His basic skill causes immense damage against the primary target two times in a row clearing 1 positive effect in the process. Her first skill inflicts medium piercing damage to the primary target. It is very difficult to expect to clear many nodes in Ultimus 7 by using only one team, therefore Brotherhood can be very helpful for softening Boss nodes or clearing early nodes. This attack cannot miss. Wasp is highly elusive blaster capable of stunning and chaining to multiple opponents. Yo-Yos ultimate inflicts medium damage to all enemies and has a chance (100% when fully upgraded) to grant all Inhuman allies 1 ability energy. The full potential of Spider-verse is about to be seen in Dark Dimension and Raids but it is definitely useful in Blitz and AW Offense as well. Rescue is an armored hero who protects allies with her barrier and enhances Power Armor allies attacks. His second skill summons one or two Ravager allies and applies Offense Up on them. After finding a way to beat S.H.I.E.L.D. Her first skill inflicts medium damage and has a 50% chance to apply Slow for 2 turns. If Omega Red has 3 or more Weapon X allies at the start of combat, he decreases the enemys damage by 15% as long as he is alive. However since he is very slow before introduction of Baron Zemo he was considered as lowest Tier character. His first skill inflicts medium Piercing damage and clears up to 2 positive effects from the target. Also, her chance to trigger a bonus attack on the end of any Hero for Hire turn, ignoring Taunt and Stealth, is risen to 100%. Aside from Infinite Watch, Moondragon can be used as a decent healer, cleanser, and debuffer but obviously, her true power lies only with Adam Warlock and the company. team, Hydra team with Red Skull, Kree Team, and S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Coulson can also be used in Raids, but it is questionable whether he is better than some other options. Her summons are very useful and they are practically impossible to be killed while Hela is alive. Mister Fantastic may seem like an ordinary Hero but he is actually amazing when he is combined with other Fantastic Four allies and Namor. That practically means that he must be in the same team with Doctor Octopus who is the only Hero who can provide Swarm Charged status, but it is important to say that he can be also deadly if combined with Venom, Carnage, Spider-Man [Miles] and Spider-Man [Symbiote] because Swarms second ability than could reach its full potential. His price is 45 shards obtainable only through Mega Orbs, Premium Orbs, and 3-6 Mystic Campaign mission. Phyla-Vells price is 45 shards and she will be available through the Vote for Loki Special Event. His basic skill causes heavy damage to the single target which is increased by up to 10% per living Dupe ally. Trooper is a S.H.I.E.L.D. team, have at least a 45% critical chance. Swarms ultimate attacks all targets causing heavy damage and placing up to 2 Bleeds on each target. His second skill summons up to 3 Hydra Minions with enhanced damage and Health. In MARVEL Strike Force, ready for battle alongside allies and arch-rivals in this action-packed, visually-stunning free-to-play game for your phone or tablet. Passive ability changes Speed Bar for S.H.I.E.L.D. S.H.I.E.L.D. When an enemy drops below 50% Health, Gravitons passive ability increases the duration of negative effects by +1 to up to a maximum of 5. His first skill strikes an enemy for a medium amount of damage, copy positive effects, and has a chance to clear all positive effects from the target. Ghost Riders ultimate deal massive damage to the single target and applies Offense and Defense Down. Knowing that Deathpool hits significantly harder than both of them and that she will have healing and a free attack against most injured targets whenever an enemy dies makes her overpowered in every way, especially in Raids. Her price is 45 shards, obtainable through Mystique Orbs and 5-6 Villains Campaign mission. Trooper is not very expensive and its cost is just 15 orbs, obtainable through premium orbs, Raid Store, Raid orbs, and through Villains United 4-3 Campaign mission. He should be equipped with either Striker or Raider ISO-8 class but since he unleashes AOE attacks quite often it might be best to exploit that fact by giving him Raider class. Using Kestrel and Silver Surfer instead of Ultron and Minn-Erva is better for many reasons but the most important reason for me si that you can use auto-combat with this team AI cant do much wrong. Drax ultimate chains to all adjacent targets and drains half of the total damage done to all enemies. Her basic skill causes heavy damage against the primary target and applies Assist Now to Phyla-Vell ally. His special ability attacks all enemies causing