Originally founded in the San Francisco Bay Area, the Institute expanded in 2006 to include a second location in Washington, DC. WebThe City of Huntsville will host The Bias Inside Us from April 24 through May 20, at the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology (601 Genome Way, Huntsville, AL 35806). "Two offering alternative approaches to the Middle East and East Asia, one on 'ending endless war,' and one called 'democratizing foreign policy,'" the Boston Globe reports. Cato Institute's Milton Friedman ranks on our list of The Top 50 Economists from 1900 to the Present. Well, it turns out a lot of people can. As stated in its mission statement, the Guttmacher Institute aims to generate new ideas, encourage enlightened public debate, promote sound policy and program development and, ultimately, inform individual decision making about some of the United States' most divisive topics, including abortion, contraception, HIV/AIDS, and bioethics, and other sexual and reproductive health issues. Originally appeared on The American Conservative.. Stephen Kinzer comments on the creation of a new think tank, The Quincy Institute, committed to promoting a foreign policy of restraint and non-interventionism:. CFR is perhaps best known by the general public as the publisher of the widely read bi-monthly journal Foreign Affairs. Regardless, Hoover has maintained the same basic tenets of representative government, private enterprise, peace, and personal freedom for nearly 100 years. (New York, NY) The libertarians crucially represented by the Cato Institute, long a beneficiary of the Koch brothers include Christopher Preble and Ted Carpenter. Though many think tanks declare themselves Independent, both the US Congress and various press organizations have rated Peterson truly neutral and nonpartisan---a rarity. The Institute itself is composed of five individual centers---the Center for Advancing Capitalism, the Center for Economic Freedom, the Center for Energy and Environment, the Center for Law and Litigation, and the Center for Technology and Innovation---all of which produce their own policy papers, testify at governmental hearings, advertise, and publish books and open letters. The Institute's nearly 150 research fellows research, write, and publish their findings for everything from public consumption, to the basis for conferences, to information for media programs. CAP's influence climaxed during the 2008 Presidential election, due in part to its campus outreach group, Generation Progress. And now we can add a new think tank with some intriguing funding sources to the mix. (Washington, DC) Each center worldwide houses local experts who produce top-notch work on critical national, regional, and global issues. WebGlassdoor has 2 Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft reviews submitted anonymously by Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft employees. It is the Charles Koch Foundation that is doing so; David Koch is not involved. Someday soon, they may not have Trump to agree on any more. On the education front, RAND is home to the Frederick S. Pardee RAND Graduate School, the world's largest PhD-granting program in Policy Analysis. (Seattle, WA) Its scholars research the ethical dilemmas in issues such as deadly conflict, human rights violations, globalization, economic inequalities, and the role of religion in politics, among other things. Liberals might be surprised to see Koch involved in a venture like this; he and his brother are better known for funding initiatives that promote deregulation and oppose universal health care and action against climate change. [11] According to its statement of purpose, it is opposed to the "military-industrial complex" described by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in his farewell address. Today, RAND is funded by the US government, a private endowment, universities, and major corporations (especially healthcare), and as such has extended its areas of focus to include everything from energy and the environment, to transportation and public safety. Acton is widely respected by those in related fields, and in 2012, the Institute was named one of the top 50 American think tanks by the University of Pennsylvania. A recent Century Foundation report advocating a reduced U.S. presence in Syria does an excellent job of being candid about the costs of restraint: The Quincy Institute needs to be honest about the costs as well as the benefits of military withdrawal. Founded in 2015. In recent years, the organization has been the subject of a number of controversies regarding its association with polarizing philanthropist George Soros, and accusations that it is too influenced by the agendas of US foreign policy. Two years ago I told Voxs Zack Beauchamp, This is the iron law of ideas: You cant beat an idea unless you take the time to think of a better one. Of course, as I also told Beauchamp, think tanks need funding to exist. Mercatus has provided more than 100 testimonies to Congress on topics such as government transparency, subsidies, taxation, regulation, corruption, and Austrian economics. Something that I have been very concerned about is that a lot of opponents of Trump have consistently complained that hes not aggressive enough, says Wertheim. The following are just a few types of cognitive biases that have a powerful influence on how you think, how you feel, and how you behave. The Stimson Center uses analysis and outreach in an attempt to enhance international peace and security. The Foundation regularly releases facts, polls, and analyses that are in turn used by the media, policymakers, the healthcare community, and the general public. The Quincy Institutefounded by Boston Universitys Andrew J. Bacevich, Analysis / Bias In review, the Quincy Reporter is one of over 1200 conservative-leaning news websites published by Local Government Information One of the problems with the Trump administration from its first year on, however, is that its overall policy competency is so abysmal that it discredits any validity contained in their critique of the Blob. Daniel W. Drezner is a professor of international politics at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University and a regular contributor to PostEverything. Slate is published by The Slate Group, a Graham Holdings Company. Affiliated with the Soros Foundation Budapest, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and the Soros Foundation New York, the Open Society Foundation releases information and funds to civil society groups around the world in an effort to advance justice, education, public health, and independent media. Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft (Washington, DC) Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, International Institute for Strategic Studies, Chinese government's persecution of the Uyghur population, "Professor Emeritus Andrew Bacevich Cofounds a Think Tank Promoting Democracy, Funded By Ideological Opposites George Soros and Charles Koch", "Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft", "In an astonishing turn, George Soros and Charles Koch team up to end US 'forever war' policy", "George Soros and Charles Koch to fund new 'anti-war' think tank", "George Soros, Charles Koch foundations help launch pro-peace think tank", "Can a New Think Tank Put a Stop to Endless War? WebThe Quincy Institute promotes ideas that move U.S. foreign policy away from endless war and toward vigorous diplomacy in the pursuit of international peace. The Institute also sponsors several books series in conjunction with other publishers through its various "Claremont Institute Series" imprints, as well as publishing the quarterly Claremont Review of Books---the American right's own cerebral answer to the New York Review of Books. Though Urban describes itself as Independent, a study by the Quarterly Journal of Economics on media bias ranked the Institute as the eleventh-most-liberal Try these recipes to prepare dishes with confidence. Highly informative resources to keep your education journey on track. I have questions. The Center publishes a number of books, articles, and studies each year, the most well-known of which is the Spotlight series, a bi-weekly commentary on current foreign policy issues. A handful of individual donors have joined to add another $800,000. As one of the richest people in the world, he is a key funder of the right-wing infrastructure, including the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and the State Policy Network (SPN). The critics come from both sides of the aisle. Email: outreach@quincyinst.org With headquarters in New York and offices in 18 major cities around the world (including Washington, DC), Human Rights Watch is a powerful organization that conducts research and advocacy on human rights. Acclaimed author Walter Isaacson is Aspen's current President and CEO. (Stanford, CA) They also maintain a popular blog, and publish books and articles relating to both illegal and legal immigration. Besides research and the publication of various articles and policy analysis, IAD routinely organizes briefings and large conferences on topics such as Haiti, Cuba, the threat to freedom of the press in Latin America, Latin American trade and investment, and migration. [17], In January 2020, The Jerusalem Post reported that a number of fellows of the institute, including Lawrence Wilkerson, Stephen Walt, and John Mearsheimer, had been accused of antisemitism for the ways they have criticized the Israel lobby in the United States, AIPAC, and Israel. That withdrawing from Syria is the right choice does not mean it will be easy. Founded in 1999, the New America Foundation is a relatively new, yet widely cited, think tank that was recently named the 25th-best think tank among those to watch. The Foundation seeks to bring new voices and ideas to the public eye by literally investing in exceptional individuals and policy ideas that transcend the political spectrum. Despite being founded as a Progressive institution, Brookings states that its scholars represent diverse points of view. Consistent with this claim is the fact that Brookings is referenced by Conservative politicians almost as frequently as it is by those who are Liberal. If the Biden administration fails to withdraw, Congress should pass a War Powers Resolution ending U.S. involvement in the conflict. These publications include Washington Quarterly, Critical Questions, Freeman Report Newsletter, and New Perspectives in Foreign Policy. Footnote 2 The Quincy Institute and the restraint school have gathered a wide array of formidable foreign-policy scholars and commentators. Recently, Third Way has been directly involved in policy issues such as the economic benefits of green energy, deficit reduction, proposals to reform Medicare and Medicaid, the repeal of Don't ask, don't tell, and new trade accords with Korea, Colombia, and Panama. (Washington, DC) Its mission statement is as sensible as it is refreshing: The Quincy Institute is an action-oriented think tank that will lay the foundation for a new foreign policy centered Pro-war pundit Bill Kristol, known for a record of advocating for foreign policy failures, was the first one out of the gate. Since then, it has expanded to include programs and research on a much wider variety of topics, including government transparency, electronic voting, identity theft, medical record privacy, commercial mining data, and the use of the Freedom of Information Act to publicize documents. Twitter: https://twitter.com/quincyinst Dear media: How many nuclear bombs does Iran have? The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) is one of the most respected think tanks in Washington. Several of the candidates running for president appear to be working to craft a message that emphasizes support for democracy and human rights abroad but eschews military interventionism. Believing that people are best helped by a free marketplace, and not government regulation, the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) promotes Libertarian ideas through analysis, education, advocacy, and coalition-building. To do this, the Center hosts a number of events including Bridge-Builder Breakfasts, political summits, and policy discussions. One way to gauge the influence of a think tank is to focus on the scholars active in it, their record of publications and other scholarly achievements, and how