I do all these within a synastry consulation. Required fields are marked *, Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Neptune, as the higher octave of Venus, is all about connections, and the 12th house allows us to dissolve the boundaries of ordinary life in order to reach out beyond our mundane reality. The interesting thing is that we have a very unconventional relationship, mainly as friends and close allies in a spiritual cause (with the mission of saving the world, essentially), but with a new dimension of intense emotional and physical intimacy. From what you said, it seems like perhaps these give the relationship an element of commitment, partnership, and longevity that it wouldnt otherwise have albiet in an unusual, community-oriented way. I loved you from the first moment and that has never changed.) In the 10 years, he (who had been separated from his wife when we first met) went back to his wife, I got engaged to someone else but broke it off realizing I do not love my fiance, reconnected as just friends, and I eventually married someone else, with his blessings. . Well it is a living hell right now! I like to think of Pluto more in terms of the battle between the ego and the soul. . Transit Neptune in the Composite 12th House. Tendency to become a victim; cult of mystery; exploration of the suffering of others. I was the Sun/Ascendant person, while he was the Lilith person. and Ceres in Pisces in his 12th and all conjunct his lilith. I am not an expert but this artical ssure proves the writer of it right! And I dont think you can fully understand Pisces without understanding its relation to Jupiter as well as Neptune. Neptune tries to tell us that we cant own anything permanently, and if we try to possess and not understand the message of universal love (love is its own reward) it will pry our grasping fingers off of whatever we are trying to hold on to. Because thats what it feels like! Hello, Skye. Comparing composites to the biwheel between two charts is impossible, like comparing apples and oranges. As a 12th house person, I finally realized I enjoy the confusion. !! The 12th house doesnt necessarily mean hidden. It's time for the wave to return to the ocean. thanks you very much Dawn to shed some lights on this! Weve known each other for a decade??? We also have 3 composite planets and an asteroid in house 8. Subconciously I always looked at him for a few seconds like a magnet but did not put any thought to it. It might hold your answers, if you know how to read it properly. It may have felt like chaos, but later on we know that there was method to the madness. Am I right in deducing that this relationship is more of an initiation? The Autumn Schedule is Here! What is your thought on this. His 12th is in Pisces, along with his Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars. My husband and I have composite sun conjunct Saturn in the 12th, composite moon conjunct Venus in the 1st. I need help! My boyfriend and I have 4-5 planets in the 12th house in our composite progressed chart. Either the energy of the planet is lost, confused, diffused and (at least in our early years) ineffective, or the planet can completely embody its archetype for all to see, often after overcoming great difficulties and reversals, sometimes in extreme circumstances. What is it that makes it work? And I read from Stephen Arroyo that it is so important to see the traditional rulers of the signs , for example in Aquarius is more important to see Saturn than Uranus. He just wanted to keep it physical until one of us gets married with someone else. Thank you for this piece it is prompting reflection. No one could share that kind of information with a person that he/she newly know. I don know what to do. Ive recently broke up with what was felt the love of my life the most pure and locvng relationship ever. Another concern is his Saturn and North node in my MC/IC and my Mercury/Mar (ruler of my 7th) in his Asc. You have a strong synastry and a strong 1st house in the composite, and of course that makes a difference. This resonates with me. Thanks. We have Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Uranus in the 12th house in our composite chart. The feelings I have for him, I feel, are something I just have to live with for the rest of my life. Sun conj. This is a complicated question and needs a subtle analysis in the chart, but on the whole, planets in the first house side of the angle center around the development of a healthy sense of Self, of ego, whereas planets on the 12th house side of the angle will be dealing with karma surrounding ego choices, and the planets will take on a more archetypal energy and effect. I thought I had become delusional, making things up in my head. It often helps to work together on projects they find meaningful, or to spend some time doing community or charity work. We also have composite venus in the 12th house. There is probably some sort of inequality and that can be good for employee/employer or guru/student relationships. What do you think? Or ? We move from the personal world, giving up our individuality along the way, to become a plaything of the collective unconscious. What is the difference between Midpoint and Davison as Your opinion? In the end it was his choice to end it. Our synastry with my beloved couple is very strong with good connections between both 1th and 7th house rulers and many positive aspects like double whammy saturn-moon, and positive ascendant-moon, ascendant-venus, venus-moon, and so warm and intense pluto conj. That is really challenging chart I assume and I dont know whether I go for this guy or not. My 12 is in Leo, along with my Sun, Mercury, Mars and Pluto. This is the empty space, the place