up to 260% Damage and placing Bleed on each target. Villain, Global, Bio, Brawler, A.I.M., Minion. Shatterstar price is 45 shards currently available in Snow Business Orbs and Crowd Pleaser Orbs. His special ability places Defense Up and Counter for 2 turns on allies while applying Offense Down for up to 2 turns on all enemies. For unlocking Adam Warlock you will all X-Factor members on 5 stars and Jubilee on 5 stars. Her first skill inflicts medium damage and grants her up to 2 Deflects. Recently it was considered that damage dealer is not very effective it doesnt have a powerful AOE ability but the introduction of Kestrel and Silver Surfer has proved the opposite. After the 3.9 Update Brotherhood of Mutants becomes much stronger with the introduction of Blob and Toad who will grant additional damage potential and utility. is playing against them it rarely focuses on Dr. Even though he will assist in every Underworld turn, giving him Skirmisher Class could not be justified. June 17, 2022 . It also heals him for up to 20% of his Max Health and removes all negative effects if Ebony Maw is in the same team. His special ability causes heavy damage to the single target. Above all that, when X-Men ally Health drops below 50%, Colossus automatically applies Taunt on self. His second skill also delivers medium damage and chains to up to 3 adjacent targets applying Defense Down to each target in the process. In Marvel Strike Force, Kree Reaper is a Kree minion who supports her team with relentless assaults. If the chosen target does not have any positive effects, Karnak applies Defense Down on it instead. Custom Sure-to-Win team is the team that proved capable of defeating any other team in Arena or Alliance War. If any of the opponents damaged during this chain attack receive a critical strike, all enemies suffer additional damage equal to 200% of Killmongers base attack and he loses 1 charge. He can also be obtained from Mega Orbs and Premium Orbs. Phyla-Vell is the Infinity Watch Protector whose strikes shred through enemies like through butter. Her second skill strikes target for the medium amount of damage but always performs 1-2 bonus attacks and stun target if Wasp is charged (Wasp is charged if she dodged an attack). His second skill hits primary target and chains to up to 4 additional targets for medium Piercing damage. Then he loses Charged status. Her special ability attacks the primary target causing medium Piercing Damage and placing Ability Block. Evangeline Lilly who stars as Hope Van Dyne, aka Wasp, joins us live from the premiere of Marvel Studios' Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, to discuss Hope's journey, and the evolution of the family dynamics in the film. Anti-Venoms ultimate causes heavy damage on the primary target with 100% Drain and grants the opposite of all negative effects on the target, excluding Bleed, to Anti-Venom. Passive ability chooses one random enemy and flips its one positive effect into negative. was to create super weapons for Hydra but later they separated from Hydra due to political differences and started their own agenda. His first skill delivers medium damage and clears all positive effects from the target. Most importantly he heals all Pym Tech allies when some of them dodge meaning that they will be almost unkillable in Dark Dimension. with Brotherhood, interest in Agent Coulson decreased but this team remained one of the best teams for Alliance War Defense. Captain Marvel is a powerful cosmic soldier who breaks down the defenses of multiple foes and gains overwhelming power in Binary form. Above all that, Storm has a 50% chance to apply Speed Up and Assist Now on her X-Man and X-Force allies. His first skill inflicts medium damage against the single target. Cyclops should be equipped either with Raider ISO-8 class or with Striker class depending on other existing classes in your X-Man team. Additionally, Sabretooth heals himself for 15% of HP at the start of each turn. It also flips up from 3 negative effects into positive for her and all Shadowland allies. Something is definitely happening with our beloved game since Developers have chosen to give us the power in a true meaning of the word (almost for free). Trooper needs the Raider ISO-8 class to fully shines. As long as Phyla-Vell or any other Infinity Watch ally has Deathproof on themselves they gain up to +50% Drain. In addition, Yondu has the ability to copy positive effects from the enemy to himself and to clear that effects from the enemy while boosting the damage of his Ravager allies for 5%. They can place almost all debuffs, they can clear negative effects from themselves and their damage output is devastating when they are all together. Sam Wilson is a cunning Secret Avenger Protector