Cheap Term Paper Writing Service. List of the Disadvantages of Convenience Sampling. Each individual dollar in the population is considered a sampling unit, so that account balances or amounts in the population with a higher value have a proportionally . It would not be possible to draw conclusions for 10 people by randomly selecting two people. Convenience sampling (also called haphazard, grab, opportunity, or accidental sampling) Convenience sampling is a common type of non-probability sampling where you choose participants for a sample, based on their convenience and availability. With some traps, we can easily measure every single individual, but many traps have hundreds of HEOR (the current record is nearly 500), so sub-sampling is a much more practical way to go. Subjects for a study are easily available within the proximity of the researcher. Some authors consider it synonymous with multistage sampling. If the researcher can perform that task and collect the data, then theyve done their job. The three sampling techniques used in the virtual forest tutorial were haphazard, random, and systematic. Convenience sampling (also called haphazard, grab, opportunity, or accidental sampling) Convenience sampling is a common type of non-probability sampling where you choose participants for a sample, based on their convenience and availability. //