where we are not like others, the place where the pieces dont fit. Thanks for the kind and helpful words, Dawn. The Anti-Vertex, on the other hand, is located in the opposite house of the Vertex (the 11 th , 12 th , 1 st , 2 nd , or 3 rd houses), which relate to personal concerns . They might not be opposed to using under-handed tactics in order to receive information or get what they desire. Having someone else's planets in these houses (especially the 5 th, 7 th, and 8 th houses), conjunct the Vertex or not, indicate a high level of compatibility and intimacy. The midpoint chart reveals the relationship on another level entirely. Composite Venus in the 12th House. Our lives are silly and sublime at once. Besides, his vertex conjunct with my sun and oppose w/ my moon. But i ran of him, i really dont understand why, it makes me feel so sad. Im kinda tired of dancing with men who enjoy attempting control and am tired of the endlessly unavailable creatures that keep crossing my path in life. Composite north node (Aquarius) trine composite Saturn in Libra (which is conjunct his natal sun). His sun scorpio falls into my fourth house in my natal chart and mine ,cancer, falls into his 8th. Yes its probably the case, but as it is unconscious, how could I manage it , or prevent myself from feeling this ? They have an inner urge to help others but don't know how to help themselves or ask for support. A trauma might have triggered you before, making you a reserved person now. This is an ultimate guide to Lilith in the Twelfth House of astrology! Its a damn shame, but I cant make him more a more spiritual person, just because our powerful connection together is deep and spiritual. "Composite Chart, Midpoint- method (2)". And youre so right, because there is something about the compo 12 th house ! Lilith in Synastry. The inner planets are where we liveso yes, the 10th house stellium will have more influence on a day to day basis, and then once in a while the outer planets will come out to grab us with whatever their issues are, particularly by transit or progression to the stellium/12th. so beautiful and so healing especially the last paragraph. Saturn and Pluto also play their part. Sometimes walking around with him is just like being in a movie, which is funny because we ARE in a movie together- one he is making with his best friend. One day , you said that people telegraph their natal theme at every instant of their lives. IP: Logged. In the composite only our venus and moon are conjunct in the 12th. Then we hurt each other. (like your name too. Saturn and Uranus both have a lot to say about Aquarius. Juno is not only about romantic partnerships, but has to do with equality in general. And what does it mean our 12th. Haunting IP . clearly the 1st has the most planets, but you said the sun was the essence of the chart,its in scorpio in the 12 house. Thanks Dawn! I felt (sorry to say) that he is the big love of my life! We are very romantic together and trust each other. Transit Mercury in the Composite 12th House. I am sufficiently haunted. More appreciative of that special melding? Composite Pluto in the 12th House With Composite Pluto in the 12th house, you may struggle over power and control in ways that aren't obvious. Couples where the 12th is strong can often experiencewell, lets say itNeptunian weirdness. In composite, we have sun, mercury and part of fortune in the 12th. Lilith square . In reality, 12th house people tend to believe it doesn't matter what they do. After I read and then I re-read this was the conclusion that I am more confused than before but more peaceful and more tolerant with my fate. We have Sun,mercury,venus and jupiter in 12th house virgo. However, the greatest truths will be revealed through periods of meditation and silence. Mysterious things attract you. Indeed, I felt the fear trampling along the edge with fear of insecurity. I dont know if what we have count as a heavy 12th house but we have our north nodes in the 12th with vesta in virgo, and our south nodes in the 6th with the vertex in pisces. I live a bliss and despair relation for about 2 years but definite we are totally different persons than before met each other (we are old enough!). Our strongest aspect is Saturn Trine Moon. Those of us with composite 12th emphasized will be asked to step away from the mundane and step into the world of the extraordinary, where unlikely connections are day to day things. When we split up I cried every day for a month. Noticed he has moved on and I want to let go and move on too, hoping that the story will not repeat itself again. When transit Pluto is in the composite 12th house, you may feel more powerful and connected in the relationship when its just the two of you, behind closed doors, no one to bother. You mentioned that couples with 12th house emphasis usually come together for a specific purpose and once that is completed the relationship is destined to end (thats what I gathered anyway). The Pluto struggle with the ego and power will engage with the partners planetsin a positive way, the partner can become a guide. The examination of two natal charts shows how people interact with one another==how I affect you, and vice versa. (Because the moon's orbit is elliptical, it has two center . In the composite chart, the composite 12th house can show what may be hidden in the relationship, what may play out subconsciously in the relationship, the karma of the relationship, and what needs to be let go of. I retire in one year and will be living 20 miles from him. This placement suppresses your deep subconscious a lot. Felt and feels karmic, but alas, it was definitely not meant to be.for now. The area of the 12th house in which Black Moon Lilith makes a person