who protects and boosts his Secret Avenger and Skill allies. Gravitons ultimate inflicts medium damage to the single target, grants up to 100% additional damage per negative effect, and applies Stun to that target. Sam Wilsons skill set may seem ordinary (compared to all other new heroes) and it may seem that he is made only for Raids but in reality, players can assemble extremely powerful Secret Avengers + Nick Fury +Kestrel team. Outside of Raids, Bishop is slightly less useful or dangerous but still, he is capable of doing his job even in Alliance War or Real-Time Arena as long as he is in full Astonishing X-Men team or at least with Jubilee. His second skill increases the speed bar of all allies depending on the number of enemies with positive effects and removes stealth from all targets. In addition to Taskmasters arrival, there will be updates to his fellow Mercenaries. Her second skill attacks the primary target causing up to 140% Piercing damage + 20% Piercing per Shadowland ally. Shield Maiden of Asgard, Sif combines counterattacks and Taunt to protect her fellow Asgardians. For certain victory against them, the core Brotherhood team (Magneto, Juggernaut, Pyro) should be combined with Vision and Nick Fury or Kingpin. Psylockes psychic abilities remove negative status effects from allies and place them on her foes. Also, she can make enemies to attack each other and she will have great synergy with Magneto. The fact that he can place Safeguard and some other buffs only on Infinity Watch allies makes it almost useless for other custom combinations. Stryfe uses his mutant powers and cunning to grant himself powerful defensive effects. Colossus is the X-Men Protector who is almost impossible to be killed and who punishes every attack against him. At the same time, it fills the Speed Bar of all allies by 5% for each enemy ( on the maximum level of the skill additional 5% of Speed Bar is filled for all Skill allies). If he dies while charged he instantly Revives gaining +10% Damage Reduction, +10% Damage, and +175% Resistance per Charged. However, as he has only 1 attacking ability it might be better to equip him with Healer class to increases the sustenance of his S.H.I.E.L.D. Icemans ultimate places Barrier equal to up to 30% of his HP after which it attacks all enemies causing moderate damage and placing +1 Slow to each target. Taskmaster transforms the Mercenary team into Alliance War defensive specialists with additional synergies and a relentless Passive ability that applies Taunt to the enemy with the highest Damage each turn. After using second skill Shockers Speed Bar is improved by up to 80%. Karnak is a decent Hero who has a great synergy with Black Bolt and Crystal. He may also be equipped with Raider class but since he cannot use his AOE early in the battle, it is definitely better that some of his allies can place Vulnerability on enemies so he can exploit that with his increased damage. At the same time, it grants Assist Now to Cloak ally and places 2 Regeneration to op to 2 most injured allies. After the rework, Kree minions with the help of Ronan and Minn-Erva become really dangerous since they can sustain a ton of damage and inflict serious punishment against anyone on the opposite side. Ghost Riders price is 100 shards currently available only in Offers and Devils Pact Orbs. Until recently Fantastic Four team was primarily used for Alliance War Offense but now you can replace Namor with She-Hulk and you will get a viable Defense team that can prevail against almost any threat on the opposite side. In the end, she can initiate a fight with Disrupt which is extremely important against some teams. After the Defenders update, Jessica is boosted and has synergy with other DEFENDER Heroes. Vision is an Avenger Controller with high dodge rate who can inflict Ability Block and Offense Down to his enemies. MSF's first mission in 1972, is in Managua, Nicaragua's capital, and follows an earthquake which destroyed most of the city and killed between 10,000 and 30,000 people. If this ability is blocked or dodged, X-23 performs a bonus attack that is unavoidable causing heavy Piercing damage against the primary target. Silver Samurai is not yet available in rosters so it is unknown what his price will be. Recently all members of this team become farmable making Fantastic Four team even more important than before. Deadpool is a magical unicorn who specializes in stab-shooting vulnerable targets. Learn more about Ant-Man and Stinger, AKA the size-shifting, father-daughter duo! If there are enough Skirmishers he should use Striker class, otherwise, he should use Raider class. The X-Men team may not seem good for Raids because of Phoenix but in reality, this team can be your solution for certain