deeply these have affected the culture's climate of opinion. The second challenge is always an unfair one for advocates of restraint, but that does not mean it can be wished out of existence. Areas of current research include Arab media and politics, drug policy, homeland security and terrorism, space policy, and projects on the Americas, China, and Mexico, to name but a few. Critics on the Left have argued that the Open Society Institute and Foundation serve only to advance a capitalist order, while figures on the Right have claimed the Foundation works with the intention of establishing a unitary global government. [7], The think tank is named after U.S. President John Quincy Adams, who as Secretary of State said, in a speech on July 4, 1821, that the U.S. "goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy". (Washington, DC) Since its founding by pre-presidential Herbert Hoover in 1919, the Institution has been a leader in Domestic Economic Policy, Security, and International Affairs. The institutions on this list make up the 50 most influential think tanks in the United States. There are two challenges that the Quincy Institute will have to face in attempting to promote ideas that move U.S. foreign policy away from endless war and Today, Belfer works towards a dual mission of preparing future generations of leaders, and providing leadership in advancing policy-relevant knowledge about the most important challenges of security and . other critical issues., (New York, NY) Its founders hope that, as operations ramp up in the coming months, the institute will provide a critique not only of the Trump administrations foreign policy, but of the hawkish bipartisan consensus in Washington. EPI deals with 12 main issues (including education, immigration, race and ethnicity, and health), and runs three major programs: the Economic Analysis and Research Network, a nationwide network of advocacy groups; the Program on Race, Ethnicity, and the Economy, which addresses economic inequalities faced by minorities; and the Broader, Bolder Approach to Education, a national campaign that seeks to remedy issues faced by children in education. KHQA Quincy News RIGHT-CENTER BIAS These media sources are slightly to moderately conservative in bias. The first is its approach to the Trump administration. But they may expect to face some hostility from what Obama adviser Ben Rhodes once termed the blobmembers of the influential bipartisan Washington foreign policy consensus that prizes American leadership and the use of military power to maintain the liberal international order. Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) was founded in 1981 by Robert Greenstein, a former political appointee in the Jimmy Carter administration. The Claremont Institute, founded in 1979, aims to teach the practical application of the principles of the American Founding, in order to establish a limited and accountable government that respects natural law, private property, promotes a stable family life, and maintains a strong national defense. Not surprisingly, Claremont is a favorite amongst a number of Classical Liberal and Young Conservative organizations. The Hoover Institute's Thomas Sowell ranks on our list of The Top 50 Economists from 1900 to the Present. Polls show that 18 years after the 9/11 attacks, Americans are weary of long-term military commitments and deeply skeptical of regime change and interventionism. "[18][13] Quincy president Andrew Bacevich described Cotton's claim as "absurd". They hope their specialists will eventually move on to populate Congressional staffs and the executive branch as alumni of pro-intervention think tanks have been doing for decades," the Boston Globe reports. Trump has stocked the White House with the likes of John Bolton and Mike Pompeo, expanded counterterrorism missions in Africa and the Middle East, launched airstrikes on Syria, and allowed himself to be talked out of troop withdrawals by great looking central casting generals, while issuing vague threats of military force in Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela. (Washington, DC) Today, BPC claims it is the only Washington, DC--based think tank that actively works to address key national issues while promoting bipartisanship. Responsible Statecraft is the online magazine of the Quincy Institute, providing original reporting and analysis, breaking news, and longform articles challenging the status quo and giving voice to new ideas rooted in diplomatic engagement and military restraint. The Endowment remains highly influential, and since 2005 the Endowment's asset amount has increased 44% from $243 million to $349 million. WebWe make bias transparent so people can avoid being manipulated and decide for themselves. (Washington, DC) WebExample: Responsible Statecraft and Quincy Institute About Responsible Statecraft is the online magazine of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft. The Independent Institute may be tiny, but in the 29 years since its founding, it has grown into a respected think tank that made UPenn's 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report as the 54th-best think tank in the United States. Working under the motto Pro-Immigrant, Low-Immigration, the Center for Immigration Studies works to provide immigration policymakers, the academic community, news media, and concerned citizens with reliable information about the social, economic, environmental, security, and fiscal consequences of legal and illegal immigration into the United States. The Center has been called to testify before Congress on dozens of occasions, and has even been cited in Supreme Court opinions. If you oppose keeping thousands of U.S. troops in Afghanistan and Syria indefinitely, prize steely-eyed diplomatic solutions over launching Tomahawks, or dare to question a single precept of U.S. strategy over the past 30 years, you better brace yourself youre an isolationist.. Eaton said he resigned because he "supports NATO". It was selected for this database because it fits our researchers' inclusion criteria. Each year, Human Rights Watch publishes hundreds of reports on violations of international human rights norms in an effort to draw attention to abuses and