experience their unconscious fears, pain, shame, and denial relates to their spiritual transcendence, self-undoing, and their ability to dive deeper into the mysteries of life.. That is why this article discusses a potentially enlightening topic. Everything you said is so on point. Thanks for this very interesting article about that controversial 12th house and I totally agree with your final paragraph. hi dawn. There are no connections with saturn to make it harsh. I use both in my practice. Black Moon Lilith in 12th house suggests an interest in the occult and esoteric teachings. Love for loves sake wont fly with the 12th house. This year in April we were introduced to each other by our mates. And now we come to the house that causes more furrowed brows than any other. Is Your experience the same? With Libra in 12th House, your past life may not be that pleasant. What you are fascinated by is your own longing to acknowledge and feel this power. Whatever I told you would not have a context. However, humans are imperfect, and complete faith is hard to keep up all of the time. Our midpoint composit cannot show any true about our relationship. I was immediately flooded with emotion- I realized all at once how intensely close to him I was and needed to know if he was ok, etc. (Our North Node rulers often lead us down these blind alleyways.) You can use this to your . thank you for this article, im really having a hard time understanding the 12th house, as you concluded we all do.. and i dont know why, this last paragraph brought a tear to my eye.. because its so true, so well said. Im also sorry to say that trines arent all theyre cracked up to besometimes they just pour energy into whatever else theyre aspecting, in this case, the major square. So beautifully written Dawn. *And in Synastry- My Chiron RIsing (asc in Taurus) sits in his 12th house) Just endings in general. 1. Oh, and we have a 7 year old son. When the transit Moon is in the composite 12th house, you may want some alone time together, wanting to share feelings but only when alone and no one else is around. I still feel a strong connection to him, but in a way, I guess I have come to reasonable terms with not being with him. An ex-lover and I share composite Sun/Mercury in the 12th. I found so many answers and maybe some dissapointments as well :/. Great gifts are possible if that Saturn is respectedthe power of manifesting energy into form. Forget about where his planets fall in your houses and instead, put your natal chart around the chart of the composite, then do the same with his. What should i do? New Classes and Courses Beginning In September! Hi Dawn, are you able to give me anymore insight or know where I might find more information about 12th house stellium in cancer planets are sun,moon,Mercury and Venus in my husband and my composite chart. Its impossible to do one without composites or progressed composites. Keteki says: May 7, 2012 at 4:21 pm . However it can create a feeling of fate sometimes, since it's also the house of soulmates and psychic connections. Any insight you may have would be extremely helpful, I am having difficulty understanding this 12th house energy. Our date was perfect but too creepy cause he told his very deep secrets and early regrets to me. The composite AC is Scorpio Pluto in 12th (only planet) and Mars in 8th. Who cares? Mercury in 12th House. Also, I would think that the answer to your issues is not in the composite, but in your natal comparison. The fatedness of it all doesnt make sense at times, like union of the subconscious. Look at what sign the 12th house is in. My natal chart ruler is the Moon and his natal chart ruler is Mars. thundered Neptune causes us to turn our other into gods. I can honestly say that I love this man from the highest level of my being, but I dont feel we belong together in a committed relationship. We get along very well but our relationship is being kept in secret (which sucks) and the Saturn and Pluto opposite Asc. In my experience, the Davison chart reveals more of the day to day reality, and the midpoint chart reveals the inner working dynamic. Should I pay attention to that or to our individual charts? Lilith in 12th House: 5 Key Takeaways. Lovely article. Sometimes the path isnt easy to find, and we make lots of mistakes along the way. However, Eros in the 12th may mean a less conscious eroticism drives the relationshipwe think we know what were doing but we may not, and may be subject to desires of all kinds. I didnt see him for a year after we split up and then ran into him last year out of nowhere. Anything different there? Ninety-three percent of her astro is in the 12th: the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Lilith, Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus. She becomes the energy that stands in our way even as she offers dark gifts. However, Sag and Cap are very, very different from one another and the things that make you feel secure, comforted and appreciated will be very different, unless other things in the chart back them up. If anything new would happen you would dbe the first one to know! In my natal I have mars and mercury in 12th house Gemini. I have been so confused and you describe it so accurately. PS.. hes the very first guy I ever met who knew and talked about astrology! But venus, mars, moon and vertex in the first house in pisces. Im glad youre enjoying it. Lilith in : 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th Lilith - astrology meaning Black Moon - Fascination and Denial Lilith is a fictional point - the second empty focal point of . The midpoint composite points out the places where the planets in the two charts manifest. (Note that Jupiter is the natural co-ruler of