Ultimus 7 nodes. His first skill delivers medium damage and applies Slow on the targets. June 29, 2022; creative careers quiz; ken thompson net worth unix . She has increased synergy with Cosmic Heroes and Nick Fury but honestly, she can be used as a powerful fifth member in literally every pre-made team that lacks 5th member or in any custom-made team specialized for countering mighty synergies. Simultaneously, it clears Heal Block from all Mystic Hero allies and heals all allies for up to 20% of Daggers Max Health. team. This is still a theory-craft but according to the skill description, Yo-Yo and Black Bolt will change the game balance, because Ultron will become obsolete. Captain Americas ultimate hits multiple targets for moderate damage and clears positive effects from primary target. Vision is granted 20% Dodge chance from his passive ability and if he has Tech allies they are granted Defense Up on the start of the combat. Guardian of Soul Stone, Adam Warlock prevents his Infinity Watch allies positive effects from being cleared or flipped. Captain America now can heal allies, while Black Widow and Hawkeye assist each other in every attack. Ms.Marvel is an Inhuman Brawler who has the capabilities of a protector and acts as a protector. Ironheart is very similar to Vision with few exceptions. Additionally, his Resistance is increased for u to 50% and another 50% if he has Cosmic Villain enemy, while his Focus is also increased by 50% + 50% if he has a Hero Cosmic ally. The team we presented is the most potent team made of Brawlers (Captain Marvel, Deadpool, and Daredevil are practically immune to Blind and other status effects while Ghost Rider has the highest damage potential) but some members of this team are usually used in other team combinations. Longshot is a Mutant Blaster with significantly increased Critical Chance who harass opponents with his clinically precise attacks and whose presence on the Battlefield sharpens the potency of all X-Factor allies. Mantis is a Cosmic Healer who can manipulate the minds of her opponents and who is specialized for Raids. The characters name will appear below the search box. Colossus does not have serious offensive capabilities but he is almost unkillable and while he is in a team you simply cannot harm any other X-Men beside him. The daughter of Magneto, Polaris uses her magnetic Mutant powers to bolster ally barriers and prevent the enemy from recovering from their wounds. Taskmaster has a took kit includes Imitating Strike (Basic), Adaptive Assault (Special), Incendiary Arrow (Ultimate), and Copycat Criminal (Passive). Hero, Global, Skill, Protector, S.H.I.E.L.D., Minion. Hydra controls four sectors which should help them to achieve their goal International Corporations, Government Assets, Global Criminal Groups, and Intelligence Gathering. With Mister Fantastic in a team, your Fantastic Four Heroes will assist on every turn and they will be immune to Blind which is incredible. Additionally, Ghost Rider drains up to 200% of the damage done but after that, he loses 1 Charge. In Alliance War, if she has 4 or more Shadowland allies she applies Disrupted for 2 turns with +500% Focus. His first skill causes heavy damage against primary and adjacent targets. It is sufficient to say that the introduction of the Red Skull will completely change the existing balance in the Alliance War. In many aspects, Kestrel is a significantly improved version of Captain Marvel. Villain, City, Bio, Blaster, Spider-Verse. Ravager Bruiser cannot be summoned by Yondu. The difference in strength between Infinity Watch and Black Order is greater than between X-Man and Brotherhood of Mutants. As you can see Sabretooth is a Villain (improved) version of Wolverine and his only role at the moment is to carry the MArauder team with Emma Frost. Helas price is 45 shards available in Villains 7-6 campaign mission. Magneto is a famous Mutant Controller and a leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants who can shift positions of enemies in order to enhance the ability effects of his Brotherhood allies. This team was the Raid META team before the Ultron became available through Dark Dimension. Phoenix is a legendary character who will change the balance in Marvel Strike Force and whose skill set is so powerful that X-Men Team with her will be almost unbeatable in the days to come. The only problem with this team might be the fact that you will kill enemies too fast and it may happen that Ultron does not regenerate enough ability energy to summon minions at the start of the next combat. After Yo-Yo, Kitty Pryde is another Protector whose sustenance relies on her ability to evade attacks and who passively protects allies in every turn instead of taking the hits by herself. If