pressure governments to reform. [20], During the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, there were two resignations in protest at the institute's dovish response to the conflict: non-resident fellow Joseph Cirincione of Ploughshares Fund, who had raised money for Quincy, and board member Paul Eaton, a retired senior Army major officer and adviser to Democratic politicians and liberal advocacy groups. But who needs evidence when you can just wield the good ole isolationist pejorative to shut down the conversation? It is also one of the oldest, having been established in 1907 by Margaret Olivia Slocum Sage, the widow of railroad magnate Russell Sage. The Institute works both in the United States and globally, evenly splitting its energies between the two. At last count, the United States had 1,984 think tanks---nearly a third of the world's total. They want to contribute to the foreign policy debate. As is appropriate for a think tank named for the Latin word for markets, Mercatus advocates for free-market approaches to public policy, and works with policy experts, lobbyists, and government officials to connect theory with public policy. The bipartisan nature of this vision is evident in the fact that both the libertarian-leaning Koch Brothers and liberal billionaire George Soros have supported the organization. These ratings inform our balanced newsfeed and media bias chart. The Quincy Institutes message, somewhat ironically, sounds a little like what Donald Trumps America First foreign policy was supposed to be in theory. Photos by Georg Hochmuth/AFP/Getty Images and Daniel Boczarski/Getty Images for Stand Together. Named after Cato's Letters, a series of pamphlets published in England in the 1720s which helped lay the philosophical foundation for the American Revolution, Cato's mission is to broaden the parameters of public policy debate to allow consideration of the traditional American principles of limited government, individual liberty, free markets, and peace. To achieve this mission, Cato publishes numerous policy studies, briefs, books, and periodicals, including the peer-reviewed Cato Journal. At first, EPIC focused solely on government surveillance and issues having to do with cryptology. (Washington, DC) MBFC is a web-based platform that produces media bias ratings based on a website's level and direction of bias, and also identifies questionable and conspiracy sources. The Brookings Institution boasts two major claims when it comes to think tanks: it was likely the first think tank to be founded in the United States, and its studies are the most widely cited by the media. Many of these findings are presented in regularly scheduled forums and/or published in the Council's quarterly scholarly journal, Ethics & International Affairs. They join the Cato Institute, the Center for the National Interest and New America in the heterodox foreign policy basket. Each year, the Center publishes Freedom in the 50 States: An Index of Personal and Economic Freedom.. Specific research programs include disparities policy, global health policy, health costs, health reform, HIV/AIDS, Medicaid, Medicare, private insurance, the uninsured, and women's health policy. In 2015, the Center released a partial list that included the Ford Foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Walmart, Walton Family Foundation, CitiGroup, and the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates. The institute employs scholars and researchers from a variety of backgrounds, and its Board of Advisors includes named such as William Barnett, Colin Powell, Madeleine Albright, and Rice University President David Leebron. The Quincy Institute is named for President John Quincy Adams, who famously warned Americans against going abroad in search of monsters to destroy. [1], Following its official opening in September 2019, the Quincy Institute plans to issue four reports. Theyve already taken some incoming fire from never-Trumper neocons like Bill Kristol. Deudney and Ikenberry argue that liberal internationalism would offer a more historically effective basis for institution-based restraint, than transactional agreements between states supported by the geopolitical restraint school. Freedom House was founded in 1941 by a list of DC powerhouses that included Eleanor Roosevelt and Wendell Willkie. As someone who wants to see a vigorous marketplace for foreign policy ideas, the Quincy Institute sounds like a welcome addition to the Beltway. The intervene-first, ask-questions-later crowd wants this fruitful initiative to fail. The American people deserve a robust foreign policy conversation, but they dont want or need more mindless and thoughtless punches below the belt. Since 2010, the Institute has run a satellite website called MyGovCost.org, which uses a calculator to individualize for each visitor the personal cost of government spending. Its founders plan to Charles Koch is the right-wing billionaire owner of Koch Industries. Since peaceful foreign policy was a founding principle of the United States, its appropriate that the name of this think tank harken back In this age of the Internet, in which every think tank has a website, we therefore can regard think tanks as in the business of search engine marketing, i.e., as attempting to market their ideas over the Internet and especially through their website. The Institute deals mostly in research, and topics of focus include population issues, the economy, governance, and public finance. EPI also publishes State of Working America, a regularly published book that breaks down the economy's impact on the living standards of working families. Though Urban describes itself as Independent, a study by the Quarterly Journal of Economics on media bias ranked the Institute as the eleventh-most-liberal (right between the NAACP and PETA). WebMediaBias Ratings. Originally founded in 1914 as the Church Peace Union, the Council brought together leaders in religion, academia, and politics in an attempt to achieve the lofty goal of making war obsolete. In addition to maintaining websites and groups such as privacy.org, the Public Voice coalition, and the Privacy Coalition, EPIC publishes the online EPIC Alert every two weeks.