it is considered to be the kaaka of first house. It may be someone who helps you with something personal that eventually blossoms into romance. It means that the planet is in such house where it is dead. Jupiter: You are learning to fine-tune and cultivate the qualities of Jupiter. These recommendations will be listed in the next section, marked with the authors' initials. {VL}: The most important issue for such people is whom they consider as a teacher/guide and whom they do not consider. I'm an eternal student. I have learned and tried most of the approaches and techniques of the contemporary Western astrology, and there Also look at the natural significators of the planet itself. Similarly, if Saturn is the retrograde AK then the desire would manifest in the native doing something related to the elders or old knowledge in new bottles. What about Dasa/Ad of Sun in natives life. If the lord of the 2nd house joins that of the 5th and/or 9th, then the native enjoys the results of Dhana-yoga (wealth). According to this transit chart, the planet that has traversed the most degrees in the sidereal zodiac is Mars because it is at 29 degrees. Saint Jaimini indicated some results of Navamsa for placement of Atmakaraka. In my D9 (Capricorn Asc) Mercury is placed in 9th house (Virgo) {FC}: Indicates that the person will see sorrow in their life and understand the suffering of others. For example, if you have Sagittarius rising, the diagonal lines will be in the Sagittarius box (Sg). 7. But I dont understand how that would relate to Ju? ATMAKARAKA in the 12 Houses in Horoscope 12,225 views Jul 18, 2021 546 Dislike Share Save Astro Assurance My email id: sydirfan@gmail.com and phone nos for consultation is : 8104534205 within. do we consider rahu as an atmakaraka planet?? Atmakaraka. High attainments and position likened to those of a king result if the lord of the Navamsa Lagna conjoins the AK even if the native is born in humble conditions. Im monk and teaching Gita and have constant transformation energys. Those who have Mercury Atmakaraka do Vyaya is defined in Monier Williams Sanskrit Dictionary as ending, expense, outlay, disbursement, extravagance, waste and prodigality. Rating: 5 out of 5 stars. The Atmakaraka is the ruler of this incarnation and has a special role. the lessons are important, the price you might have to pay for your mistakes can be substantial. If the king of a country is evil, his cabinet will be filled with scandals and negative acts. Role Of Atmakaraka and Amatyakaraka Planet In Vedic Astrology Controller Of Your Destiny: Karkas means signify or significance. {VL}: Emotions and compassion towards others becomes a big issue. Their placement and relation will conclude the 60% of the destiny and well being of an individual. Physical ailments, challenging longevity, in addition to emotional and domestic discontinuity may be problematic for such natives. Here planet Sun is lord of 9th house and rules over the father, luck, religion and all kind of auspicious ceremonies. See Atmakaraka (the highest degree planet)sign in navamsha and make that sign as lagna in birth chart retaining all planetary positions. If Atmakaraka or Amatya Karaka is exalted or occupied own sign and sitting in Kendra (1st, 4th, 7th and 10th house) or Trikona (1st, 5th and 9th house), then person will certainly have approach to the government leaders and will also get higher image value into the society. How do you judge the Atmakaraka? As a result, these desires never become fulfilled. Check the divisional charts and birth charts as well. You really have deep knowledge of astrology. If Atmakaraka is in Navamsa Lagna, the native belongs to a royal family or he is of noble birth and lineage. Recitation of the Maha-mantra is ultimately beneficial for anyone in current era, kali-yuga. Mercury as AK indicates that the native should control his speech and be truthful at all times. If you haven't learned the lesson the first time, maybe you can see its essence now? If nava Lagna Lord conjoins AK, then the native, although of humble origin shall rise to a high rank equal to a king. Kraka refers to the nava (and/or other divisional charts) where the tmakraka is placed and such a sign is treated as the kraka-lagna or seat of the real self, the soul and the first house for determining all things connected to deep inner desires and creation cause itself. Placement of D9 ASC ruler. Thank you so much for imparting & sharing your knowledge:) Sir, I am still waiting for your reply. 1st house : Will walk up to you, anywhere. He is defeated in war. Kraka is composed of two words (1) kraka referring to the tmakraka specifically and other Charakraka (temporal significators) as well and (2) aa referring to the nava and other divisional charts. Sir my Ak venus is exalted in navamsha in 4th house..can I choose acting as a carrier, Your email address will not be published. Chara Karakas The concept of Chara Karakas is most used in Jaimini Astrology. Therefore, using the 9th house and the Navamsa chart, we can not only predict marriage which is what most astrologers use the D9 navamsa chart for but we can also find out the changes that is going to take place in the later half of the person's life. High attainments and position likened to those of a king result if the lord of the Navamsa Lagna conjoins the AK even if the native is born in humble conditions. {VL}: Ego, self-importance, ideals, name, reputation become the pivotal issues in the native's life, and he should The person needs to control You will not learn all of Jyotish, If Mercury and Jupiter are strong, then he is benevolent, well-linked and moves in a variety of circles. Aatmakarak planet has a direct influence on the Ascendant 1st house and 1st house lord. {VL}: The person trusts others too easily, and as a result often finds himself cheated or deceived, and a risk is When retrograde, this desire is very strong and will be the cause of all direction in life. Ak is a lagna in itself and has the highest ego in the chart. This house becomes the main house as it is responsible for all the karmic experiences. Lets first analyse the birth chart: Mercury is the lord of ninth house . obeys the laws of his dharma diligently and is straightforward. Saturn (Vimsopaka Bala of Venus Dasa Varga 9.9 (50%) and Shodasa Varga 10.75 (54%) and Vaiseshikamsa Bala Dasa Varga 4 (Gopura) and Shodasa Varga 5 (Kanduka) Saturn Avastha is KAUTHUKA. familiar with. in the same way the AK controls one's life. Foreign people/places also have a vital role to say with this graha. learn to subdue his own ego. (Hint: Count the number of signs from AK to nava lagna, the number shall indicate the results of the house that shall predominate. If you want to check the strength of Karaka of such house; do this exercise both in Ri and nava Chart; Ri chart results like that of Sri Krishna & other great persons while nava for all others. External and internal qualities of the person, as well as his color or complexion, are also acknowledged from the Ascendant house. Dear Varun, Being the significator of the soul, the 12th house of liberation is seen from the Atmakaraka in the Navamsa to find out the Ista devata of the native who Experts believe that Atmakaraka is one of the most important planets in the natal chart. No one recommended that to me before, that is why I am asking. These lessons are usually delivered during Atmakaraka dashas and bhuktis. The placement of Atmakaraka in a particular house of the birth chart is where your put your deeds or keep your cycle of good or bad most efficiently according to the nature and dignity of the planet. Also want to consult you. My grandson's birth timing we could note a difference by 10 minutes in a most professional corporate hospital in Chennai As you had mentioned AK will avoid 6,8,12th from . The First House is associated with autonomy and independence. Sun and sitting in his own Nakshatra in Sagittarius Rasi and in 10th house.