Colleen is an ally ultimate cannot be blocked and it grants +5000% Focus to Misty if she defending the Helicarrier. There are a lot of useful team combinations with Ultron but we have chosen this one since it uses some Heroes who have not any obvious synergy with other Meta teams (Korath) which could be essential if you cant find an appropriate team for Ultron in Alliance War or Blitz. Sams role in this team is to protect but his damage and his buffs are powerful enough that he is being considered as an extremely good Hero (even it doesnt look so at the first glance). This skill has great synergy with Magnetos ultimate which brings all enemies next to each other. Assault he has 50% critical chance and his every critical attack is slowing the enemy (that also applies to his retaliation strikes). Cables first skill inflicts heavy damage and gives him charged status. Black Widow is a stealthy saboteur who steals enemy advantages and delivers disabling attacks. Then rebounds to up to 2 adjacent targets granting up to 50% Drain. Security for example). Without Cloak, Dagger does not have many uses although she can be used as below average healer. Hydra Grenadier is a Hydra special weapons expert who delivers explosive grenade attacks. Before triggering this ability Yelena gains up to 2 Stealth up to a maximum of 3. Hero, Cosmic, Bio, Protector, Fantastic Four, Marvel 80th. After the introduction of Kestrel, the X-factor team has better synergy with her than with Silver Surfer, so I suggest that you combine them with her. Passive ability clears 1 negative effect from the most injured ally and grants Regeneration to Anti-Venom every turn. In Raids their Speed is increased by an additional 20% and their Damage by 40%! Medic and Nick Fury come very handily in Raids, especially for Skill and Global nodes. Healer ISO-8 class is a natural decision for this hero, although she could increase her Focus by deciding to equip Skirmisher class. At the top of all that, the second skill also heals all allies and clones for a considerable amount of Health. Vision provides Defense Up for 2 turns at the start of combat, Star-Lord, and Rocket Raccoon has a well-known synergy, Ultron does his thing while Minn-Erva provides sustain and healing. His second skill clears Heal Bloc from 2 most injured allies and grants Mister Sinister Offense Up for 2 turns. However, it is questionable does Raiderclass offers higher overall damage output than Striker class, in the end. Monstrosity, the most expensive minion in the game. He is able to heal two most damaged allies for a fair amount of health every second turn (when enhanced). Additionally, anyone who strikes Groot has a chance (always on passive level 5) to be affected with Slow for 2 turns. His first skill attacks the single target causing moderate damage and applying Offense Down for 1 turn and Slow for up to 2 turns. His passive ability grants him additional Health. Prefers to team up with Groot. Domino is a Top Tier character when combined with other members of the X-Force team. Almost all ISO-8 classes can be equipped on Ebony Maw but in my opinion, he will benefit the most from the Skirmisher class. Wellcome to the unofficial Marvel Strike Force Tier List, all the characters & teams ranked from Tier S (The best of the best) to Tier F (the worst of the game) team. With the introduction of Moon Night and White Tiger, the other members of the Shadowland team have been improved as well. His first skill inflicts heavy damage against a single target and steals up to 3 positive effects. If the target has Slow, Black Bolt flip up to 2 negative effects on the self. After the rework Scientist Supreme, Graviton, and A.I.M. If that ally is Symbiote, it clears 1 negative effect from all other Symbiote allies with negative effects. Her passive ability grants her even greater focus. Hero, Cosmic, Bio, Brawler, Fantastic Four, Marvel 80th. Her special ability clears all negative effects from all allies and heals all allies by up to 15% of Squirrel Girls Max Health. Shang Chis ultimate attacks all enemies causing up to 450% damage + 75% additional damage per positive effect on the primary target and reduces the Speed Bar of all enemies by 10%. Nevertheless, this flaw does not make him less important because, without a doubt, he is the most important Hero in MSF at the moment. Phoenix is a Class 5 Mutant Controller who protects X-Men and who becomes Dark Phoenix when she dies. Night Nurse is a City Supporter with decent healing abilities. Her first skill inflicts heavy damage and places Defense Down for up to 2 Turns and Heal Block for 1 turn. Indeed, this team is not a threat to META teams but they are more than helpful in Defense which is recognized by a lot of players who already use this team