the 12th, so it will behave in a Pisces-like manner, here.) There is, without a doubt, an element of longing in the 12th. We feel that our twelfth house planets dont work the way our other planets do, or the way that same planet seems to behave in other peoples charts. Dawn, thank you for writing this article. hello, nice article Dawn. venus+mars, etc. RUN ? By the way loved your above article and thank you for any info you provide : ) x, Thanks for writing this article. But it was very devastating experience getting physical, it really failed the first time and we didnt try it again. We go down a lot of wrong alleyways. When synastry presents itself on the Pluto/Node conjunction, the partner to the Pluto person will instigate growth, either from a negative or positive stimulus. So much uncertainty and confusion!! They feel invisible or alone. Dear Dawn, I just see now, that accidentally I typed wrong Your name! When transit Uranus is in the composite 12th house, you may make changes together but quietly behind the scenes, with no one watching. This house is deeply spiritual by nature, as it is a composite of all the other houses. Our composite mars is in cancer in the 12 house. Is Your experience the same? You can imagine the past 10 years have not been easy. Pluto is elevated in the composite chart close to the midheaven in the 9th. Please can someone find me some positive end result here because I have not too much hope after reading that article aboyt the 12 house and I am going insane because I can not really tell anyone what is going on in my life> (husband, kids or even him)I do not want to hurt anybodys life but that means I have to give up my love which is just to hurtful to do! There is also a Mars in the 12th that doesnt get really any support from anything. We share the same dreams, communicate telepathically, had a fated magnetic meeting; we are truly best friends. hi dawn:) I feel that our connection is a long term one over many lifetimes. I often was a bit too demanding of her when it comes to intimacy and I wonder if this is about me learning to let go. It has been a very long journey! In astrology, the Twelfth House governs the unconscious, addiction, jails, higher self, and psychic abilities. Hi ameNow were talking about the differences between the Davison and the midpoint charts, and thats really too complicated a topic to go into here. Thank You so much for Your answer! Im a Pisces sun 7house. North Node conjuncts Desc. Lilith in the 12th House. great post- thank you! I would like to help you, but you would need a full analysis of the charts to know what is going on with this 12th house energy. Im not wanting to drag him to the floor yet. Outer planets have to do with things that are beyond our control. Im sure a lot of my readers have been there and sympathize with you completely. We are fated, but we are meant to part. A Venus in the 12th House man is a sweet, gentle, kind of person who likes to help both people and animals. When we left to go home I literally felt a piece of me inside left. *Also in synastry- my 12th house Juno in Taurus also sits in his 12th house) Written in 12thouse Neptunian mystique and eloquence AT ALL. Similarly, the 4th house is used for Gemini, and information is extracted by reading it in the Natal charts. thanks Dawn for your reply. On the one hand We are meant to be on the other, But if we are, why is it so hard?, When a couple has planets, or an important planet, in the 12th, it can go a couple of ways. He told me that had never happened to him before (referring to how we couldnt control ourselves). Mine is conjunct with his moon. (anyone who has ever fallen in love and had planets with that person in 12th composite will know..). This can happen in composites of unrequited love, where one person loves another who doesnt know he or she exists. More, we have a 5 cluster Scorpio in 9 (Moon, Venus, Neptune, Jupiter and Mercury), a composite Sun in Sag in 10, with Pluto and Uranus conjunct in 7 and unaspectted Gemini NN in 4 we also have a lot of 6/12 house contacts in synastry and 21 conjunctions (far from being easy!) With Lilith so deeply involved, this relationship has a direct bearing on your feelings about your sexual power. In general, a composite Jupiter in the second house makes a couple value a life lived on the grandest scale possible. That I could be around someone and not feel uncomfortable. A lot of native speakers make this same mistake, and worse. It shapes the relationship between two persons. I can no longer approach love as wholeheartedly again. Was our purpose to heal each other? Your article is amazing! Although Im aware this is only an illusion of my mind and nothing else , this illusion is so strong and so frequent that I ve at least learned to live with it and Ive given up struggling against it. Its weird weird weird . But also to wound each other? When Saturn is conjunct the North Node it can be particularly ruthless in pursuing its goals. Its more complex than just the composite positions. Looking forward to taking more classes with you in the future. What is the best approach? Do you think that is true? Composite The relationship is deep and beautiful and in periods hard for us to be with each other. While separated from his girlfriend and in the final stages of breaking it off with her, we had several secret liaisons- more 12th house. Its pretty rare. Am i trapping my self? P.S. (Not at all helped by the fact that his Venus is square to my Sun at exact degrees.) One or two aspects, especially in composite, do not carry the story. We were happy plutonicay together. We work together, this relationship is definitely a karmic one, but now, after 1 one year of being together, there are some difficulties.