for defending purposes. This character can be summoned by Nobu. Kitty Pryde can be used as a replacement for Psylocke or Storm in the original X-Men team as someone who will remove buffs, flip Taunt and place Disrupt but her full potential will only be reached when in full Astonishing X-Men team. Strategic Hazard Intervention Espionage Logistics Directorate aka S.H.I.E.L.D. Pyro is a naughty Brotherhood Blaster who uses fire attacks and harasses enemies with bleed. His basic skill causes heavy damage against the primary target and applies Slow. Minn-Ervas ultimate steal 15% of health from enemies and redistribute it to all allies who receive additional healing as well. S.H.I.E.L.D. His first skill delivers medium Piercing damage and applies Bleed on critical strikes. Ultrons ultimate is the most powerful single target skill in the game, even stronger than Iron Fist and Iron Man ultimate, and it inflicts double damage against targets with Defense Up providing Ultron with 1 ability energy per buff at the same time. Like Longshot, Shatterstar definitely needs Raider ISO-8 class for reaching his full potential. Along with them Ant-Man and Wasp are not harmless anymore and can challenge majority of premade synergy teams. Karnaks price is 45 shards that will be probably obtainable in Karnaks Blitz. However if your Yo-Yo is strong enough you could try to exploit his AOE attacks by giving him Raider ISO-8 class. Security and his role will be to protect the Wakandan Team. Mystic is a covert shapeshifter skilled at disabling stealth targets and manipulating enemies into attacking each other, Villain, Global, Mutant, Controller, Brotherhood. Okoye is a scientific genius who uses her Vibranium-powered tech to heal those in need and power up her fellow Wakandans. Korath and Captain Marvel duo enables you to assassinate chosen target before the enemy starts playing and Mordo is a decent debuffer who heals himself when someone dies (including summons) which is ideal for this team. Shuri is a legendary Wakandan Support who manipulates Vibranium in order to heal and protect her Wakandan allies. At the same time, it applies Speed Up to all H4H allies for 2 turns. He is very fast (for a controller) and he can heal himself for a large amount of health inflicting himself with a random debuff at the same time. The Goddess of Death, Hela spreads negative effects to foes while aided by her Undead Asgardian. If he is in the same team with Ultimus, all buffs currently placed on Ultimus will be copied on Kree Cyborg at the start of each turn. On Spawn if there are 4 or more Weapon X allies he places Trauma and Heal Block on all enemies and steals 15% of each enemy HP in a favor of his Weapon X allies. Silver Samurai is a Weapon X Protector who prevents the enemys healing with each strike and he charges himself while being attacked to deliver enormous damage with his Muramasa sword. Sabretooth is a feral brawler, member of the Mutants Brotherhood, who obliterates his opponents with prodigious attacks. She needs extra focus for flipping Defense Up on enemies and since she can attack while placing Taunt, it is very useful to equip her with the ability to place Vulnerability with each strike. As a legendary character, Invisible Womans price is 310 shards obtainable through her special Legendary event where you will need 5 Sinister Six heroes. Her first skill delivers medium damage and has a chance for one or two bonus attacks. She will work best with Guardians obviously, but she can be used in other team combinations as well. His special ability attacks all enemies causing up to 240% Piercing damage and places Defense Down on the primary target for up to 2 turns. Depending on the placement of ISO-8 classes on other X-Men Heroes, Psylocke should be equipped with either Skirmisher or Striker ISO-8 class. 1 Additional Counter is granted after using the skill and this attack is always performed with +300% focus. Passive ability summons 1 Undead Asgardian at the start of the battle and summons another whenever Undead Asgardian dies. Her first skill causes average damage, applies Bleed, and clears 1 positive effect from the primary target. Since he is Charged after being attacked he will always execute his ultimate at double strength which will be devastating to enemy clusters. The attack then Chains to another target causing up to 300% damage and applying Ability Block and Heal Block. Passive ability enables Ironheart to place Defense Up to self and all Power Armor allies for 2 turns at the start of combat. Ultimus ultimate delivers heavy damage to the single target, causes additional moderate damage per each positive efefcts, grants Ultimus Offense Up if the target has Taunt , and flips all positive effects from the target into negative.